Not all men, or women, are created equal - apparently

Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
I can understand why employers would be concerned over unwarranted discrimination claims. In that case I stated above I knew what the guy was up to but I did not want a big legal hassle either. Queers and hookers were both a problem issue at some of the rest stops. It would have been simpler to just tell the queer I'm sorry I do not think you are the right person for the job at the initial interview. An employer should not be forced into subjecting their other employees to them either if it could cause the employer unnecessary issues, IMO. Same goes for potheads.
Concern over being terminated for no other reason than being gay is perfectly warranted.
Requiring people to keep their sex lives or bad habits to themselves is warranted also. Employers should not have to live in fear of being sued and costly legal battles with continual onerous rules and regulations over their heads because of an employees personal hangups. Hell I had that hooker threatening me with legal action when I fired the bitch for selling her pussy on the job while she was clocked in.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
It’s actually quite likely this post-Kennedy Court rules against the gay employees.
doesn't that notion keep all the human resource folks employed....~S~
Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.
I agree, but if a person shows up for the job and professionally does it the right way, then in my opinion, that is pretty much all that anyone can really ask for, especially if the help is desperately needed enough.

God bless you always!!!

Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Even in this diverse era you my have diverse people in employment messing with another person of the same job. People have to take courses/classes on working with others and parts like "perceptions" or "sensitivity"(one way or the other) goes over the head of meaning of said course. Some people get civil suit actions. But many others have been left with nothing. There has also been people paid off for barely nothing.
Heres the thing......from experience btw......many years of it. Gay folks dont have a good handle on their emotions......its not even debatable. Everything is drama and for an employer, its alot of heavy lifting. These people just tend to be high maintenance......just thnk of trying to supervise somebody like Progressive Patriot. HOLY FUCK....:ack-1:....head explodes at the drop of a hat.

But either way, this law is silly......if you want somebody the fuck out, there are a billion ways to do it inside a couple of weeks if one is paying attention. The whole LGBT think never has to come up............doy.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Shouldn't people be keeping their personal sex issues completely off the job?

What are "personal sex issues?" If you have a picture of your family on your desk or talk to your colleagues about your husband at work, is this bringing your "personal sex issues" to work?
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Shouldn't people be keeping their personal sex issues completely off the job?

What are "personal sex issues?" If you have a picture of your family on your desk or talk to your colleagues about your husband at work, is this bringing your "personal sex issues" to work?
if you bring sex into it,then it is...
Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Shouldn't people be keeping their personal sex issues completely off the job?

What are "personal sex issues?" If you have a picture of your family on your desk or talk to your colleagues about your husband at work, is this bringing your "personal sex issues" to work?
if you bring sex into it,then it is...

Who brings sex into the workplace? Who brings sex anywhere? (except for people like the Duggars).
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Tommy please explain how you reconcile your Gay Outrage with your Love For the Muslims

All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Shouldn't people be keeping their personal sex issues completely off the job?

What are "personal sex issues?" If you have a picture of your family on your desk or talk to your colleagues about your husband at work, is this bringing your "personal sex issues" to work?

What do family pics have to do with sex?
Worked with a girl who thought she was a guy.
She caused all kinds of problems,wanted to use the mens room,always crying discrimination.
They eventually shitcanned her.

Then you have the gay guys who work for my wife. Always professional. You wouldnt even know they were gay if you weren't around them all the time.

It's the same difference in public.
The wife and I frequent an Irish Pub here in Katy Texas. One day we were in for lunch and there was this lesbian couple a few tables over who were doing everything short of sticking their hands down each others pants.
I complained to the manager and insisted they stop as there are children present during the lunch hour.
They confronted the couple and they started screaming discrimination. The management correctly pointed out that no one else in the establishment were behaving in such a manner.
They got all huffy and left saying they'd never come back......I can only hope. Apparently the other customers agreed as they were clapping when they were escorted out.
All of us are equal. Simple enough. Each person has the right to walk upon this earth just as s/he was born to be. No, queenie, you don't get to rule.

Both as an attorney and union representative I spent fifty years of my life defending workers from disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I am very familiar with the law and I would be shocked if the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of the gay employees. My post immediately before you gives my rationale for this belief.
Shouldn't people be keeping their personal sex issues completely off the job?

What are "personal sex issues?" If you have a picture of your family on your desk or talk to your colleagues about your husband at work, is this bringing your "personal sex issues" to work?
if you bring sex into it,then it is...

Who brings sex into the workplace? Who brings sex anywhere? (except for people like the Duggars).
lots of people have.....
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Fifteen Republican-controlled states and 48 Congressional Republicans have joined the Trump administration in filing Supreme Court briefs arguing that it’s legal for employers to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The US Supreme Court is set to consider the cases of three people who were fired for being LGBT+, with justices expected to rule on whether employers acted illegally under sex-based civil rights laws.

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.
You guys don’t even let republicans talk never mind equality lol
If you are discriminated against because you are Gay then that must be an offence. There is no other way of seeing it.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Sexuality should be a private topic. If your Herero or homosexuality has become such a public topic in a workplace that it causes issues, you should definitely be fired for it.
If I am passed over for promotion because of my sexuality, or skin colour or anything other than my work performance then that is a problem.
Republicans are backing Trump administration's claim it's legal to fire someone for being gay

Dear me.this is just evil.

Now tell me how Gay folks should stfu and stop rubbing your faces in it.

Sexuality should be a private topic. If your Herero or homosexuality has become such a public topic in a workplace that it causes issues, you should definitely be fired for it.
If I am passed over for promotion because of my sexuality, or skin colour or anything other than my work performance then that is a problem.
Nah, attitudes count when promotions are in order no matter who you are. An employer doesn't have to like your looks either regardless of whether you are male or female.
Heres the thing......from experience btw......many years of it. Gay folks dont have a good handle on their emotions......its not even debatable. Everything is drama and for an employer, its alot of heavy lifting. These people just tend to be high maintenance...
They've changed. Gays 30 years ago knew the smart thing to do was stay in the closet.
I think gays and lesbos should be fired under sexual harassment laws, not discrimination laws. When a heterosexual pushes his or her sexual talk endlessly around the office, people file harassment suits against them when they are fed up. Can't they just do that against gays? Would be more effective.
I think it's based on the recent firing of a male employee of a funeral parlor who decided to come to work in dresses. As most of us are aware, funeral parlors are specialized institutions where there are no distractions from the somber mood. Nobody wants to see a freakazoid clown in a freaking dress while they are mourning a loved one unless he/she is invited. How long would the funeral establishment last if a worker decided to come to work dressed as a gorilla? There are limits to the protection of freakazoids and this is one of them.

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