News don't crack, and black don't back.....down


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Both my dear bro and sis of Ga. and Fla...both still hangin in that's what I'm talking about!!


Take this shit all the way, white men gotta go, especially these cheating good for nothing can't win without fuckin over minority fuck heads.
Both my dear bro and sis of Ga. and Fla...both still hangin in that's what I'm talking about!!


Take this shit all the way, white men gotta go, especially these cheating good for nothing can't win without fuckin over minority fuck heads.

You'd love to slaughter every last whitey wouldn't you, hypocrite? Observe the chains the American Left has forged around your wrists. Now weep some more soul contradicting tears.
Kinda funny that this election too was a reflection on how America views Obama. All of that swaggering up to the mic worked wonders.....for his opposition. Thank you Barry. Thank you Oprah.
Both my dear bro and sis of Ga. and Fla...both still hangin in that's what I'm talking about!!


Take this shit all the way, white men gotta go, especially these cheating good for nothing can't win without fuckin over minority fuck heads.

You morons think we care about your couple of homies got in. Get in our way and we will step on you and scrape your remains from the bottom of our shoes.

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Where did you get all this hatred?
Has ANY white man specifically done anything bad to you personally?
who taught you to hate white people?
You seem to be living in the 1800's.

Yeah, there are a lot of bad white people....but also a lot of bad black people.

And there's a LOT of good white AND black people.

Why you gosta be racist child?
BasicHumanUnit said:
....but also a lot of bad black people.
Fewer Every Day
As They Gun Each Other Down

Gun Deaths In The Black Community
Are Less Than 10% Of Their Gun-Shot Victims
Where did you get all this hatred?
Has ANY white man specifically done anything bad to you personally?
who taught you to hate white people?
You seem to be living in the 1800's.

Yeah, there are a lot of bad white people....but also a lot of bad black people.

And there's a LOT of good white AND black people.

Why you gosta be racist child?
You must remember it depends on what crime you do. You get less time for White collar crime (fraud, mail fraud, theft from office accounts,+) Blue Collar selling dope armed theft, Murder and e,t,c. So do the right crime is better for you. It called education and learning.
Both my dear bro and sis of Ga. and Fla...both still hangin in that's what I'm talking about!!


Take this shit all the way, white men gotta go, especially these cheating good for nothing can't win without fuckin over minority fuck heads.

You'd love to slaughter every last whitey wouldn't you, hypocrite? Observe the chains the American Left has forged around your wrists. Now weep some more soul contradicting tears.

'tigerred' is some fat white guy living out in the Burbs somewhere, trying to develop his poor skills at 'ebonics' here on USMB. Nobody knows why, since 'ebonics' is for mentally retarded crack heads, and nobody actually needs to know how to speak it fluently, unless they're going to be prison guards or probation officers.
Kinda funny that this election too was a reflection on how America views Obama. All of that swaggering up to the mic worked wonders.....for his opposition. Thank you Barry. Thank you Oprah.

Caught a few soundbites of one of his 'rallies', but mostly the media ignored him. It was funny to hear the arrogance in his voice, like he was really going to set the country on fire or something and anybody actually cared what he said.
Both my dear bro and sis of Ga. and Fla...both still hangin in that's what I'm talking about!!


Take this shit all the way, white men gotta go, especially these cheating good for nothing can't win without fuckin over minority fuck heads.

You'd love to slaughter every last whitey wouldn't you, hypocrite? Observe the chains the American Left has forged around your wrists. Now weep some more soul contradicting tears.

'tigerred' is some fat white guy living out in the Burbs somewhere, trying to develop his poor skills at 'ebonics' here on USMB. Nobody knows why, since 'ebonics' is for mentally retarded crack heads, and nobody actually needs to know how to speak it fluently, unless they're going to be prison guards or probation officers.
She's real.
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Both my dear bro and sis of Ga. and Fla...both still hangin in that's what I'm talking about!!


Take this shit all the way, white men gotta go, especially these cheating good for nothing can't win without fuckin over minority fuck heads.

You'd love to slaughter every last whitey wouldn't you, hypocrite? Observe the chains the American Left has forged around your wrists. Now weep some more soul contradicting tears.

'tigerred' is some fat white guy living out in the Burbs somewhere, trying to develop his poor skills at 'ebonics' here on USMB. Nobody knows why, since 'ebonics' is for mentally retarded crack heads, and nobody actually needs to know how to speak it fluently, unless they're going to be prison guards or probation officers.
She's real.

I find that hard to believe. Iv'e been around black people all my life and know none who talk 'ebonics' that badly, in fact few talk that shit at all, except punk kids or the crack heads and dumbass thugs. It's just sounds like some dick head in the Burbs who gets their 'black culture' from Hollywood movies

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