Not really a pet. Stick Bugs.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
First, I will admit I am kind of strange, so bear with me. I have this affinity for critters. All critters. And they to me. I guess I just trust them more than I do human beings. No agendas. They just survive the best they can.

Anyway....last year, I found a stick bug with a missing leg, hanging on the side of my bedroom wall outside the door. I played with it for awhile and let it crawl all over my fingers and hands and I marveled at how much it looked just like a stick. Then I took it to the back of the garden..way back in the back of the yard and put it in a tree where birds would not find it. It grasped the branch I put it on and I forgot about it. 2 days later...I found the same stick bug in my bedroom on the wall. Same markings. Yes, they have mottled designs on their bodies and I had a good look at it when I was playing with it before taking it back to a safe place. I recognized it immediately by looking at the markings, wondering how it got from way back there IN to my room and on my wall over my bed....and why it came back to visit. So I played with it again, then set it back outside where I put it 2 days before.

Tonight....about half an hour ago..I went outside to have half a cig before bed. I didn't see it until I closed the door on it. I went in the bathroom for a minute, then went back outside and when I opened the door, it fell. Half of it was INSIDE the door, the other half out. It was bent in half. When I opened the door, it fell. My first thought was "oh no. I killed a stick bug" and I picked it up. It moved. No guts were hanging out, no break in the body except a dent where the door was closed against the lower 1 inch of its lower body. This guy is about 5 inches long so he or she is a big one. Solid mottle. I have no clue if it is the same stick bug from last year but it's still a stick bug. So...I hold it in my hand and gently rub where the dent is. The fluids inside it's body begin to flow again and it plumps back out so I am breathing a sigh of relief. No damage that I can see except it probably is sore...and it is missing a leg. As I hold it and gently massage it's body on the dent...I can actually see the change...dent is disappearing and it is a full plump body again and it is more perky. So I take it outside to the potted tree I have next to my door and set it carefully on a branch big enough it can grasp...and it grabs on but at first does not want to leave my hand. I debated on whether to keep it in the house tonight where it is warmer, but it is not very cold out tonight and I think it will be better out there. But if I wake up in the morning and find it on my wall....I'm going to have to seriously wonder what message it has for me because that would be a unique coincidence in my opinion. I did look it up and it says:

ANIMAL Teachers: Crawling Ones: Stick Insect! Walking Stick! Stick Bug

If it is NOT in my bedroom when I wake up, I will check to make sure it is ok or even still on the tree branch I placed it on. I am just thankful the door being closed on it and cutting it's body in half but not where it broke off is now the way it should be. I would take a pic but I ran out of batteries for my camera.

Yeah. I know. Weirdo Gracie.
Poor stick bug. :(

I love to have critter pets. Everytime we find a spider on the outside window, it gets a name. We've named stick insects before, funny, they must all be boys because they've never had a girls name lol. is in a candy jar on a bed of leaves and a cap of water nearbye. It is NOT dead. I thought it was but to my amazement, I went to check on it one more time and to my surprise, it's legs were spraddled out and it was clinging to the bottom of the mini tree I had it on last night. When I touched it, it went completely stick bugs tend to do for self preservation. is still hanging in there! It will spend the night with me tonight. Wish I had mulberry leaves but I don't, so I just grabbed leaves off of every plant I could find when I run across stick bugs from time to time....hoping one of them is what it likes. And the link said give it water, so I dropped a droplet from my fingernail to wherever I think it's mouth is, then I placed it in the open face jar on it's soft bed of leaves. I just checked on it....legs are spraddled out again, so it is resting. I can imagine it hurts since it was folded in half! But it looks pretty good right now if I do say so myself. Guess it depends on what kind of interior damage it has and whether it will survive it all or not. If I wake up tomorrow and it's gone..then I will know it has survived and is now in my room somewhere, lol.

It's a big one. Almost 6 inches!


Now THAT was cool. An experience not many will ever witness, so I hollered at Dennis to "come here! Look at this!" and we both watched as I held the bottle cap full of water to the head of this bug and the head dips down and it is drinking. Dennis says "omg..I can see it swallowing and lapping it up!" and I said I know! So I held it there, both of us enthralled, and watched this thing drink almost the whole cap full of water. Soon as it was done, it lifted its head and did the weave dance thingy stick bugs do...back and forth, back and forth, all legs now clamped firmly on my finger, butt along the back of my hand. Before I put the cap up there, I was giving it droplets of water from my fingernail on to my skin and it felt so weird this bug sucking on my finger with these little feelers. It was on the top of my finger so I could feel it better versus if it was on the palm side. Very weird feeling, but one I was awed at. I mean, I just gave water to a stick bug sucking it off my skin!

When it started its dance weave..I knew. It needed to go out and find food. So...I took it to it's mini tree and held my finger to a branch. It bobbed and weaved and then crawled on to the branch. will not be spending the night with me after all. It feels much better!!
They are cool. I know a guy who is into centipedes.

Centipedes....I dunno about those. I had one in Maui chase me!! It was HUGE. And it was PISSED. And those things HURT you. I think I prefer stick bugs, lol.
The bottom section of it's butt....those two segments. The second segment was where it was bent in the shape of an L where it was stuck between the door and frame. But as you can see...after I discovered it and bent it back, I kept kind of petting it..gently forcing fluids smooshed back to where they flowed again. Took all day and night last night to get it perky again but it looks good, doesn't it? No breaks in its outter layer. It was just bent all to hell and back. FOLDED.

I am 60 years old. I will never forget what it felt like to have a stickbug suck water off my finger.
Tell you the truth I have preying mantises on my property in a certain area and I try not to bush-hog while they are creating the little balls that look like styrofoam. They are really neat creatures and I do my best to protect them but like every insect they make lousy pets.

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