Nigeria’s Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon

The one noticeable trait of some tribes in Somalia is the round forehead, but not all of them look like that. My nephew has that round forehead and round face. Some of them look like any other African tribe. Kenyans tend to have an oval face. Many of the females look like Janet Jackson when she was preforming.
Somali's who look like your nephew are generally from the southern area Bantu tribe. . :cool:

His father was from Mogadishu.....

I saw many that looked just like him while I was there.

As a matter of fact in the book "BlackHawk Down" one of his relatives was a doctor that treated the wounded from that battle.
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His father was from Mogadishu.....
Mogadishu like all large cities is a mixture of everyone from everywhere.

But the rest of Somalia is divided into tribal areas.

It would be interesting to know what tribe his father and mother belong to? . :cool:
Personally I think we need to stop helping Muslims because they have it strange habit of turning on their liberators.....
And that statement contains the seed of the problem.

Americans call it "liberating" people.

Whereas the people of the country experiencing the so called liberation are in fact being "invaded and occupied" by foreign troops. . :cool:

That is the problem. Muslims call it an invasion, but essentially places like Somalia were going to hell, and the calls for intervention were pretty loud.

I figure they'll always consider any help to be an "invasion", so I think they need to be left to their own devices. They can't get along with us because we're infidels which correct me if I'm wrong means unbeliever and is considered to be unclean.
His father was from Mogadishu.....
Mogadishu like all large cities is a mixture of everyone from everywhere.

But the rest of Somalia is divided into tribal areas.

It would be interesting to know what tribe his father and mother belong to? . :cool:

His father did what Obama's father did and left while he was a child, so he has abandonment issues. He's named Ali Mohammed, I won't say his last name. He doesn't know a thing about Islam. I wish his father had stuck around long enough to teach him something.
The U.S. last year put a $7 million dollar reward on the head of the leader of Boko Haram.

Which brings up the question: "Why is the American tax payer forced to finance the reward for a foreign criminal who hasn't done anything to the U.S. ?? " . :cool:

Part of the War on Terror.
...and, Boko Haram is linked to Al Qaeda.
AQ, trash bin's lot who blew up NYC...remember them?


Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Personally, I'd rather have American global leadership than any other global leadership.
FBI, CIA, Homeland Security etc ... best in the world, armed with the might of the US military.

See China, Russia, Indonesia and the Muslim world offering to, or capable of, doing anything to find the kidnapped girls and rescue them?
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They can't get along with us because we're infidels which correct me if I'm wrong means unbeliever and is considered to be unclean.
Infidel only means disbeliever.......unclean is a Jewish term for non-Jews. . :cool:
Knowing your tribal linage is a huge thing with Somali people.

Most Americans can't tell you the names of their great grandparents.

But most Somali's are taught as children to memorize the names and tribal affiliation of both their father's and mother's side of the family for several dozen generations. . :cool:
Knowing your tribal linage is a huge thing with Somali people.

Most Americans can't tell you the names of their great grandparents.

But most Somali's are taught as children to memorize the names and tribal affiliation of both their father's and mother's side of the family for several dozen generations. . :cool:

He barely knows his father's name much less his grandfather's name. I met my great grandfather a couple of times. He was gone by the time I was 7.

My Dad's side can be traced back to Daniel Boone. That's not my last name, but one of my cousins is a member here. My 5th cousin is Pat Boone. General Sherman was on my mother's side of the family. I'm also a distant relative of the Kennedys.....
My Dad's side can be traced back to Daniel Boone. That's not my last name, but one of my cousins is a member here. My 5th cousin is Pat Boone. General Sherman was on my mother's side of the family. I'm also a distant relative of the Kennedys.....
That's pretty cool!!
My Dad's side can be traced back to Daniel Boone. That's not my last name, but one of my cousins is a member here. My 5th cousin is Pat Boone. General Sherman was on my mother's side of the family. I'm also a distant relative of the Kennedys.....
That's pretty cool!!

We have a lot of Cherokee and Sioux family members in my family.

Koreans, African American, I forget all of the nationalities.
Boko Haram attack in Nigeria border town kills hundreds |

Boko Haram attack in Nigeria border town kills hundreds

AN ATTACK by Boko Haram Islamists in a north-eastern Nigerian town on the Cameroon border has killed hundreds of people, a local senator and witnesses said.
Senator Ahmed Zanna added that the town of Gamboru Ngala was left unguarded because the soldiers based there had been redeployed north towards Lake Chad in an effort to rescue more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram on April 14.

Gunmen riding in armoured vehicles and on motorcycles stormed the town on Monday and razed much of the area.

