No Wonder the Left Wants EPA Administrator Pruitt Fired


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
With all the screams about his actions being sounded, one can only speculate that he's doing exactly what the president and the American people want him to do.

The Daily Caller reported on the latest unsubstantiated allegations lodged against Pruitt by the liberal media, this time in regard to his efforts at dismantling and reducing the influence of the agency he oversees, and to say the allegations are a bit ridiculous and petty would be an understatement.

Perhaps you might chuckle as you read the rest @ Pruitt's Waging His War on the EPA... All the Way Down to Epic Changes to Agency's Stationery
“Epic changes,” yet Pruitt has managed to repeal absolutely nothing. :laugh:

The Trump sheep need their cookie crumbs to help them pretend Trump’s thugs aren’t corrupt to the core
With all the screams about his actions being sounded, one can only speculate that he's doing exactly what the president and the American people want him to do.

among your ilk, you could NOT find ONE fuckhead who could do Trump's bidding WITHOUT being a corrupt, lowlife, abject crook?
Oh, you’re right. Fake news claimed he did, but give it time-
Colorado won’t join 18 states opposing Trump EPA push to kill Clean Power Plan to fight climate change – The Denver Post
And according to the daily beast-
Regulatory Rollback

Pruitt’s EPA has eliminated regulations that:

  • Verified emissions from a company’s industrial expansion are what the company says they are. (Now the EPA will simply take estimates at face value.) (PDF)
  • Blocked a potentially disastrous mining operation in Alaska’s Bristol Bay. (The mine will now go forward, though a single leak could devastate the world’s largest sockeye salmon population.)
  • Required the tracking of methane emissions (this decision was overturned by the Supreme Court).
  • Required data collection of emissions from oil and gas companies.
  • Monitored fracking.
  • Required companies to disclose which hazardous chemicals they’re storing.
  • Protected tributaries of sensitive bodies of water (even though the EPA’s analysis showed it would cost less to prevent the pollution than to allow it). (PDF)
  • Set tighter emissions standards for trucks.
  • Banned the toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos.
The Ten Worst Things Scott Pruitt’s EPA Has Already Done
“Epic changes,” yet Pruitt has managed to repeal absolutely nothing. :laugh:

The Trump sheep need their cookie crumbs to help them pretend Trump’s thugs aren’t corrupt to the core
The Trump Administration Just Repealed The Only Major U.S. Rule To Combat Climate Change | HuffPost
That plan is currently still in place :itsok:

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