Not new nor old, just bored....

Feb 1, 2012
...with the same old arguments.

Got an email here this evening from this site and was curious because, frankly, I have no recollection of having joined here about a year ago. Nor any idea why I only posted twice and left the next day. I am not usually fickle, nor absent minded without substances, but I was called away as a volunteer communications director/speech writer in British Columbia's provincial election last May.

Yes, am am a political animal, a former journalist turned crabby old man/activist still protesting questionable wars in dirty little third world backwaters as I did in the 60's and wondering what happened to the land of the free?

Not much has changed since I posted my first hello, except that I am now actively working against the Conservatives for a host of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that Stephen Harper is entangled in some nasty scandals, has been spying on Canadians thinking he can play at being the great white Obama. And I am older, supposedly wiser and way more intolerant of stupidity.
I have not consumed alcohol since May 20th 1991. I forgot to mention I am a recovered alcoholic.
I have not consumed alcohol since May 20th 1991. I forgot to mention I am a recovered alcoholic.

Congratulations - you're on about the same time table as my dad (1989). My sister has 30+ years sobriety.

Hope you'll stick around. :)
...with the same old arguments.

Got an email here this evening from this site and was curious because, frankly, I have no recollection of having joined here about a year ago. Nor any idea why I only posted twice and left the next day. I am not usually fickle, nor absent minded without substances, but I was called away as a volunteer communications director/speech writer in British Columbia's provincial election last May.

Yes, am am a political animal, a former journalist turned crabby old man/activist still protesting questionable wars in dirty little third world backwaters as I did in the 60's and wondering what happened to the land of the free?

Not much has changed since I posted my first hello, except that I am now actively working against the Conservatives for a host of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that Stephen Harper is entangled in some nasty scandals, has been spying on Canadians thinking he can play at being the great white Obama. And I am older, supposedly wiser and way more intolerant of stupidity.

On XXXXX you seemed to be quite staunchly Conservative, but I always respected your insight.
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Hope you stay this time and have fun posting here.
...with the same old arguments.

Got an email here this evening from this site and was curious because, frankly, I have no recollection of having joined here about a year ago. Nor any idea why I only posted twice and left the next day. I am not usually fickle, nor absent minded without substances, but I was called away as a volunteer communications director/speech writer in British Columbia's provincial election last May.

Yes, am am a political animal, a former journalist turned crabby old man/activist still protesting questionable wars in dirty little third world backwaters as I did in the 60's and wondering what happened to the land of the free?

Not much has changed since I posted my first hello, except that I am now actively working against the Conservatives for a host of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that Stephen Harper is entangled in some nasty scandals, has been spying on Canadians thinking he can play at being the great white Obama. And I am older, supposedly wiser and way more intolerant of stupidity.

Welcome to USMB, Fearandloathing. Hope you enjoy the boards.
...with the same old arguments.

Got an email here this evening from this site and was curious because, frankly, I have no recollection of having joined here about a year ago. Nor any idea why I only posted twice and left the next day. I am not usually fickle, nor absent minded without substances, but I was called away as a volunteer communications director/speech writer in British Columbia's provincial election last May.

Yes, am am a political animal, a former journalist turned crabby old man/activist still protesting questionable wars in dirty little third world backwaters as I did in the 60's and wondering what happened to the land of the free?

Not much has changed since I posted my first hello, except that I am now actively working against the Conservatives for a host of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that Stephen Harper is entangled in some nasty scandals, has been spying on Canadians thinking he can play at being the great white Obama. And I am older, supposedly wiser and way more intolerant of stupidity.

On XXXXX you seemed to be quite staunchly Conservative, but I always respected your insight.

Interesting. In the black and white world of US politics, the left brands me "conservative", or worse, usually calling me a "Teabagger" and because I am half Canadian draw comparisons to Ted Cruz for some reason.

The right, though, confronted with my harsh stand on equality for gays, bi, lesbians and transgendered, stand on abortion, unflinching support for universal medical and absolute anti war, anti "Patriot Act", well they usually don't ever get it.

I am a liberal, a member of both the Liberal Party of Canada, and the British Columbia Liberal Party for whom I worked to defeat the socialists and conservatives last May.

But, if you need a label, pick one
well, hi. love your border up by blaine, LOL.


What border?

There's a huge "Peace Arch" and line ups of Canadians making a headlong rush to buy cheap gas while five miles away people are walking back and forth. If you get the chance check out Point Roberts, a tit of land jutting out into the ocean dissected by the 49th parallel, leaving the residents with no land connection to the continental US. You can walk into a back yard and step through a hedge and be in the US in 20 steps carrying some BC Bud and no one will even notice.

Most Americans imbued with the "war on terror" have no idea Canadians routinely sail into American ports in Washington, stay the night and never bother to "voluntarily report to customs."

Good thing we're not making maple syrup bombs.
OK, a question about negotiating the site.

I am surprised to see I've been thanked. How do I see who and for what they are for?

How do I know is someone has quoted me or responded?
This site is an odd place. Lots of noise, very little "community" compared to other boards. Rampant negative Reps about fucking your dead other and other charming anecdotes.

Have fun.
OK, a question about negotiating the site.

I am surprised to see I've been thanked. How do I see who and for what they are for?

How do I know is someone has quoted me or responded?

To see your thanked posts and who you have thanked, go to your profile..(Click on your name up above right-hand side)....then click on Statistics. There you will find links to your posts and threads. Scroll down and you will see "Total Thanks" - you can see the links for the posts that were thanked and the posts that you thanked.

Your Control Panel (User CP) keeps track of the threads you are subscribed to, and they show up in your CP when someone has quoted someone. On the upper right hand corner, under Private Messages,, any pm's sent to you, or if anyone "mentions" you in a thread, you will get a notification.....

like you will get a notification that I mentioned you here [MENTION=35296]Fearandloathing[/MENTION]

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