EARLIER: Seven shocking facts about Boko Haram

Residents said survivors fled when the attack began, with the insurgents firing on civilians as they tried to run to safety into Cameroon.

Twisted mastermind ... a video still of the leader of the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau. Source: AFP

ACCOUNT: Life in a land of lawless brutality



Tragic... girls kidnapped and villagers massacred.

There terrorists are not invisible, people know where their bases are...break out the Stealths.
Boko Haram attack in Nigeria border town kills hundreds |

[ACCOUNT: Life in a land of lawless brutality



Tragic... girls kidnapped and villagers massacred.

There terrorists are not invisible, people know where their bases are...break out the Stealths.

Many people feel the same but--the thought crosses my mind that the US cannot singlehandedly defeat this form of terrorism. Very frightening. The Global Community needs to get its act together.
Boko Haram attack in Nigeria border town kills hundreds |

[ACCOUNT: Life in a land of lawless brutality



Tragic... girls kidnapped and villagers massacred.

There terrorists are not invisible, people know where their bases are...break out the Stealths.

Many people feel the same but--the thought crosses my mind that the US cannot singlehandedly defeat this form of terrorism. Very frightening. The Global Community needs to get its act together.

It's not frightening if you're willing to use what you have.

I'm for using nukes.

Seeing this picture on Twitter made me want to hurl........:mad:
Boko Haram attack in Nigeria border town kills hundreds |

[ACCOUNT: Life in a land of lawless brutality



Tragic... girls kidnapped and villagers massacred.

There terrorists are not invisible, people know where their bases are...break out the Stealths.

Many people feel the same but--the thought crosses my mind that the US cannot singlehandedly defeat this form of terrorism. Very frightening. The Global Community needs to get its act together.

It's not frightening if you're willing to use what you have.

I'm for using nukes.

More likely that we would end up with 'boots on the ground'---which would never end.

The drones are there now---hope some progress can be made.
Looks like the Boko Haram is now also operating in Cameroon. What a bunch of savages!!!

Nigeria’s Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon
Published: December 04, 2013

Missionary killed, churches torched around time of French priest’s kidnapping

Cameroon Human Rights Monitoring

A missionary has been killed and several churches set ablaze in attacks by Nigeria’s Islamist group Boko Haram in neighbouring Cameroon.

The Nigerian missionary, David Dina Mataware, with the Christian Missionary Foundation (CMF), was killed on November 13 by suspected Boko Haram militants in Ashigashia, a village which straddles the Nigeria-Cameroon border.

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Nigeria?s Boko Haram strikes again in Cameroon

Obama-Clinton-Power-Rice Libya strategy armed these dudes
February 06, 2012
Unsecured Libyan Stockpiles Empower Boko Haram and Destabilize African Sahel

Late last month, the U.N. Security Council met to discuss a report that describes the dangerous effect of weapons smuggled out of Libyan military stockpiles last year. The report discusses how the influx of arms from Libya have strengthened organized criminal groups and terror networks, including the increasingly violent Boko Haram terrorist group in Nigeria.
Boko Haram, an Islamist group operating in the Northern provinces of Nigeria, has launched a series of attacks against Christians, causing many to flee to southern provinces. The group has also attacked Nigerian authorities to try to advance their reported goal of establishing Sharia rule in the north. Weapons flowing in from Libya are enabling Boko Haram to commit atrocities.
According to the report, smugglers have moved large, unspecified volumes of weapons from Libya across the porous borders that characterize the Sahel, the expanse of land at the south of the Sahara Desert. The arms include “rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns with anti-aircraft visors, automatic rifles, ammunition, grenades, explosives . . . and light anti-aircraft artillery.” They also possibly include more advanced weapons such as surface-to-air missiles and man-portable air defense systems.
More broadly, the proliferation of Libyan stockpiles has resulted in an increased arms trade in Western Africa. Officials believe many of the weapons are hidden, waiting to be sold to criminal groups. The Libyan government must secure these weapons, so that they don’t facilitate slaughter in Nigeria and elsewhere.

Unsecured Libyan Stockpiles Empower Boko Haram and Destabilize African Sahel | Human Rights First

Seeing this picture on Twitter made me want to hurl........:mad:

She's only trying to draw attention to the matter...and help.
Think she means well.

Love to know when she's gonna be showing the same concern for White girls and White women [and White men] being tortured, torture-raped, and genocided in Africa by Black People though.

[ame] [/ame]

Will I, a White Christian male, be going to Nigeria to fight the Islamic terrorists?

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