North Carolina Gas Rights - Suddenly the left gets public use


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
I live in North Carolina. The Republicans took over the governorship and both houses in the last election and with only few exceptions have done a great job.The media of course being the leftists they are everywhere hate them. One of the current ones is as in many states of allowing horizontal fracking.

Side note on Fracking: They have been doing fracking for most of the last century. What they did was vertical fracking, which means fracking drilling down. What they do now is "horizontal" fracking, which means once they drill down they then go sideways. That is what the debate is about. Not "fracking." Horizontal fracking is cheaper because you can drill down once, then drill horizontally in many directions rather than drilling down in every hole. It's more environmentally friendly for the same reason. And it's less obtrusive because instead of an oil field covered with rigs, there is a plain with only a few scattered rigs.

So back to North Carolina, the legislature is debating selling rights to gas miles under homeowners land, and having the oil companies compensate the landowners. So the media is interviewing liberal homeowners who want to stop it because they're liberal. Their argument? How can government use power to take their natural resource rights and use it to benefit a for profit company? It's just wrong!

Now let's go back to New London. The liberals, including every liberal on the bench, advocated taking the home from people who had lived in New England for decades and give it to a .. for profit ... developer. Every conservative on the bench voted against it. They kicked grandma out of her home, and beyond that eight years later the empty homes are still there, it wasn't even developed.

New London is a major story where people's home were taken from them. But the media and left are silent because it serves liberalism to not care. Then they have the audacity to use the argument they ignored for the power of government and use it for people who's home is not affected and they are going to get a check.

This, is why I hate liberals. They have no intellectual integrity. Their views are just group think positions which they justify with bull shit transactional arguments they don't even believe, which is why every argument they make on one issue they contradict themselves on another.
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Those same dick wads have screwed NY,not with reality or science,but with FEELINGS.
We would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick if we let them have their way.
Those same dick wads have screwed NY,not with reality or science,but with FEELINGS.
We would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick if we let them have their way.

Wouldn't that be animal cruelty?
Those same dick wads have screwed NY,not with reality or science,but with FEELINGS.
We would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick if we let them have their way.

Wouldn't that be animal cruelty?

No, 'cause you'd only be allowed to dig roots with your sharp stick.

While their energy policy is "none of the above," I have yet to see liberals use any less of it than I do. Criticizing is easy. Solving no so much. Assigning your problems to government is easy. Taking care of yourself not so much. There is a pattern...
Wouldn't that be animal cruelty?

No, 'cause you'd only be allowed to dig roots with your sharp stick.

While their energy policy is "none of the above," I have yet to see liberals use any less of it than I do. Criticizing is easy. Solving no so much. Assigning your problems to government is easy. Taking care of yourself not so much. There is a pattern...

I have often wondered why those who advocate using less energy don't "lead by example". But then, it isn't about using too much energy, it is all about who is using it. And personal responsibility is no doubt considered terroristic by this regime. Failure to rely upon government for your livelihood from cradle to grave is not doubt to be frowned upon as being anti-social and destructive.
I live in North Carolina. The Republicans took over the governorship and both houses in the last election and with only few exceptions have done a great job.The media of course being the leftists they are everywhere hate them. One of the current ones is as in many states of allowing horizontal fracking.

Side note on Fracking: They have been doing fracking for most of the last century. What they did was vertical fracking, which means fracking drilling down. What they do now is "horizontal" fracking, which means once they drill down they then go sideways. That is what the debate is about. Not "fracking." Horizontal fracking is cheaper because you can drill down once, then drill horizontally in many directions rather than drilling down in every hole. It's more environmentally friendly for the same reason. And it's less obtrusive because instead of an oil field covered with rigs, there is a plain with only a few scattered rigs.

So back to North Carolina, the legislature is debating selling rights to gas miles under homeowners land, and having the oil companies compensate the landowners. So the media is interviewing liberal homeowners who want to stop it because they're liberal. Their argument? How can government use power to take their natural resource rights and use it to benefit a for profit company? It's just wrong!

Now let's go back to New London. The liberals, including every liberal on the bench, advocated taking the home from people who had lived in New England for decades and give it to a .. for profit ... developer. Every conservative on the bench voted against it. They kicked grandma out of her home, and beyond that eight years later the empty homes are still there, it wasn't even developed.

New London is a major story where people's home were taken from them. But the media and left are silent because it serves liberalism to not care. Then they have the audacity to use the argument they ignored for the power of government and use it for people who's home is not affected and they are going to get a check.

This, is why I hate liberals. They have no intellectual integrity. Their views are just group think positions which they justify with bull shit transactional arguments they don't even believe, which is why every argument they make on one issue they contradict themselves on another.
How's your Education System right now? :D
Those same dick wads have screwed NY,not with reality or science,but with FEELINGS.
We would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick if we let them have their way.
Come to Pennsylvania.

We're allowed to hurl our pointy sticks with another stick and some string!

This, is why I hate liberals. They have no intellectual integrity. Their views are just group think positions which they justify with bull shit transactional arguments they don't even believe, which is why every argument they make on one issue they contradict themselves on another.

