Newsbreak By Steve McGarrett: Trump's Campaign Manager Corey Lowandowski Has Not Been Charged

Idiotic. Another contrived Establishment fraud. The man didn't 'assault' anyone. They just tried to shop it around hoping some Trump-hating asshole would prosecute. To hell with em. Go Trump!
The victim presses charges. The attorney decides whether to prosecute.

So, yes, he has been charged.
If they prosecute him for this sham it will come back to bite them in the ass because this is what is called FRIVOLOUS, and it is a waste of taxpayer money. It's clearly politically motivated. There was no "assault", that's a joke and everyone knows it. It's another example of the desperation to keep Trump from becoming President.
He shouldn't be charged for separating a reporter ambushing a presidential candidate. Grabbing his arm first against his will. Especially when the press conference she could have asked questions was over.
This is American patriot and conservative Christian Steve McGarrett. Corey Lowandowski has not been charged with battery against Michelle Fields. Prosecutor David Aronberg ( A Jew) confirms.

FL Prosecutor Dave Aronberg: We Have Not Received File on Lewandowski Case and Have Not Pressed Charges - The Gateway Pundit

Dear American Slimeball and conservative Steve McRacist --- you forgot to disclose your religion, Lewandowski's religion and Michelle Fields' religion.

An oversight I'm sure.

Also can you list your source for the Aronberg religion, the one you did list. And why the fuck it matters.

Then we can move back to the existing similar question for the bogus quote in your sigline.

Thank you.
So he hasn't been charged by the Clinton supporter who charged him?

And there is clearly more than enough evidence for trial. It's a shame when he could have avoided everything by just apologizing.

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