No 'Equal / Fair Justice: Stone Denied Re-trial As Judge Bergman Ignores Tainted/Biased Jury Foreman


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'In a nearly 120 page ruling, corrupt Obama-appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson has denied Trump confidant and advisor Roger Stone a new trial based on the revelations that jury forewoman Tomeka Hart posted countless times on social media attacking both Roger Stone and President Donald Trump.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who has spent the better part of a year soiling the bench with tirades that resemble that of a feminazi TV host like Rachel Maddow, claimed that Stone failed to prove that forewoman Tomeka Hart lied on her jury questionaire or that she violated the judges orders by continuing to post about the trial while it was in progress. Hart’s original Facebook account was deleted to presumably hide even more damning evidence of her hatred for President Trump and Roger Stone, while another one was opened shortly after. The judge refused to require Facebook to provide the content of the original account.'

A complete purge / fumigation of the US govt from top to bottom of 'Obama stench' needs to be done.....

Don't worry, after Trump is voted out, Stone will have a lot of company in jail.

Neither the self-professed Constitutional Scholar nor any of the judges he ever appointed ever gave a damn about the Constitution or 'Equal Justice':

The U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights (under the Sixth Amendment) guarantees the right to a speedy trial with an impartial jury for criminal defendants in federal courts. ... The right to due process of law; The right to confront/call witnesses; and. The right to legal counsel.
Don't worry, after Trump is voted out, Stone will have a lot of company in jail.

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So you think admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crime ,zero evidence, and zero witnesses failed but if you can just get Barr replaced with another Liberal / Obama stooge like Eric Holder and get Trump charged and in front of another criminally biased Obama appointee like Berman they have a shot at putting the President in jail?

So you think admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crime ,zero evidence, and zero witnesses failed but if you can just get Barr replaced with another Liberal / Obama stooge like Eric Holder and get Trump charged and in front of another criminally biased Obama appointee like Berman they have a shot at putting the President in jail?

I think that after we've had tens of thousands die and tens of millions lose their jobs, Trump and his family would need to flee to another country to avoid the angry mob.

I just can't think of another country I dislike enough to wish them upon. North Korea, maybe.
I suspect if I looked at it from a more unbiased article I might also conclude the judge wasn't fit for the bench. From the one sided story linked in the OP though, my confidence in Stone's defense team is what is most lacking. If what they say is true they failed in terms of jury selection and in monitoring and keeping any evidence of what the jury forewoman was posting on social media during the trial.
I think that after we've had tens of thousands die and tens of millions lose their jobs, Trump and his family would need to flee to another country to avoid the angry mob.

So despite all evidence pointing to China being responsible for a preventable viral outbreak hey could have contained, preventing 95% of all of the resulting infection spread and death - according to the CDC, choosing to keep it a secret until it could be denied no longer - during which time they knowingly allowed infected citizens to spread the virus internationally....

Despite the Democrats opposing the life-saving Travel ban, accusing the President of engaging in fear-mongering and being a xenophobe....

Despite Democrats telling the American people not to listen to Trump and his team, to ignore them, and giving them deadly advice that would facilitate the greater spread of COVID-19 and result in increased infection and mortality rates....

And despite it was only President Trump and his team that were RIGHT / doing he right thing - as declared by Joe Biden ....You think it is the President and his family who would need to flee the country due to COVID-19?

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I suspect if I looked at it from a more unbiased article I might also conclude the judge wasn't fit for the bench. From the one sided story linked in the OP though, my confidence in Stone's defense team is what is most lacking. If what they say is true they failed in terms of jury selection and in monitoring and keeping any evidence of what the jury forewoman was posting on social media during the trial.

The bottom line is that it was revealed that the Jury Foreman turned out to be a flaming, extremely biased 'vocal' Trump-hater that tainted the jury. Either you believe in the 6th Amendment, that every American has the Constitutional Right to fair trial with an IMPARTIAL Jury...or think that should apply to only some of the people some of the time?
I suspect if I looked at it from a more unbiased article I might also conclude the judge wasn't fit for the bench. From the one sided story linked in the OP though, my confidence in Stone's defense team is what is most lacking. If what they say is true they failed in terms of jury selection and in monitoring and keeping any evidence of what the jury forewoman was posting on social media during the trial.

