Not all men, or women, are created equal - apparently

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Gay folks don't have to STFU, but should not rub anybody's face in it. :dunno:

We don't have to cater to anyone, fuck that! :fu:

I have about a dozen homo customers, they don't bother me.
I don't have to give them any preferential treatment or something stupid like that, though.
Your own link is telling.

US Supreme Court to decide whether it's legal to fire people for being LGBT

There is no explicit federal law that outlaws anti-LGBT discrimination, but lower courts have ruled that Civil Rights Act provisions barring discrimination “on the basis of sex” include gender identity and sexual orientation.

Now I have argued that it was or should be covered under the Equal Protection Clause, but right now it is not. So it is legal. Not moral IMO, but legal.
Not all men, or women, are created equal - apparently
that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.
Dear me.this is just evil.

  • Who ever told you all men and women are equal? Are you qualified to walk into Buckingham Palace tomorrow and take over for the Royal Family? Then you're not equal.
  • Gay people for whatever reason have a sexual dysfunction. Guys are not supposed to want to boink other guys up the fanny. So, as an employer, I may not want them around little children. My call, just as I might not want a pyromaniac working as Chief of my fire department.
  • Evil? Every job I've ever had has came with restrictions. You expect Gays to have none? I call Jeffrey Dahmer evil. I call Hitler evil. You call someone being let go because they don't fit the employer's profile for a jobs work requirements "evil" just because some of that may overlap their sexual deviancy? Dude, you have a serious lapse of reason.
Your own link is telling.

US Supreme Court to decide whether it's legal to fire people for being LGBT

There is no explicit federal law that outlaws anti-LGBT discrimination, but lower courts have ruled that Civil Rights Act provisions barring discrimination “on the basis of sex” include gender identity and sexual orientation.

Now I have argued that it was or should be covered under the Equal Protection Clause, but right now it is not. So it is legal. Not moral IMO, but legal.

This is part of an article I posted on USMB some time ago:

Lower courts have issued conflicting opinions on this issue and the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has not made a decision on this specific issue. However in the case of Price Waterhouse v Hopkins the SCOTUS concluded that discrimination based upon sexual stereotypes is a violation of Title VII. The case involved a woman who was denied a promotion because he employer thought she was not feminine enough in the way she walked, talked, dressed and acted. Here are the details:

“Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 490 U.S. 228 (1989). The Supreme Court recognized that employment discrimination based on sex stereotypes (e.g., assumptions and/or expectations about how persons of a certain sex should dress, behave, etc.) is unlawful sex discrimination under Title VII. Price Waterhouse had denied Ann Hopkins a promotion in part because other partners at the firm felt that she did not act as woman should act. She was told, among other things, that she needed to "walk more femininely, talk more femininely, [and] dress more femininely" in order to secure a partnership. Id. at 230-31, 235. The Court found that this constituted evidence of sex discrimination as "in the . . . context of sex stereotyping, an employer who acts on the basis of a belief that a woman cannot be aggressive, or that she must not be, has acted on the basis of gender." Id. at 250. The Court further explained that Title VII's "because of sex" provision strikes at the "entire spectrum of disparate treatment of men and women resulting from sex stereotypes." Id. (quoting City of Los Angeles Dep't of Water & Power v. Manhart, 435 U.S. 702, 707 n.13 (1978) (internal citation omitted)).”

Examples of Court Decisions Holding LGBT-Related Discrimination Actionable Under Title VII

(Note: The above link also gives examples of lower court rulings showing that sexual orientation is protected against discrimination.)

