No Mr. Vice President..the man has no "Balls" see, HE IS DEAD!


VIP Member
Jul 26, 2011
Did the Vice President really say that? MAnd this administration is puuuure class....WOW!
That's what Mr. Woods says he told him.

I cringe that that man is a heart beat away from the Presidency.
Geeze! I am so ashamed of our President and Vice President and the whole Obama administration I could crawl under a rock and stay there! They have got to go!

Just when you think our vice president can't get any more CRASS he proves you wrong!

Charles Woods Discusses His Son Tyrone Woods and Benghazi Attack With Glenn Beck | Video |

Woods said Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”

“Are these the words of someone who is sorry?” said Woods.

There are no words.........

I've got a thread going with the father's Lars Larson interview. Much of this is the same from what I've gathered.

It's surreal. My thread was concentrating on the vow to prosecute the film maker.

You're right. There are no words. I have sort of a Fred Flintstone version of a computer so videos are out of the question so I went to the blaze and they've got a good transcript up.

I'm sitting here just shaking my head at what I read. His tribute to his son is so moving.
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Biden should have just said, "Too Bad your son wasn't fire proof," that would have gone over just as well. What dopes we have in high office they don't even know how to be sympathetic to the fallen. I hear Obama and Hillary were just as bad, they’re all callous fools.

Read on down the article where Mr. Woods said shaking hands with Maobama was like shaking hands with a dead fish. We got to get these people out of DC ASAP.
Biden missed his calling to be a college football coach and in some weird twist of fate ended up the VP. Life is weird.

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