Newsom / Ca Draws Closer To Giving Minotities $350k Each In Reparations

Newsom and Ca need to pay reparations to the rest of the country who have bailed out California so many times in the past.
How is this going to work? An annual reparations tax? Regardless, people are inherently wired and incentivized to avoid and minimize taxes. A shining example is the former Senator from Massachusetts-DEMOCRAT John Kerry who moved his yacht to Rhode Island to avoid paying tax AND who also paid $0 in the state’s General Fund where citizens can volunteer to donate to the state.

Will be interesting to watch the full of shit elite Liberals wagging their finger about reparations while avoiding them.

Also, will Black taxpayers be required to reparations? How about undocumented workers?
If this goes through this sets a bad presidence.

it's money and people are greedy wanting free hand outs. So blacks that don't get free money will demand free money. Blacks in other states wanting handouts are going to start demanding money as well.

Once you start the ball rolling of "you deserve free money" where does it end?
If this goes through this sets a bad presidence.

it's money and people are greedy wanting free hand outs. So blacks that don't get free money will demand free money. Blacks in other states wanting handouts are going to start demanding money as well.

Once you start the ball rolling of "you deserve free money" where does it end?
It doesn't.
The Chinese with many of their early Capitalist near slave workers use their telescope and look across the huger pond called the Pacific Ocean and see the false relatives of slaves with many useless demanding to get their due reparations for the reality of living like pieces of shit. Those Chinese workers will leapfrog as the Far east takes control of the world and the Village takes over major parts of North America.
Asians probably won't get reparations, at least democrats don't seem to like them going back to FDR.

Efforts in California to advance Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom's Reparations Task Force continued this week with one activist calling for $350,000 to be given to every eligible Black person in the state. Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams endorsed the California effort and one in his state to give reparations out to both individuals and businesses.

The move in California comes after a first-in-the nation taskforce released a 500-page report back in June on incidents of "segregation, racial terror, harmful racist neglect." Now the same taskforce will begin to decide how much each Black resident might be receiving.

So the question begs, should all Californians get genetically tested to see who is "black" and who is not?

For example, Rachel Dolezal pretended to be black in order to work for the NAACP. However, once the NAACP got wind she was not racially pure enough to work for them, they fired her.

So that brings up another question, what is racially pure enough to be Black? Elizabeth Warren said she was part Indian and had a genetics test to prove she was racially pure enough to be called and Indian, but it ended up she was only 1/1023 part Indian, causing the Indian nation to cry foul saying she had to be at least 2/3 part racially pure.

And for some jobs in California, you must be racially pure enough to be black or lose your job

So democrats, what is racially pure enough to be considered the preferred race? Did the Indian nation get it right?

And imagine if Hitler had the ability to genetically test people to see who was the preferred race. IT would have made his job much easier I think.

Be honest, you did NAZI that coming, did you?
A famous man once said, "Stupid is as stupid does". California defines that so well.

If I were a Ca resident I think I would be suing Newsom / Ca for misappropriation / use of my tax dollars.

Of course, ceazy shit like this is why I will never be a Ca resident.

I wonder what the actual numbers are from Californians who do or do not favor the reparations thing.
Well, I guess democrats don't want any part of this thread, and who can blame them?

They simply ignore what they can't defend, but that in no way causes them to reverse course.

They simply double down.
California already charges a Wetback tax to productive citizens to pay for their white replacement Mexicans….might as well charge a negro tax as well.
I would love to see massive billboards here in Florida stating that the idiots in California are giving out repatriation to Negroes.

Just think of all the Negroes that would leave the state.

That is a win-win for everybody.

The Negroes get their money.

The stupid pathetic weak minded White guilt pukes in California get to see their money go to the Negroes.

Florida has fewer Negroes.
Asians already received reparations for what happened during the war.
But Democrats don't like Asians.

For example, how many famous Asian actors are in Hollywood? Very, very, few even though there are more Asians on earth than any other race.

Also, Left wing colleges all across America are discriminating against Asians because they typically score so well on SAT and ACT exams, so they opt for people of different races instead even though they are not white and have been discriminated against in the past.
But Democrats don't like Asians.

For example, how many famous Asian actors are in Hollywood? Very, very, few even though there are more Asians on earth than any other race.

Left wing colleges all across America are discriminating against Asians because they typically score so well on SAT and ACT exams, so they opt for people of different races instead even though they are not white and have been discriminated against in the past.
That doesn't alter the fact that the victims of FDR putting Asians in concentration camps have already been paid.
This shit show is going to be fun to watch. What if you are like Elizabeth Warren where you claim you are a race so you can get benefits and perks yet you are only 1/1024 of the race? Do you still qualify? What happens if you are Black like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris yet you have ancestors that owned or even traded slaves?

I think it would be magnificent if California gave Kamala Harris, a descendent of Jamaican and Indian slave traders, a big, fat reparations package. That's peak DemoKKKrat.

Efforts in California to advance Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom's Reparations Task Force continued this week with one activist calling for $350,000 to be given to every eligible Black person in the state. Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams endorsed the California effort and one in his state to give reparations out to both individuals and businesses.

The move in California comes after a first-in-the nation taskforce released a 500-page report back in June on incidents of "segregation, racial terror, harmful racist neglect." Now the same taskforce will begin to decide how much each Black resident might be receiving.

So the question begs, should all Californians get genetically tested to see who is "black" and who is not?

For example, Rachel Dolezal pretended to be black in order to work for the NAACP. However, once the NAACP got wind she was not racially pure enough to work for them, they fired her.

So that brings up another question, what is racially pure enough to be Black? Elizabeth Warren said she was part Indian and had a genetics test to prove she was racially pure enough to be called and Indian, but it ended up she was only 1/1023 part Indian, causing the Indian nation to cry foul saying she had to be at least 2/3 part racially pure.

And for some jobs in California, you must be racially pure enough to be black or lose your job

So democrats, what is racially pure enough to be considered the preferred race? Did the Indian nation get it right?

And imagine if Hitler had the ability to genetically test people to see who was the preferred race. IT would have made his job much easier I think.

Be honest, you did NAZI that coming, did you?
I don't know about blanket reparations but here is an example of a valid reparation. A town seized a property in the '20s because it was being used by Blacks and recently returned it:

MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif., July 20 (Reuters) - A century-old racial injustice was righted on Wednesday when the deed to Los Angeles County beachfront property that had been taken from an African-American couple was ceremoniously returned to their heirs.​
Dignitaries participating in the ceremony called the return of government land unjustly acquired from Black citizens unprecedented in the United States and a model for other jurisdictions to follow.​
The property now belongs to Marcus and Derrick Bruce, great-grandsons of Willa and Charles Bruce, who said they will share the proceeds with their extended family.​
Derrick Bruce attended Wednesday's ceremony along with his son Anthony Bruce, who will manage the property, which houses a lifeguard training facility. Los Angeles County will now lease the land for $413,000 per year and retain the right to buy it for $20 million.​
I think it would be magnificent if California gave Kamala Harris, a descendent of Jamaican and Indian slave traders, a big, fat reparations package. That's peak DemoKKKrat.
I think it would be even better if she wrote the first check from her own funds. She is in no position to take a stand on these bullshit re-naming of buildings because of slave ownership.

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