The bottom line is that it was revealed that the Jury Foreman turned out to be a flaming, extremely biased 'vocal' Trump-hater that tainted the jury. Either you believe in the 6th Amendment, that every American has the Constitutional Right to fair trial with an IMPARTIAL Jury...or think that should apply to only some of the people some of the time?

I based my original post on the article's lack of presenting anything to back the truthfulness of Stone's accusation, nor citing a single fault in the 120 page judgment. I am not defending the judge. Rather the overwhelming sense I got was questioning how Stone's "millions of dollars" defense team missed the forewoman's social media posting during the trial which would have been solid grounds for a mistrial? That's something I just can't get by.

I totally agree with your point about EVERYBODY deserving an impartial jury. I also believe everybody needs to be critical of all media. And while I don't care for Rachel Maddow, the use of her in the article I'd say was blatant attempt to convince through emotion rather than substance.
'In a nearly 120 page ruling, corrupt Obama-appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson has denied Trump confidant and advisor Roger Stone a new trial based on the revelations that jury forewoman Tomeka Hart posted countless times on social media attacking both Roger Stone and President Donald Trump.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who has spent the better part of a year soiling the bench with tirades that resemble that of a feminazi TV host like Rachel Maddow, claimed that Stone failed to prove that forewoman Tomeka Hart lied on her jury questionaire or that she violated the judges orders by continuing to post about the trial while it was in progress. Hart’s original Facebook account was deleted to presumably hide even more damning evidence of her hatred for President Trump and Roger Stone, while another one was opened shortly after. The judge refused to require Facebook to provide the content of the original account.'

A complete purge / fumigation of the US govt from top to bottom of 'Obama stench' needs to be done.....

gee, that's too bad.
I totally agree with your point about EVERYBODY deserving an impartial jury. I also believe everybody needs to be critical of all media. And while I don't care for Rachel Maddow, the use of her in the article I'd say was blatant attempt to convince through emotion rather than substance.

My stance on this completely lacks partisanship. I could give a rat's ass who Stone is or what he has done. As a retired vet who served 30+ years defending EVERYONE'S Rights and freedom, its about the Constitution. As provided, the Constitution / Amendment declares EVERY citizen has the Right to a fair trial by an IMPARTIAL jury. Period, dot.
So despite all evidence pointing to China being responsible for a preventable viral outbreak hey could have contained, preventing 95% of all of the resulting infection spread and death - according to the CDC, choosing to keep it a secret until it could be denied no longer - during which time they knowingly allowed infected citizens to spread the virus internationally....

China isn't going to be on the Ballot in November, buddy. Trump and his failed response will, as well as his recession.

Despite the Democrats opposing the life-saving Travel ban, accusing the President of engaging in fear-mongering and being a xenophobe....

Only racists think the travel ban was a good idea, but at best, it delayed the spread of the virus only a week or two... it was that Trump failed to do anything when the virus got here, downplayed it, is trying to REOPEN THE COUNTRY when deaths doubled again in the last week... that's what people are going to remember.

Despite Democrats telling the American people not to listen to Trump and his team, to ignore them, and giving them deadly advice that would facilitate the greater spread of COVID-19 and result in increased infection and mortality rates....

Except Trump was the one who gave out awful advice.... not the Democrats.
And despite it was only President Trump and his team that were RIGHT / doing he right thing - as declared by Joe Biden ....You think it is the President and his family who would need to flee the country due to COVID-19?
My stance on this completely lacks partisanship. I could give a rat's ass who Stone is or what he has done. As a retired vet who served 30+ years defending EVERYONE'S Rights and freedom, its about the Constitution. As provided, the Constitution / Amendment declares EVERY citizen has the Right to a fair trial by an IMPARTIAL jury. Period, dot.

There's no such thing as an impartial jury. You have 12 people all with their own biases going in. Your lawyer makes the best case he can. Then the jury deliberates... the fact that one juror thought he was guilty wasn't the problem Stone had, it was that ALL 12 of them thought he was guilty.

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