Noose tightening on Obama/Clinton Traitors


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Of course, Liberals have hardly ever even heard the names McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, Page et al because they pay attention only to FAKE NEWS which doesn't report on CRIMES committed by the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel or on the greatest Criminal Scandal in American History---currently unfolding.

But, perhaps it is time they started to learn. He's a start:

McCabe and Strzok Caught Destroying Evidence During Final Days at FBI; "Huber is Running a Grand Jury" – True Pundit

"Though at differing times, McCabe and Strzok were under 24-hour surveillance both at the office and outside FBI HQ in Washington D.C. And any documents, files, and databases that were deleted or manipulated by McCabe and Strzok were being recorded and documented by federal agents. The original records were restored after the duo vacated the FBI.

“They had no clue they were being watched,” one FBI source said."

Its going way, way too slow, but INDICTMENTS are coming. Bolsheviks: Prepare your Deflections, your inane Bullshit, your childish Sophistry---your are going to need it.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

When the Honest People have sense enough to start monitoring the actions of the criminals, as has happened here---the Swamp is being drained--at least in the DOJ/FBI. Much work left to be done in the State Department.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?

THE SWAMP (as is obvious to all except Dumb-Ass Bolsheviks)---is anyone put in place by the Socialist Liar---Barack Obama.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
- Orwell

Democrats with their media, press and cultural networks and their hold on public education largely control information on past and present.

That must be broken, by whatever means.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?

THE SWAMP (as is obvious to all except Dumb-Ass Bolsheviks)---is anyone put in place by the Socialist Liar---Barack Obama.

Ok so who is left that needs to be removed in the upper levels of government?
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
- Orwell

Democrats with their media, press and cultural networks and their hold on public education largely control information on past and present.

That must be broken, by whatever means.

So the Swamp isn't the government? Can you guys pick a narrative and stick with it?
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?
Your remark is just another in a long line of deflections aimed at nothing more than protecting the status of the scum in DC. You like many others choose to ignore the fact that many so called republicans are little more than liberal scum.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?
Your remark is just another in a long line of deflections aimed at nothing more than protecting the status of the scum in DC. You like many others choose to ignore the fact that many so called republicans are little more than liberal scum.

Ok, name the people who are in our government that need to be removed that are preventing Obama/Clinton from being charged with the crimes that they should be charged with.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?

I think you misspoke there. Republicans *won* the Presidency, House, Senate, Supreme Court and 33 governors. Doesn't automatically mean control. Control comes with the bleaching out of the deep state.
Republicans are absolutely part of the swamp though. One less since McCain died. The Republican never-trumpers fought harder against Trump than the Democrats ever will.
The Swamp (aka Deep State) is also comprised of pols bought and paid for by K-Street and who only do what is in the best interest of the top tax rate, as directed. Some of their crimes include creating tax breaks for moving jobs overseas, the UraniumOne scam, the IRS hounding of conservatives, as well as placing loyalists at the top echelons of government (Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Ohr, Rosenstein?, Mueller? Comrade Brennan) come to mind.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?
Your remark is just another in a long line of deflections aimed at nothing more than protecting the status of the scum in DC. You like many others choose to ignore the fact that many so called republicans are little more than liberal scum.

Ok, name the people who are in our government that need to be removed that are preventing Obama/Clinton from being charged with the crimes that they should be charged with.
I ain't your nigga troll. Sod off, and I don't play games with you scum. Washington is full of scum hiding in the shadows screwing us all. You find them.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?

I think you misspoke there. Republicans *won* the Presidency, House, Senate, Supreme Court and 33 governors. Doesn't automatically mean control. Control comes with the bleaching out of the deep state.
Republicans are absolutely part of the swamp though. One less since McCain died. The Republican never-trumpers fought harder against Trump than the Democrats ever will.

Ok, name the members of the "deep state" who are still in our government that are preventing all of these important things from happening.
Nothing will happen to them until liberals shit stains loose control of the swamp.

Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?
Your remark is just another in a long line of deflections aimed at nothing more than protecting the status of the scum in DC. You like many others choose to ignore the fact that many so called republicans are little more than liberal scum.

Ok, name the people who are in our government that need to be removed that are preventing Obama/Clinton from being charged with the crimes that they should be charged with.
I ain't your nigga troll. Sod off, and I don't play games with you scum. Washington is full of scum hiding in the shadows screwing us all. You find them.

How do you know if they've been removed if you don't know who they are?
Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?

The swamp is a mix of bureaucrats from both party's that have made careers in DC...they call themselves the Be team because they will Be there when the elected officials are gone...
They rule over the very people we elect...most politicians roll over because they are afraid of them....Trump is exposing them and they don't like it one bit....they love bigger and bigger government to secure their positions...Obama rolled over and bent at the knees because he too wanted a larger government....
Jeff Sessions was placed into the Trump campaign as an insurance policy but make no mistake he is a member of the Be team and is there to run cover for them....
You libs are the biggest laugh of it all because you have all been blind to it when its right in front of you....don't you ever wonder why Obama's hands were tied for 8 years?....don't you ever ask yourself what happened to Hope and Change?....nothing changed very damn much...just drive through any inner city in the nation and you will see it hasn't changed....wake up before its too late....demand answers and openness in government....
Trump is trying to clean up this cabal...a cabal that has worked its way into the media via marriage and pay offs...
When ever a member of congress or the senate or even a president that wants to clean up this shit hole gets close to winning or wins the swamp and the state run media gets together and tries to kill any hope of success even to the point of ruining lives....that is why nothing ever changes in DC.....
Republicans control the Presidency, Senate, House, Supreme court and 33/50 governors are Republican. At what point do you question who "the swamp" really is?

The swamp is a mix of bureaucrats from both party's that have made careers in DC...they call themselves the Be team because they will Be there when the elected officials are gone...
They rule over the very people we elect...most politicians roll over because they are afraid of them....Trump is exposing them and they don't like it one bit....they love bigger and bigger government to secure their positions...Obama rolled over and bent at the knees because he too wanted a larger government....
Jeff Sessions was placed into the Trump campaign as an insurance policy but make no mistake he is a member of the Be team and is there to run cover for them....
You libs are the biggest laugh of it all because you have all been blind to it when its right in front of you....don't you ever wonder why Obama's hands were tied for 8 years?....don't you ever ask yourself what happened to Hope and Change?....nothing changed very damn much...just drive through any inner city in the nation and you will see it hasn't changed....wake up before its too late....demand answers and openness in government....
Trump is trying to clean up this cabal...a cabal that has worked its way into the media via marriage and pay offs...
When ever a member of congress of the senate or even a president that wants to clean up this shit hole the swamp and the state run media gets together and tries to kill any hope of success even to the point of ruining lives....that is why nothing ever changes in DC.....

Didn't Trump select Sessions? Why would he do that if he was a part of the swamp?
Funny, I just had a friend who sent me a text slighting both the FBI and the CIA.
The truth is I worked in military intelligence when I was in the service and I had interactions with both CIA agents and FBI agents. I found them to be dedicated patriotic Americans who put their lives on the line to protect the country. Republicans used to pretend to respect these people. But now that they’ve elected a criminal into the White House they hate these people.
It’s really sad how far Republicans have fallen. And their boss works for his boss Vladimir Putin.
Didn't Trump select Sessions? Why would he do that if he was a part of the swamp?
Sessions went to Trump at a time when most other elected republicans were in opposition to him...Trump gladly excepted Jeff into his campaign but as we can see now that was a huge mistake....Sessions began bending Trump's ear for the AG job two years ago....and he got it....

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