Newsweek: "Obama's Gotta Go"

What happened to the Summer of Recovery? It hasn't been mentioned this year.......

Shovel Ready: This administration forgot to mention they had the shovels and we're digging us deeper. (they laughed at us).. Yup, shovel ready alright.

Now they have to spin the actual truth to get their message across, go figure....
What happened to the Summer of Recovery? It hasn't been mentioned this year.......

Shovel Ready: This administration forgot to mention they had the shovels and we're digging us deeper. (they laughed at us).. Yup, shovel ready alright.

Now they have to spin the actual truth to get their message across, go figure....

More lies comin out... It's no joke.
It's not about the unemployment
It's not about the anemic recovery
It's not about the debt
It's not about the deficit
It's not about Obama's failed policies

It's about Mitt's taxes
It's about the contrived GOP hatin' the women
It's about the contrived GOP hatin' the senior citizens
It's about the GOP and contrived racism

America is catching on
It's not about the unemployment
It's not about the anemic recovery
It's not about the debt
It's not about the deficit
It's not about Obama's failed policies

It's about Mitt's taxes
It's about the contrived GOP hatin' the women
It's about the contrived GOP hatin' the senior citizens
It's about the GOP and contrived racism

America is catching on

Lets hope so... I'd like to see the biggest voter turn out in American history. All voting Republican and especially Tea party.. The old time Rep's have to go to. DAM RINO's!
I remember when Newsweek was a real news magazine and not a political tabloid. Sad.

That was before they said something negative about your little tin god....


What a tool.

No. It was when they decided to become "The Daily Blaze". The magazine went downhill and I stopped reading it.

Time isn't much better.

I thought Newsweek sucked last issue when they ran a cover about Romney's "wimp factor". Their new strategy is to run bombastic stories to sell magazines. Hence: "political tabloid".

So eat a dick.
Damn, what a suprise, not really. John McCains' campaign advisor thinks Barack hasn't lived up to his campaign pledges. Since the party of obstrution has been hard had at work, trying to make him a one term president is this man's opinion a suprise to anyone?
Obamaturds record alone should ensure a one term idiot.

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