It seems to me me that if discrimination based upon sexual stereotyping is a violation of Title VII so would discrimination based upon sexual orientation. After all, the disparate treatment of gays and lesbians is based upon their non-conformity to the stereotype of what others expect their sexual behavior to be. I expect the SCOTUS to find that sexual orientation is afforded the full protections of Title VII. Further the SCOTUS has shown that they generally give deference to rulings made by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and The EEOC has already taken a position that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act affords protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

“In 2012, David Baldwin, a federal employee, filed an administrative charge of discrimination with the EEOC, alleging he was discriminated against because of his sex and sexual orientation. Specifically, Baldwin alleged he was denied a promotion because he is gay. In its decision, the EEOC relied upon the existing prohibition on discrimination based on sex-based stereotypes or assumptions, concluding it “applies equally in claims brought by lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals under Title VII.” According to the EEOC, “sexual orientation is inseparable from and inescapably linked to sex.” Without resolving the merits of the claim, the EEOC ultimately found that “sexual orientation is inherently a ‘sex-based consideration,’ and an allegation of discrimination based on sexual orientation is necessarily an allegation of sex discrimination under Title VII.” See Baldwin v. Foxx, FAA-2012-24738 (EEOC June 15, 2015).”

EEOC says sexual orientation protected under Title VII | JD Supra

CONCLUSION: The lower courts are in disagreement regarding whether discrimination based upon sexual orientation is a violation of Title VII. The SCOTUS has not addressed the issue head on; however, the Court has found discrimination based upon sex stereotyping to be a violation of Title VII and in my opinion it is impossible to separate sexual orientation from sexual stereotyping. The EEOC has already ruled that discrimination based upon sexual orientation is a violation of Title VII and the SCOTUS usually goes along with the EEOC in matters of policy.

When the SCOTUS gave gays the right to marry, most legal scholars believed the Court's decision did not make homosexuals a protected class (and thus subject to the provisions of Title VII). However, the Court's opinion in Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Serv. seems to say that gays are in fact afforded such protection. Unfortunately, the SCOTUS did not rule on the case, electing instead to remand it to the lower court for further consideration; however, the EEOC leaves no doubt that gays are afforded the same protections under Title VII as any other protected class. Where will it end? I predict that if SCOTUS issues a final ruling on the issue, Title VII will be expanded to include protections for sexual orientation.

Of course, that is only my humble opinion. OK, I lied about the humble part.
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Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.
I had a gay guy apply for a position at one of our rest areas once. Actually it was right after I fired a gal who I discovered was making side money hooking on that site. The only portion where I was discriminating is that I personally took care of his onsite training going through all of his job duties with him, safety training, papers, etc. After I told him that if any of those damn queers show up and start trying to use the site as a pickup site you are to call the highway patrol and they will be arrested immediately he decided he didn't really want the job.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
I can understand why employers would be concerned over unwarranted discrimination claims. In that case I stated above I knew what the guy was up to but I did not want a big legal hassle either. Queers and hookers were both a problem issue at some of the rest stops. It would have been simpler to just tell the queer I'm sorry I do not think you are the right person for the job at the initial interview. An employer should not be forced into subjecting their other employees to them either if it could cause the employer unnecessary issues, IMO. Same goes for potheads.
I dont think they are covered. It's also unconstitutional. All federal PA laws are.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Shouldn't people be keeping their personal sex issues completely off the job?
If all men and women are created equal, what's the point of keeping score? Let's just call everything a tie
Equal means equal opportunity. It doesn't mean I can lift as much as my husband or that we have the same talents or abilities.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.
godamn--Tommy---stop posting CRAP like the MSM
..just like the MSM--you don't have a VALID LINK---it's crap
you just lost ALL credibility
PinkNews is the brand for the global LGBT+ community and the next generation.
...that's like hitler's Der Sturmer saying the Jews are evil
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Shouldn't people be keeping their personal sex issues completely off the job?

Hell yes. I don't want to know anything about it and I'm sure most others feel the same.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Shouldn't people be keeping their personal sex issues completely off the job?

Hell yes. I don't want to know anything about it and I'm sure most others feel the same.
That is where the problem lies at in this whole 'in your face' attitude that has been going down.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
I can understand why employers would be concerned over unwarranted discrimination claims. In that case I stated above I knew what the guy was up to but I did not want a big legal hassle either. Queers and hookers were both a problem issue at some of the rest stops. It would have been simpler to just tell the queer I'm sorry I do not think you are the right person for the job at the initial interview. An employer should not be forced into subjecting their other employees to them either if it could cause the employer unnecessary issues, IMO. Same goes for potheads.
Concern over being terminated for no other reason than being gay is perfectly warranted.

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