The left ALWAYS lies.

LIE is their constant state of existence. They lie to the voter, they lie to their opponents, they lie to their friends, they lie to their spouses, to their children and to themselves.

They never say what they think and they never do what they say.

That is why their adherents are the stupidest low information voters possible
This, is why I hate liberals. They have no intellectual integrity. Their views are just group think positions which they justify with bull shit transactional arguments they don't even believe, which is why every argument they make on one issue they contradict themselves on another.

The left ALWAYS lies.

LIE is their constant state of existence. They lie to the voter, they lie to their opponents, they lie to their friends, they lie to their spouses, to their children and to themselves.

They never say what they think and they never do what they say.

That is why their adherents are the stupidest low information voters possible

I simply cannot understand why the Right doesn't attract more Independents.
Those same dick wads have screwed NY,not with reality or science,but with FEELINGS.
We would still be chasing our food with a sharp stick if we let them have their way.
Come to Pennsylvania.

We're allowed to hurl our pointy sticks with another stick and some string!


I know I drive into Pa for service calls several time a week,it pisses me off to no end watching what is going on a few miles away,while the cream shitters blubber and lie about NG,with a no drill sign stuck in the ground next to their gas meter.The ultra in selfishness.
I live in North Carolina. The Republicans took over the governorship and both houses in the last election and with only few exceptions have done a great job.The media of course being the leftists they are everywhere hate them. One of the current ones is as in many states of allowing horizontal fracking.

Side note on Fracking: They have been doing fracking for most of the last century. What they did was vertical fracking, which means fracking drilling down. What they do now is "horizontal" fracking, which means once they drill down they then go sideways. That is what the debate is about. Not "fracking." Horizontal fracking is cheaper because you can drill down once, then drill horizontally in many directions rather than drilling down in every hole. It's more environmentally friendly for the same reason. And it's less obtrusive because instead of an oil field covered with rigs, there is a plain with only a few scattered rigs.

So back to North Carolina, the legislature is debating selling rights to gas miles under homeowners land, and having the oil companies compensate the landowners. So the media is interviewing liberal homeowners who want to stop it because they're liberal. Their argument? How can government use power to take their natural resource rights and use it to benefit a for profit company? It's just wrong!

Now let's go back to New London. The liberals, including every liberal on the bench, advocated taking the home from people who had lived in New England for decades and give it to a .. for profit ... developer. Every conservative on the bench voted against it. They kicked grandma out of her home, and beyond that eight years later the empty homes are still there, it wasn't even developed.

New London is a major story where people's home were taken from them. But the media and left are silent because it serves liberalism to not care. Then they have the audacity to use the argument they ignored for the power of government and use it for people who's home is not affected and they are going to get a check.

This, is why I hate liberals. They have no intellectual integrity. Their views are just group think positions which they justify with bull shit transactional arguments they don't even believe, which is why every argument they make on one issue they contradict themselves on another.
How's your Education System right now? :D

The less of it that's controlled by government, the better we all are.
I live in North Carolina. The Republicans took over the governorship and both houses in the last election and with only few exceptions have done a great job.The media of course being the leftists they are everywhere hate them. One of the current ones is as in many states of allowing horizontal fracking.

Side note on Fracking: They have been doing fracking for most of the last century. What they did was vertical fracking, which means fracking drilling down. What they do now is "horizontal" fracking, which means once they drill down they then go sideways. That is what the debate is about. Not "fracking." Horizontal fracking is cheaper because you can drill down once, then drill horizontally in many directions rather than drilling down in every hole. It's more environmentally friendly for the same reason. And it's less obtrusive because instead of an oil field covered with rigs, there is a plain with only a few scattered rigs.

So back to North Carolina, the legislature is debating selling rights to gas miles under homeowners land, and having the oil companies compensate the landowners. So the media is interviewing liberal homeowners who want to stop it because they're liberal. Their argument? How can government use power to take their natural resource rights and use it to benefit a for profit company? It's just wrong!

Now let's go back to New London. The liberals, including every liberal on the bench, advocated taking the home from people who had lived in New England for decades and give it to a .. for profit ... developer. Every conservative on the bench voted against it. They kicked grandma out of her home, and beyond that eight years later the empty homes are still there, it wasn't even developed.

New London is a major story where people's home were taken from them. But the media and left are silent because it serves liberalism to not care. Then they have the audacity to use the argument they ignored for the power of government and use it for people who's home is not affected and they are going to get a check.

This, is why I hate liberals. They have no intellectual integrity. Their views are just group think positions which they justify with bull shit transactional arguments they don't even believe, which is why every argument they make on one issue they contradict themselves on another.
How's your Education System right now? :D

The less of it that's controlled by government, the better we all are.

I understand it is completely controlled by the state government.
I understand it is completely controlled by the state government.

You realize you insulted your own party, right? Republicans didn't take over the NC legislature until 2011 and it was for the first time since Reconstruction. That's 150 years of Democratic control who, of course, would be responsible for the effectiveness of the school system, not that any of this really matters anyway because that's not the topic of discussion. You were just trolling because you had nothing useful to offer to the actual topic at hand.

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