News from Ukraine about Putin, Zelensky, Musk and Trump

Robert W

Former Democrat but long term Republican.
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
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Anna from Ukraine brings up points. Let me tell you about her. She is a teacher. She is loyal to Ukraine. She likes America but is upset at Trump. She talks of why Trump blames Ukraine for the Russian invasion. She tells about the Ukrainian drones damaging Russia's oil refineries. She believes in Ukraine. She speaks decent English. She went to a University and took English as her foreign language. She is very nice to listen to. Check her out.

Anna from Ukraine brings up points. Let me tell you about her. She is a teacher. She is loyal to Ukraine. She likes America but is upset at Trump. She talks of why Trump blames Ukraine for the Russian invasion. She tells about the Ukrainian drones damaging Russia's oil refineries. She believes in Ukraine. She speaks decent English. She went to a University and took English as her foreign language. She is very nice to listen to. Check her out.

Granted, she is articulate but quite naive in the way she has embraced the party line (adulation with Zelensky, a tin horn dictator) with no real attention to reality (wars cost money and minerals will defray the cost). I don't really care who comes out of this conflict victorious. I do care if US $$$$ or American lives are used by either side.
Granted, she is articulate but quite naive in the way she has embraced the party line (adulation with Zelensky, a tin horn dictator) with no real attention to reality (wars cost money and minerals will defray the cost). I don't really care who comes out of this conflict victorious. I do care if US $$$$ or American lives are used by either side.
Zelensky is against Putin. She is against Putin. Putin invaded her country. That is not being naive.
Zelensky is against Putin. She is against Putin. Putin invaded her country. That is not being naive.
She, like many people, are unaware of the underhanded covert garbage that the Ukrainian government has been involved in for at least the last 15 years. She and you are just promoting the msm line which matches their political agenda. That is naive. She also has only her self interest in mind when she complains that the US is somehow obligated to support her country. It isn't the US and no amount of crying will ever make me agree to send our money, equipment or citizens to bail them out.
She, like many people, are unaware of the underhanded covert garbage that the Ukrainian government has been involved in for at least the last 15 years. She and you are just promoting the msm line which matches their political agenda. That is naive. She also has only her self interest in mind when she complains that the US is somehow obligated to support her country. It isn't the US and no amount of crying will ever make me agree to send our money, equipment or citizens to bail them out.
Reads like a free pass for Putin to invade Ukraine. Why doesn't that concern you American?
Reads like a free pass for Putin to invade Ukraine. Why doesn't that concern you American?
Not my country and not my war. I have no responsibility for any of it. That could be traced back to 2014 when Obama turned an ineffectual deaf ear to Russia's unilateral annexation of Crimea. If there was a time for intervention, that was it--not eight years later when Ukraine decided to force Biden's hand to provide what Zelensky paid him for.
Not my country and not my war. I have no responsibility for any of it. That could be traced back to 2014 when Obama turned an ineffectual deaf ear to Russia's unilateral annexation of Crimea. If there was a time for intervention, that was it--not eight years later when Ukraine decided to force Biden's hand to provide what Zelensky paid him for.
It is not my war either. But I am totally devoted to avoiding WW3 and Putin has already triggered it. Then we will be sending in troops. I don't want that and we must freeze Putin now we have that last chance.
It is not my war either. But I am totally devoted to avoiding WW3 and Putin has already triggered it. Then we will be sending in troops. I don't want that and we must freeze Putin now we have that last chance.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, domino theory right? BS. It isn't our fight.
It is only a month into the new admin. If the last 30 days are any indication, I grow more optimistic with each passing day.
Do you believe Trump wants to be known as Putin's best pal?
Maybe Zelenskyy should step down and let Anna run the country.
A lesser president of ukraine would have long ago lost the war against Putin. Why do we have Republicans holding hands with Putin now?
Do you believe Trump wants to be known as Putin's best pal?
What is the relevance of what he wants and why should I care. I think he wants to put an end to hostilities. I believe he thinks that the only way that can be accomplished is through negotiations. So far, every time he has spoken to one of these world leaders from Kim Jong Un to Putin to the leaders of Columbia, El Salvador, Venezuela and Mexico--the results have been positive. These have been regarding issues where the democrats just stonewalled and refused to talk. I don't think social media posters or the msm have the slightest idea of what works and what doesn't and many are intent on obstructing any success that he accomplishes. We have just suffered through eight solid years of vindictive democrat obstructionism and I, for one, am pissed, sick and tired of this anti American shit dragging this nation down. I would love to see a united front of sanity during this admin--not the stupid partisan bickering that the left seems intent on.
. I think he wants to put an end to hostilities. I believe he thinks that the only way that can be accomplished is through negotiations.
I agree he wants to end hostilities. But he is pulling Biden in reverse. I believe that to beat Putin one has to get serious about taking that rat fucking asshole out. Even doing to Putin what Trump brags he did to ISIS. Think Trump is man enough to do it again?

Trump loves to brag he used the military to kill other humans.
A lesser president of ukraine would have long ago lost the war against Putin. Why do we have Republicans holding hands with Putin now?
They already have a "lesser president" who lost the war. Maybe somebody should look into the missing 30 billion U.S. dollars that went missing from Zelenskyy's accountants.
I don't think social media posters or the msm have the slightest idea of what works and what doesn't and many are intent on obstructing any success that he accomplishes. We have just suffered through eight solid years of vindictive democrat obstructionism and I, for one, am pissed, sick and tired of this anti American shit dragging this nation down. I would love to see a united front of sanity during this admin--not the stupid partisan bickering that the left seems intent on.
I know for a fact that in things on this forum you and I have totally agreed. So to me this is me and you talking this over to try to get a good solution.

I have lived a long life. From FDR to Trump. I have seen presidents wimp out and some got aggressive. We are already deep in this war. Biden fucked us all by playing like it was a game of some kind. Trump is telling us he quit. Quit because he does not believe we can win. When that man talks about winning, let him prove it.
They already have a "lesser president" who lost the war. Maybe somebody should look into the missing 30 billion U.S. dollars that went missing from Zelenskyy's accountants.
I will be his worst enemy if Zelensky profits from this war. Biden got us into this and Biden fucked all of us by playing like it was a parlor game. I mean that Biden had the means to take Putin out. Now Trump has the same game going. Trump will lose me fast if he actually can't win as he brags about all the time.
I don't have a problem with surgically taking out the bad actors. It beats the hell out of losing thousands of our young people and billions of $$$ from the US treasury.
I don't either. We have not yet lost troops in Ukraine. I hate the communists and their heirs. I was sent to Germany in the Army due to those bastards. Was that a waste of time too?

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