NFL: Tom Brady and crew are going to the Super Bowl for the 8th TIME! NFL Gods!

Back when the NFL was worth watching, Rozelle kept the league balanced, with every team capable of going to the Super Bowl.

Today it's just a game of American haters for homos who like watching cheating so one team will always win.

so you're still a big fan i take it.
Again, they cheated to win. Just like they have been doing for decades. They are the reason I quit watching the NFL years ago.
:lol: Haters gonna hate. Or is that jealous gonna be jealous?
NFL ? What's that ?

the NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE where greedy selfish owners give thier long time fans that have devoted their lives to their team to move into a shiny brand new stadium with owners so evil they would kille their own mothers if it meat they would be rich from it.

It is also the corrupt league where they let the cheatriots get away with scandal after scandal that other teams get punished for if they commit the same scandal but they get away with unpunished because the worst NFL commissioner ever Roger Goddell has his head up patriots owner Robert krafts ass. It is the criminal organization that has ruined the sport letting Bill BeliCHEAT get away with scandal after scandal that had he committed any of these offenses in college he would have been kicked out of the progam but wont in the NFL because it is a criminal organization. THAT is WHO the NFL is sadly.
NFL ? What's that ?

the NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE where greedy selfish owners give thier long time fans that have devoted their lives to their team to move into a shiny brand new stadium with owners so evil they would kille their own mothers if it meat they would be rich from it.

It is also the corrupt league where they let the cheatriots get away with scandal after scandal that other teams get punished for if they commit the same scandal but they get away with unpunished because the worst NFL commissioner ever Roger Goddell has his head up patriots owner Robert krafts ass. It is the criminal organization that has ruined the sport letting Bill BeliCHEAT get away with scandal after scandal that had he committed any of these offenses in college he would have been kicked out of the progam but wont in the NFL because it is a criminal organization. THAT is WHO the NFL is sadly.

Hmm? So your team can't cut it in the NFL?
Glad to see you haven't abandoned Tom Brady because he is close friends with Donald Trump. Winning!

which is WHY I trust Trump about as far as i can spit.

It's interesting Tiger, Jordan , Brady and some others will be seen or connected to the Great Douche.
Both Yvette and Gisele's known political beliefs fall squarely in opposition with the Great Douche.
Both were never hookers. As for Tiger, he's an all Douche team member as to wives.
But Tiger is a known cheater and Jordon seems to be the cheater type as well.
Gisele would waste Tom's ass, if he cheated.

btw: Tiger, Jordan , Brady have been in pictures with Obama.
But Tiger, Jordan have both played golf with the Great Douche
after/in 2017/18. As the Great Douche has no time to play golf
as working for the DOPer Voter fools on this one...

btw2: Did Jordon or Tiger ever play golf, with Pres. Obama?
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The public works department of Philadelphia smeared Crisco on the lamp posts in the hopes of deterring fans from climbing them if they win. lol

Should have wrapped some pillars with padding...


31 trips by Better Northern Blue States!

8 Trips by LOSER RED States. Owner:Jerry Jones Don't know Football.
As 5 trips were accomplished by other owners. LOSER!


Btw: Jimmy Johnson knows Football. WINNER!
Hahaha..Makes Bozo Jerry look like a moron couch.
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NFL ? What's that ?

the NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE where greedy selfish owners give thier long time fans that have devoted their lives to their team to move into a shiny brand new stadium with owners so evil they would kille their own mothers if it meat they would be rich from it.

It is also the corrupt league where they let the cheatriots get away with scandal after scandal that other teams get punished for if they commit the same scandal but they get away with unpunished because the worst NFL commissioner ever Roger Goddell has his head up patriots owner Robert krafts ass. It is the criminal organization that has ruined the sport letting Bill BeliCHEAT get away with scandal after scandal that had he committed any of these offenses in college he would have been kicked out of the progam but wont in the NFL because it is a criminal organization. THAT is WHO the NFL is sadly.

Hmm? So your team can't cut it in the NFL?

man that is sooooooo parthetic,first off, I have always hated the dallas cowboys with a passion more than anyteam there EVER was so i hated it when they won all those superbowls in the early 90's and i have always hated the yankees with a deep hate as well so it was very painful to see them win all those world series back in the 90's four in a row.the DIFFERENCE between THOSE winners and great teams and this team is THOSE teams were not fraud teams,they did not have the refs in their giving them the calls on the time and they did not create scandal after scandal ruining a great game either you clueless sheep.

enough of your childish pathetic your team cant cut it in the NFL crap bullshit.I would expect that out of a three year old who is butthurt since they cant counter all those facts i laid out how they have ruined a game same as the chicago black sox.

i have no doubt your one of those pathetic MILLIONS of sad american sheep who just cheer them on cause they win all the time ONLY starting to be a fan AFTER tom brady came along but never were a fan of them before when they were horrible.there millions of them out there in america just like you sadly.

the difference in the cowboys and yankees who i hated with a hatred like nothing else back then is i RESPECTED those teams because they played FAIR,.they did not lie about eveything they did and not have to cheat and have the other teams give them the games as the falcons did last year and the eagels have been told to do so as well this year.

these superbowls are all a dog and pony show all scripted ESPECIALLY when the patriots play and you all fall for it over and over again.
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NFL ? What's that ?

the NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE where greedy selfish owners give thier long time fans that have devoted their lives to their team to move into a shiny brand new stadium with owners so evil they would kille their own mothers if it meat they would be rich from it.

It is also the corrupt league where they let the cheatriots get away with scandal after scandal that other teams get punished for if they commit the same scandal but they get away with unpunished because the worst NFL commissioner ever Roger Goddell has his head up patriots owner Robert krafts ass. It is the criminal organization that has ruined the sport letting Bill BeliCHEAT get away with scandal after scandal that had he committed any of these offenses in college he would have been kicked out of the progam but wont in the NFL because it is a criminal organization. THAT is WHO the NFL is sadly.

Hmm? So your team can't cut it in the NFL?

man that is sooooooo parthetic,first off, I have always hated the dallas cowboys with a passion more than anyteam there EVER was so i hated it when they won all those superbowls in the early 90's and i have always hated the yankees with a deep hate as well so it was very painful to see them win all those world series back in the 90's four in a row.the DIFFERENCE between THOSE winners and great teams and this team is THOSE teams were not fraud teams,they did not have the refs in their giving them the calls on the time and they did not create scandal after scandal ruining a great game either you clueless sheep.

enough of your childish pathetic your team cant cut it in the NFL crap bullshit.I would expect that out of a three year old who is butthurt since they cant counter all those facts i laid out how they have ruined a game same as the chicago black sox.

i have no doubt your one of those pathetic MILLIONS of sad american sheep who just cheer them on cause they win all the time ONLY starting to be a fan AFTER tom brady came along but never were a fan of them before when they were horrible.there millions of them out there in america just like you sadly.

Assuming that is sooooooo parthetic.

Assuming my positions on matters is not your forte.

I clearly point out facts, without bias, the best I know, from recorder records.

btw: Jerry Jones is the worst owner ever. The rest of the teem is fine. I just want Dallas to lose
so Jerry Jones can eat his BB 'Cowboys are Americas Teem'. Clearly they never were.
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