Newt admits to meeting to obstruct everything to bring down Obama

Newt? You realize he's no longer in Congress right Deany?

Was this from "The Onion"?

Maybe Dems problems stem from "Pass this bill to know whats in it" Pelosi, Harry "No Budget" Reid and Barry "the economy is doing great/sucks" Obama
And of course there were no such "conspiracies" to block G.W. Bush's policies when the Democrats controlled one or both houses of Congress.

Typical hypocrite tripe.
Waiting for the Left to tell us how Glen Rice has "Fond memories" of his times with Newt
Newt? You realize he's no longer in Congress right Deany?

Was this from "The Onion"?

Maybe Dems problems stem from "Pass this bill to know whats in it" Pelosi, Harry "No Budget" Reid and Barry "the economy is doing great/sucks" Obama

I think that is one of many things he does not realize.
All we have had so far this century is failures as president.
And I see no change on the horizon either.
and why wouldnt Newt want to stop Obama from destroying our nation?

You seem to think that stopping dangerous and destructive policies is a bad thing, why?
Written before the 2010 election:

So the next Congress will feature fewer moderate Democrats, more conservative Republicans, and a GOP caucus even more committed to opposition and obstruction than it is now, if such a thing can be imagined.

If there's any silver lining to be found, it's that increased polarization will clarify the differences between the two parties, a potentially useful effect in a country where levels of knowledge about politics have always been distubingly low. That's little comfort, though, particularly when voters so often seem ready to elect whoever appeals to their most powerful emotion of the moment. After all, the country is about to deliver a huge victory to a party whose approval ratings are in the 20s.

Voters, at least a majority of them, don't seem to be asking for effective governance in this election. Instead, they're shaking a collective fist at Washington. They'll get what they vote for: a Congress where the Democrats are slightly more liberal, the Republicans are substantially more conservative, the two parties agree on virtually nothing, and everything the administration proposes will be met by the opposition with "Hell no!" And two years from now, they'll wonder why Washington can't seem to get things done.

How Congress Became Polarized
Written before the 2010 election:

So the next Congress will feature fewer moderate Democrats, more conservative Republicans, and a GOP caucus even more committed to opposition and obstruction than it is now, if such a thing can be imagined.

If there's any silver lining to be found, it's that increased polarization will clarify the differences between the two parties, a potentially useful effect in a country where levels of knowledge about politics have always been distubingly low. That's little comfort, though, particularly when voters so often seem ready to elect whoever appeals to their most powerful emotion of the moment. After all, the country is about to deliver a huge victory to a party whose approval ratings are in the 20s.

Voters, at least a majority of them, don't seem to be asking for effective governance in this election. Instead, they're shaking a collective fist at Washington. They'll get what they vote for: a Congress where the Democrats are slightly more liberal, the Republicans are substantially more conservative, the two parties agree on virtually nothing, and everything the administration proposes will be met by the opposition with "Hell no!" And two years from now, they'll wonder why Washington can't seem to get things done.

How Congress Became Polarized

Bring a gun to a knife fight and punish your enemies.
And of course there were no such "conspiracies" to block G.W. Bush's policies when the Democrats controlled one or both houses of Congress.

Typical hypocrite tripe.

None? Really?

Can you prove that, or are we just supposed to believe it because you said it?
There's always a couple or five Dems who go along with Pubs in power. Pubs? NOT A SINGLE ONE since the stimulus.

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME), not to mention the gigantic PPM that produces you Pub dupes. A disgrace.

Should Pubs be rewarded for putting us in this mess (WORLD DEPRESSION and dumbazz wars, huge growth of AlQaeda), and now paralyzing the gov't since 2/2010 (and they even lie about THAT)?
Why in the world do you vote for these disastrous, lying incompetents?

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