No threads yet on the handshake between Trump and Putin. Let's lol now shall we?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Now that Putin’s little half black puppet bitch homo is no longer president, let's anticipate what the pathetic lying media or James Brown (Maxine Waters) will say.

Maxine Waters (James Brown) really shows how typical THOSE PEOPLE are. I mean there are admittedly exceptions here or there...

What a gift that keeps on giving though.


There is 100% no doubt when that typical dumbass lying negro woman bought her gaudy wig, that she asked for the James Brown look.
This is what political discourse has become in america, and we blame politicians.
the handshake on trump and Putin? yeah that would show us if Trump is part of the NWO plan or not if he is involved in the secret handshake that the elite in many high offices of the government from around the country use.
This is what political discourse has become in america, and we blame politicians.

Yeah, I thought this was going to have some substance instead we see this school yard reply from someone who hasnt been in school for decades.
the handshake on trump and Putin? yeah that would show us if Trump is part of the NWO plan or not if he is involved in the secret handshake that the elite in many high offices of the government from around the country use.
I don't know if Putin is really part of all of that. The globalists and new world order are certainly probrexit. They award globalists like obama and Merkel. They handed the half black messiah the "Nobel Peace prize" before he did a thing.

Merkel certainly doing the globalist bidding by inviting the invasion of muslims into the west under the guise of caring for the poor.

They are firmly behind Agenda 21 and UN types. Look up Maurice Strong, Agenda 21 and global governance. Then see how the climate industry is involved and then see who the players are that push the scam.

Not one stupid ass lefty has demonstrated what the "Paris Accords" is specifically supposed to do for the planet.

They have no clue. Make no mistake, isis is a globalist creation. Notice how all of their equipment they used to grow was American hardware that Obama abandoned in Iraq?
Watch the handshake. It is all in their first handshake.
  • If it is a firm handshake, single thrust, it means the deal is in.
  • If it is two pumps, Putin's hand on top, it means that Trump is going to let him keep the Crimea.
  • If Trump lays his other hand over Putin's, it means that they will split Syria and Assad takes it in the ass.
  • And if it is the Brother's Handshake, griping each other by the forearm, then we attack Kim Jong-Um at midnight and claim is was Japs, and split up the territory between us, Trump gets to build two hotels there and a golf course, Putin gets lifetime membership free.
Now that Putin’s little half black puppet bitch homo is no longer president, let's anticipate what the pathetic lying media or James Brown (Maxine Waters) will say.

Maxine Waters (James Brown) really shows how typical THOSE PEOPLE are. I mean there are admittedly exceptions here or there...

What a gift that keeps on giving though.


There is 100% no doubt when that typical dumbass lying negro woman bought her gaudy wig, that she asked for the James Brown look.

You be tellin' me that's a wig? I'd pay good money for someone to blow that thing off with a big fan! I bet there's a man under there!

Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 12.17.17 PM.png

But I gotta ask: WHY IS IT THAT ALL LIBERALS ARE BUTT UGLY??? Can you point out to me even ONE good looking Lib?
Now that Putin’s little half black puppet bitch homo is no longer president, let's anticipate what the pathetic lying media or James Brown (Maxine Waters) will say.

Maxine Waters (James Brown) really shows how typical THOSE PEOPLE are. I mean there are admittedly exceptions here or there...

What a gift that keeps on giving though.


There is 100% no doubt when that typical dumbass lying negro woman bought her gaudy wig, that she asked for the James Brown look.

You be tellin' me that's a wig? I'd pay good money for someone to blow that thing off with a big fan! I bet there's a man under there!

View attachment 137298

But I gotta ask: WHY IS IT THAT ALL LIBERALS ARE BUTT UGLY??? Can you point out to me even ONE good looking Lib?
She looks like someone's pet dog.

Heeere Stupid...c'mere Stupid...sit Stupid sit...Oh, Stupid! You took another Obama on the carpet again!!!

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