Trump Thinks He Humiliated Zelensky. He Really Humiliated the United States

excalibur has a worm offspring of Kennedy in his brain.

It is the only explanation for his increasing stupidity.
You're paranoid.
It is not the U.S. pissing its pants over Russia. Conventionally they cant win against us.

But that isv a path to World War 3.

Europe been real good starting World Wars in their History.
" Political Melodrama "

* Third World War Tree Comic Books *

Hence the Trump deal would stop the possibility of Third World War.
How is ukraine supposed to sign over mineral writes to us government and is us government supposed to own the mineral writes like communists or socialists ?

The russians have diverted natural gas around ukraine and there is no longer a disincentive , by necessity of that route , not to engage in a protracted war to drive prices and annoy the crap out of them - Russia–Ukraine gas disputes - Wikipedia .

If the deal was for ukraine to somehow pay the us government back and further foot the bill for military equipment the us has thus far funded , then go for it .

The ruskys conquered most of eastern europe and europeans need to stop being pussies and handle their own natural gas affairs and independence of its nation states .
Just read that the Russian foreign ministry called Zelensky''s trip to DC a failure. Said he still wants to wage war. trump said he can come back when he wants peace. Amazing that trump's statement is so closely related to the Russia's. I guess they need to speak as one voice?
ya, you wanted it behind closed doors so you could make up hokey stories and impeach trump like the last time.
The first Impeachment

Or the second Impeachment

Or maybe one of the thirty four felonies.

trump is a crime cess pool.
“It’s time to say it plainly. America’s leadership has switched sides in the war. The American people have not, and they should speak up.

In the past several weeks, the U.S. leadership has demonstrated explicit hostility towards Ukraine and aligned its rhetoric and policy with Russia.

The animosity culminated today when U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance berated Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky at a meeting in the Oval Office.

After a hostile meeting, Zelensky left the White House. Trump reportedly ordered the Ukrainian delegation out.

Let this sink in. The president of a battered Ukraine, an ally of the U.S., became the first world leader in history to be kicked out of the White House. Not a dictator, not a disgraced politician — the president of Ukraine, a country suffering from the worst invasion in the 21st century. The country that the U.S. administration swore to bring peace to.”

Trump and Vance engaged in a shameful, reprehensible betrayal of America’s long tradition of defending democracy and opposing despotic aggression.

You are a stooge for Zelensky.

This is Zelensky stooges at work.

yes. Surrender to Putin Hitler does stop some dying doesn’t it for how long? You’re a coward who lives in a western liberal democracy too cowardly to send a pittance of change over there to help the Ukrainian Patriots win against Trump’s fascist friends.

You are a sickening coward.

Charles Lindberg would’ve loved this MAGA Republican Party Cowardice.

During the mid-1930s, Lindbergh became familiar with German advances in aviation and warned his U.S. counterparts of Germany’s growing air superiority. But Lindbergh also became enamored of much of the German national “revitalization” he encountered, and allowed himself to be decorated by Hitler’s government, which drew tremendous criticism back home.

Upon Lindbergh’s return to the States, he agitated for neutrality with Germany, and testified before Congress in opposition to the Lend-Lease policy, which offered cash and military aid to countries friendly to the United States in their war effort against the Axis powers. His public denunciation of “the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt Administration” as instigators of American intervention in the war, as well as comments that smacked of anti-Semitism, lost him the support of other isolationists. When, in 1941, President Roosevelt denounced Lindbergh publicly, the aviator resigned from the Air Corps Reserve.

He was the original “America First” racist, white American trash

“It’s time to say it plainly. America’s leadership has switched sides in the war. The American people have not, and they should speak up.

In the past several weeks, the U.S. leadership has demonstrated explicit hostility towards Ukraine and aligned its rhetoric and policy with Russia.

The animosity culminated today when U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance berated Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky at a meeting in the Oval Office.

After a hostile meeting, Zelensky left the White House. Trump reportedly ordered the Ukrainian delegation out.

Let this sink in. The president of a battered Ukraine, an ally of the U.S., became the first world leader in history to be kicked out of the White House. Not a dictator, not a disgraced politician — the president of Ukraine, a country suffering from the worst invasion in the 21st century. The country that the U.S. administration swore to bring peace to.”

