North Vancouver putting Climate change warning labels on Gas pumps

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012

What will the wacky left do next?

North Vancouver adding climate change warning labels at gas pumps

VANCOUVER — North Vancouver will become the first city in the country to require climate change warning labels on gas pumps, after city councillors voted unanimously in favour of the move.

Environmentalists are celebrating, saying warning labels on pumps will help people realize they are contributing to climate change.

Non-profit group “Our Horizon” was behind the idea. It has been working with various municipalities in Canada to require climate change labels on gas pump nozzles.

“It is historic on a global scale,” the group’s executive director Rob Shirkey told Global News
it seems like i'm seeing five new socialist markers everyday, i'm starting a list.

22 Things Obama Has Done Which Are CLEARLY Socialist

Blog: Global warming brainwashing

Medicine as propaganda: Obama pushes doctors to brainwash patients about global warming

December 15, 2010
Global warming brainwashing
By Carol Headrick
It's freezing. Our kids have been lied to their entire lives.

Step outside and ask yourself if billions of your tax dollars were well spent on Global Warming. What if the amount is in the trillions? Generations of American children have grown up being taught the dangers of man-made global warming. On just one day, my twelve year old son heard about global warming in his science class, his Planet Earth video in English class, and in the Green Ideas in his school newspaper. It comes close to being brain-washed. Many teachers are also brain-washed. They too have been taught that the science behind global warming is settled. Our teachers need to be introduced to Climategate. Simple words will spell it out. The data was manipulated and made up, facts omitted, disagreements silenced. Pass this on to our children. They have been lied to their whole lives and deserve better.

The great Global Warming Scientists were and are still well-funded and continue this farce. The latest name is Global Climate Disruption. We have been lied to and continue to be lied to. We should not only be mad but demand that anyone participating in this fraud be prosecuted. Any funding should immediately be ceased. Thinking Americans should research Global Warming for themselves. The worst part is finding out why. But most of all, I want our children to grow up to be thinkers.
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LOL I'll remember to laugh as I fill up my gas guzzling V8 4x4 truck next time.

We have ozone alert days. Those are usually the hottest or more humid days of the year. I try to wait for those days to fill up my car; anything to piss off an environmentalist.
It's time like these when I'm proud to be Canadian ...

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