News Alert! Gay Parenting Harms Kids


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
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News Alert! Gay Parenting Harms Kids

One would think that common sense would tell us that....but whatever....
Gay Parenting Harms Kids

Only a blind and brainwashed with "tolerance" society can't see the obvious. Poor kids, who aren't even able to stand for themselves, are going to be mentally injured with "Parent#1 and Parent#2" instead of mother and father. They will grow up with mental disorder ...
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So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
How do you propose to prevent gay people from having kids Bubba? And why the FUCK are you posting a link to my profile???!!
Well, here's the thing. I know same-sex couples that are intelligent, successful, great people that I think would be wonderful parents. I also know couples that I don't think that about.

I know plenty of traditional couples that fall in either category as well.

I'd rather see a child placed in a permanent loving home than growing up in the foster system or stuck in state care.

It ain't perfect and it wouldn't be my first choice in a perfect world I guess, but too many kids with not enough homes makes me think that denying them the opportunity to have a home and loving parents, traditional or otherwise, is a pretty shitty thing to do.
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
What the fuck do you know about normal?? :ahole-1:
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
Quite a shocker to our daughter that she's been harmed. :71:
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids

If gay parenting causes harm to kids then why on Earth are all the hetero parents the ones raising the serial killers, the rapists, the druggies, the pedophiles, and of course the politicians that are liars & psychos?

How does that work?

Seems like gay parents might do just as good, maybe better; jus' sayin' ........
If gay parenting causes harm to kids then why on Earth are all the hetero parents the ones raising the serial killers, the rapists, the druggies, the pedophiles, and of course the politicians that are liars & psychos?

How does that work?

Seems like gay parents might do just as good, maybe better; jus' sayin' ........
You don't have to become a murderer to be a victim of gay parenting...damn you libs sure can leap....
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
I read your link on Paul Sullins' research and since there was no link to the study, I found some other articles about it. The majority of research on this subject concludes that kids raised in stable same sex family homes are as emotionally healthy as kids raised in stable straight homes. Sullins did use a large # of kids in his study but the CDC data did not include whether the children had been raised by this same sex couple or were children of divorce. Studies need to take this into account, since divorce is a known factor in causing emotional trauma for children.
What does the scholarly research say about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents? | What We Know
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
Adolf Hitler, thank God he had straight parents...
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
Quite a shocker to our daughter that she's been harmed. :71:
That depends.
If she grows up to be a man-hating Lesbian plenty of harm can come from that.
Personally I think too many heterosexual couples don't know how to raise children properly.
Gay Parenting Harms Kids

Only a blind and brainwashed with "tolerance" society can't see the obvious. Poor kids, who aren't even able to stand for themselves, are going to be mentally injured with "Parent#1 and Parent#2" instead of mother and father. They will grow up with mental disorder ...
That is almost as ignorant as the OP. It's not Parent 1 and parent 2. .It is mommy and mommy or daddy and daddy. Tell us oh wise one, what evidence do you have that they will be "mentally injured" There are hundreds of thousands of children living with same sex couples. Gay people have been allowed to adopt children in some states long before they could get married. You would think that the mental health system would be overwhelmed by all of the disturbed kids by now.
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
First of all, Church Militant has been denounced as extreme by the actual Catholic Church'

Church Militant's nonsense not authentically Catholic

The fascination stems from the easy way that normalcy and extremism seem to coincide in the lives of Voris and his colleagues. One minute he is eating pizza with his dad, and the next he is prepping for a broadcast that will, like all his broadcasts, be viciously extreme and extremely vicious. He drops by a Subway for a sandwich, and then is shown spouting gibberish.

Secondly , Paul Sullins, the so called expert who's views the article is based on is incompetent as a sociologist, a fraud and a liar.

Conservatives Seize On Hugely Flawed Study HYPERLINK "
Conservatives are excitedly promoting a new study that supposedly reveals negative outcomes for the children of same-sex parents. Like the infamously flawed Mark Regnerus Study " rushed out two years ago, the new study seems timed to impact the Supreme Court’s upcoming consideration of marriage equality for same-sex couples. It suffers, however, from some of the same flaws and biases as Regnerus’ study, and doesn’t actually support the argument against marriage equality that it tries to make.

The new study comes from Donald Paul Sullins, a Catholic priest and sociology professor at Catholic University of America. Sullins is a fellow of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute, a project of the anti-LGBT Family Research Council,………

Sullins conducted an analysis of data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) that had been collected from 1997-2013. He concluded that information about the 512 same-sex parents identified in the study demonstrates that their children have more emotional problems compared to couples raised by their biological different-sex couples………… In other words, same-sex couples should not be allowed to marry because they make inferior parents.

One of the first major flaws, however, is the fact that Sullins has no information about whether the same-sex couples were actually married……….No conclusions can actually be drawn about the impacts of legalizing same-sex marriage because the study, by its own admission, collected no data about same-sex marriage or its effect on children

Sullins notes that many of the children had a biological connection to one of the same-sex parents, but it’s unknown if these are from prior relationships, which would suggest their negative outcomes are related to a broken home instead of having two parents of the same sex.

As a vehicle for opposing same-sex marriage, the study severely lacks integrity, as its political positions don’t jibe with its data. “Biology matters,” Regnerus asserts, and Sullins emphasizes that his study identifies “the importance of common biological parentage for optimum child well-being.” Nowhere, however, does Sullins or Regnerus suggest that this has any policy implications for adoption or foster care by different-sex couples. It might be a hard case to make given Sullins has two adopted children of his own.

Conservatives praise these studies for their large samples, eagerly highlighting their negative results while ignore the distortions required to arrive at them. A recent large study from Australia with a similarly-sized pool of same-sex parents who had actually raised children together as couples found that the children have quite positive outcomes
Conservatives Seize On Hugely Flawed Study About Same-Sex Parents

Not surprisingly, you are stupid enough to swallow this hogwash whole without giving a rational thought. I would call you retarded but that would be an insult to intellectually challenged people
So true! Fathering is different from mothering. It is normal for a baby to have a father and a mother. This is how we are, and denying it is stupid. The baby doesn’t need two fathers or two mothers. One of each. The ultimate abomination is when a same sex couple produces a baby (obviously not the normal way). That is completely against nature and should never be allowed! It is beneficial for children to have good heterosexual role models when they try to figure out the rules of life for the first time.


Gay Parenting Harms Kids
How do you propose to prevent gay people from having kids Bubba? And why the FUCK are you posting a link to my profile???!!

Hey moron, gay people can't have kids naturally. See man on man or woman on Woman can't produce a child. Most of us learned this early on.

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