Trump and Vance engaged in a shameful, reprehensible betrayal of America’s long tradition of defending democracy and opposing despotic aggression.

Here is your boy.


Ukraine is a joke, so are you.
The fascist sympathizing Republican party of Trump is appeasing Putin when no Americans are actually fighting or dying in an European war; the same as Charles Lindberg who appeased Hitler when Americans were fighting and dying in the European war.

After World War II broke out in Europe on September 1, 1939, Lindbergh wrote an article for the November issue of Reader’s Digest titled “Our civilization depends on peace among Western nations.” Lindbergh publicly and vehemently called for the U.S. not to intervene during Germany’s invasions of Poland and Czechoslovakia.
Most Americans felt the same way. FDR ran on not committing Americans to another European war. A promise that he immediately broke by supporting the UK in every legal and illegal way available to him.

Good riddance.

What do you mean "ally"? Ukraine is not an ally of the US.

Well done.

Yes, he is. He banned Democratic elections in his country.

Bull shit.

Kicking Zoolinsky out of the White House is the first step in bringing peace to Ukraine.

You idiot. Zoolinsky is not Democratic. He is a despot and a Fascist.

Trump and Vance were a bit "over the top" and hard handed but Zoolinsky should be sent to Abu Graib or Guantanamo for further treatment.
Whether Zelensky is a dictator or not, he came to the White house as a supplicant. He should have been grateful for all the support he has received for the last nine years . Remember, it was Javelins supplied by trump that Ukraine used to stop Putin’s invasion in its tracks. His attitude reminds me of Stalin demanding more and more of everything while criticizing the WAllies for not doing enough to help the USSR. Zelensky should be grateful for all the help we have given him, selling us rare earths is a cheap reimbursement.
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Germany declared war on the US, you oblivious fuckwit.
Not surprising when FDR was waging an undeclared war against the Kriegsmarine with a “kill on sight” order to US warships and escorting British convoys halfway across the Atlantic to ease the load on the RN. Also the pilot of the Catalina that relocated Bismarck was an American active duty naval officer flying a RAF warplane on combat missions. FDR was looking for an excuse to declare war on Germany, Hitler just beat him to it.
Nope. He looked great. Zelensky sabotaged the economic deal which would had led to a peace deal.

Zelensky does not want peace. He seems to actually believe in the leftwing media hype that they have Russia on the verge of defeat, as they have been claiming for 3 years now. Meanwhile he has canceled elections, remained in office past his term, and persecutes Christians in his own country. I know to people like you these actions are virtues, but to sane people they are not.
I think Russia is on the brink of defeat. Its economy is a shambles. The only nations still talking to Russia are the PRV, DPRK and Iran.
The EU is a 28 trillion-dollar economy. Let them pay for it.
That's funny, truly it is. The United States spent years decimating Southeast Asian countries right under China's nose, dropping more bombs on Laos than were dropped aby all the allies during WW2. It littered the place with poison and unexploded cluster munitions which even today kill an main children every year.

Like I said, you're funny.

The US invaded Vietnam, so why can't China invade Taiwan? Is China invading Cuba? no, so get a grip.
The USA never invaded Vietnam. As a member of SEATO, it met treaty obligations when it was invited into South Vietnam by the legitimate government, UNLIKE the illegitimate government of the PEOPLE’S Republic of Vietnam installed by Russian bayonets that ruled by terror and repression. Admittedly the government of the RVN was no paragon of virtue, but most of its people didn’t fear governmental secret police.
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Very well, Russia did not invade Ukraine, if you want to play silly games go ahead but I won't waste my time with you.
Russia did invade Ukraine TWICE and Georgia ONCE. It conquered and kept territories from both countries.
I think Russia is on the brink of defeat. Its economy is a shambles. The only nations still talking to Russia are the PRV, DPRK and Iran.
Uh huh, sure. They’ve been saying that about Russia for three years.
Uh huh, sure. They’ve been saying that about Russia for three years.
And things have gotten progressively worse for Russia. Putin has been propping things up with his reserves and they are nearly exhausted now.

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