None Of These Companies Sent A Message Of Solidarity To The Christian Community After The Nashville Shooting. Not One!

I see a sweet young girl who was later filled with aggressive hormones so that she could act out on her confusion and anger issues.

That poor child was radicalized by the democrat party, and turned into a weapon by the new brown shirt wing of the democrat party.....the transgender Day of Vengeance Brigade......

The democrats are now full maoists.......and they are turning up the violence more and more, they are using the government agencies openly now....

We have seen how this ends, the mass graves, the genocide, the control......

We need to say "Stop," you are not going to do this again......
Then the solution is simple. Put millions of heavily armed guards, EVERYWHERE !!!!!

Another problem is the active shooter does not care if he dies and the guy guarding the school does.

The active shooter will come prepared with his trusty AR-15, large capacity magazines, body armor
The school guard will have his handgun
Can you say Ashli Babbit?

The woman who was murdered by one of pelosi's goon squad.....killed by a police officer, shot in the neck without warning?

Versus the mentally ill woman who was radicalized by the maoist democrat party and who murdered 3 children and 3 adults.....? really are fucking stupid.
Another problem is the active shooter does not care if he dies and the guy guarding the school does.

The active shooter will come prepared with his trusty AR-15, large capacity magazines, body armor
The school guard will have his handgun


At the range of these shootings, the rifle doesn't matter......and shooting back at the attacker slows the attack, possibly ends the attack and allows the police more time to get to the scene...saving lives.......

At the range of these shootings, the rifle doesn't matter......and shooting back at the attacker slows the attack, possibly ends the attack and allows the police more time to get to the scene...saving lives.......

We end up with situations like Parkland and Uvalde where the shooter is more heavily armed than the police and they are reluctant to engage him
Now if the victims where all black, it'd be a different story.

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A day can’t go by without you reacting like a drama queen snowflake to the most meaningless shit huh?

I guarantee you no one, including these businesses, is going to care if you refuse their products and services. Of course within a couple weeks you would probably cave anyway.
We end up with situations like Parkland and Uvalde where the shooter is more heavily armed than the police and they are reluctant to engage him had one cop in Parkland, who refused to enter.

Uvalde you had leadership who were frozen and unable to commit to saving kids...

In Nashville, the cops did as they were trained, entered and engaged and stopped the attack...

Had there been armed staff in the building we know the killer would not have attacked.....

The mentally ill woman, radicalized by the democrat party, stated in her manifesto that she had planned on attacking a different place, but it had too much she changed the attack to the gun free school....
Put armed security in schools.

But that's a big no no to you loons

I would say we need to go back to having a society where security in schools was unheard of (well unless you lived in some shitty ghetto school stacked with a bunch of thug kids).

We shouldn't have to conform to crime, we should not let crime get that bad to begin with. We need to fix what has changed in our country.

Guns aren't the problem, we've always had a lot of guns. I'm not an old man but when I was in school from kindergarten to a senior in highschool we never had security at all, not even cameras. Worst we ever had was the occasional fist fight. Only security we had was the teachers that kept everyone in line and had no problem grabbing you when trouble started, and the daily drive by of a sheriff's car while on patrol.

Why is it different now? Because our standards, values and morals have changed. We're losing those things and it's plainly obvious a lack of morals, values and standards is a large and noticeable negative impact on our society. There is evidence of it all over but instead of people saying "why are things like this now when they weren't 20 years ago?" They just want to say it's racism or sexism or lack of diversity.

Common sense tells you if something changes from it what it historically has been then something caused that change. You look for the change and you correct it so things can go back. had one cop in Parkland, who refused to enter.

Uvalde you had leadership who were frozen and unable to commit to saving kids...

In Nashville, the cops did as they were trained, entered and engaged and stopped the attack...

Had there been armed staff in the building we know the killer would not have attacked.....

The mentally ill woman, radicalized by the democrat party, stated in her manifesto that she had planned on attacking a different place, but it had too much she changed the attack to the gun free school....

Put armed security in schools... it'll stop.
I would say we need to go back to having a society where security in schools was unheard of (well unless you lived in some shitty ghetto school stacked with a bunch of thug kids).

We shouldn't have to conform to crime, we should not let crime get that bad to begin with. We need to fix what has changed in our country.

Guns aren't the problem, we've always had a lot of guns. I'm not an old man but when I was in school from kindergarten to a senior in highschool we never had security at all, not even cameras. Worst we ever had was the occasional fist fight. Only security we had was the teachers that kept everyone in line and had no problem grabbing you when trouble started, and the daily drive by of a sheriff's car while on patrol.

Why is it different now? Because our standards, values and morals have changed. We're losing those things and it's plainly obvious a lack of morals, values and standards is a large and noticeable negative impact on our society. There is evidence of it all over but instead of people saying "why are things like this now when they weren't 20 years ago?" They just want to say it's racism or sexism or lack of diversity.

Common sense tells you if something changes from it what it historically has been then something caused that change. You look for the change and you correct it so things can go back.

I can agree but the sad fact is schools are a target for nutcases because they know it's a soft target

Our children's school has an armed guard and at least three staff who are licensed to carry. I don't even know which three but it's not a soft target and it's well known it's not
I can agree but the sad fact is schools are a target for nutcases because they know it's a soft target

Our children's school has an armed guard and at least three staff who are licensed to carry. I don't even know which three but it's not a soft target and it's well known it's not

Oh I'm not saying security and armed staff isn't needed or a bad idea.

But it really needs to be a temporary solution. The real solution is course correct our society to where it was like it was 30 years when this wasn't needed. That means bringing back morals, standards, values, pride in your country, treating criminals like criminals, instilling some level of Christian beliefs, personal responsibility and having meaning and goals in your life. Sadly that's an uphill battle.

I drive by my old school and see a sheriff's car always parked out front. Just sad to see it is all. I wish kids didn't have to go to school and worry about their safety. Jesus we all constantly flirting with danger but it was stuff like 8 kids in the back of a pickup truck, no concept of helmets, going off on our own to God knows where with friends and no one knew, hell some of us used to take guns to school in our cars to go target shoot after school together. We all turned out fine and better adults for it.

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