November 2, 2004, 6630 days ago...that is the last time an Establishment GOP was the U.S Commander in Chief.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It will be 19 calendar years in a couple of days. Yet, we hear the accusation that "Trump is the reason the GOP lose". The only GOP candidate, as an outsider really, who won a federal general election for the GOP since 2004.

You are now a One Party system, I fail to accept that the GOP even want to win, no way they believe their policies and approach, "culture wars over domestic policies and border security"; is a winning message.

The global socialists demands are being met and then some.

Here is some nostalgia for those of you clamouring for it:

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They just won back the House ... still neck-and-neck in the Senate ... and Republicans made BIG gains in statehouses ... you know, where apportionment happens ...

Even as late as 2004, Americans were sick of liberal policies, specifically Clinton administration policies ... by 2008, Americans were sick of conservative policies ... and a President widely though to be of very low IQ, dumb as door nails ...

2016 was the Republicans election to win, even though they tried hard to lose, Americans just weren't up to another four years of that crap in the Obama administration ... I love Hillary with all my heart but she was just stoogeing for that group of Demonazis ... you know, the ones who are in power now ...

The worst thing conservatives can do now is to vote ... because if you do, you're just part of the problem ... it's your Right, only you can exercise it ...
You are right. The Republican Establishment doesn't want to win. in 2016, they were hoping to keep it respectable by losing with JEB! just like they did with McCain in 08 and Mitt in 12.

The millions of little Trumpsters put an end to that bullshit, and they've been having a conniption ever since.

The problem isn't the Leftards at all. It isn't really their fault that they aren't hard wired right. Its the Never-trumping always losing establishment types who pretend to be in favor of the people.
LOL senators and Congress critters are FEDERAL but according to you retards only the President is?
They just won back the House ... still neck-and-neck in the Senate ... and Republicans made BIG gains in statehouses ... you know, where apportionment happens ...

Even as late as 2004, Americans were sick of liberal policies, specifically Clinton administration policies ... by 2008, Americans were sick of conservative policies ... and a President widely though to be of very low IQ, dumb as door nails ...

2016 was the Republicans election to win, even though they tried hard to lose, Americans just weren't up to another four years of that crap in the Obama administration ... I love Hillary with all my heart but she was just stoogeing for that group of Demonazis ... you know, the ones who are in power now ...

The worst thing conservatives can do now is to vote ... because if you do, you're just part of the problem ... it's your Right, only you can exercise it ...
The GOP just agreed to pass all the democrat wish lists regarding spending that the incoming GOP will not be able to agree or reject.

Most of the opposition I see the GOP giving to democrats is just slinging poo around.

And sure, they will probably have some "investigations" into the criminal activity of Biden and company, which will go nowhere.

But hey, slinging poo around to make it look like you are representing your constituents is better than nothing, right?
And by the standards of election deniers we have around today, the Republicans certainly cheated to win that one in 2004.
And by the standards of election deniers we have around today, the Republicans certainly cheated to win that one in 2004.

How? This is the first time I heard of such an allegation. I've heard and understand the complaints about the 2000 election (where many Dems publicly refused to accept the results), but not 2004.
The GOP just agreed to pass all the democrat wish lists regarding spending that the incoming GOP will not be able to agree or reject.

Most of the opposition I see the GOP giving to democrats is just slinging poo around.

And sure, they will probably have some "investigations" into the criminal activity of Biden and company, which will go nowhere.

But hey, slinging poo around to make it look like you are representing your constituents is better than nothing, right?

I agree we should completely shut down Congress ... they've done enough damage already ... it's going to take SCOTUS decades to undo the stupidity ... Arizona has guns ... they can shoot the illegals before they reach the Fence ...

Doesn't it bother you that not a single appropreations bill made it to the floor of the House ... nothing was ever sent to the Senate ... and you're complaining about the crap in this CR ... {Cite}
The GOP just agreed to pass all the democrat wish lists regarding spending that the incoming GOP will not be able to agree or reject.

Most of the opposition I see the GOP giving to democrats is just slinging poo around.

And sure, they will probably have some "investigations" into the criminal activity of Biden and company, which will go nowhere.

But hey, slinging poo around to make it look like you are representing your constituents is better than nothing, right?
Even more specific, when the Democrats spending and policies start to go bad, and they will, the GOP will be in charge of the House and THEY will be the ones blamed.
Even more specific, when the Democrats spending and policies start to go bad, and they will, the GOP will be in charge of the House and THEY will be the ones blamed.

$1.7 TRILLION spent, is that per quarter, 6 months or per year? Is already a rough start.

Do they want the U.S dollar to collapse?
What's really ultrahypocritical is how the libs were Fiscal hawks for years, denouncing any spending when Trump was in charge, but now that the worm is turned, they aren't living by their own code.

When will Sleepy Joe eliminate the deficit and start working on the national debt? Quit the wasteful spending and start living within his means like he insisted others do.
$1.7 TRILLION spent, is that per quarter, 6 months or per year? Is already a rough start.

Do they want the U.S dollar to collapse?
I believe that they don't want the dollar to collapse, but they are working toward moving away from hard currency to electronic currency. Easier to manipulate and control.

After all, look at the ease in which they brought about financial hardship on their enemies. We have already seen that they use medical care as a political weapon; soon they will use currency as a political weapon. Guess who they think are their enemies?

Not Russia or totalitarian regimes.

They target conservatives as their single greatest enemy.
How? This is the first time I heard of such an allegation. I've heard and understand the complaints about the 2000 election (where many Dems publicly refused to accept the results), but not 2004.

If Bush had lost Ohio in 2004 then Kerry would have become President. There were story-after-story in the most liberal media about all sort of shenanigans. Back then the switch from mechanical to electronic voting machines had taken place, however these new machines didn't use paper ballots and auditing wasn't as comprehensive as it is today. Here's the tip of the iceberg of the situation back in 2004 Ohio:

In 2003, Ohio businessman Walden “Wally” O’Dell, promised in a fund raising letter to wealthy GOP supporters that he would deliver Ohio’s electoral votes to Bush. O’Dell ran Diebold, which owned and operated the bulk of Ohio’s electronic voting machines. Diebold also controlled the software that would count the votes that decided the 2004 presidential election.

O’Dell had visited the president’s ranchette – a converted pig farm – in Crawford, Texas, and was a “Bush Ranger” responsible for delivering more than $100,000 to the Bush/Cheney/Rove campaign for a second term. O’Dell hosted at least one Bush fundraiser with an admission price of $1,000 per guest. Except for the Columbus Free Press, no national or Ohio media found this conflict of interest worth noting.

The polls opened at 6:30 a.m. There were only two voting machines (push-button direct-recording electronic systems) for the entire town of 2,200 (with students). The mayor, Kirk Emmert, had called the Board of Elections 10 days earlier, saying that the number of registered voters would require more than that. (He knew, as did many others, that hundreds of students had asked to register in Ohio because it was a critical "swing" state.) The mayor's request was denied. Indeed, instead of there being extra capacity on Election Day, one of the only two machines chose to break down before lunchtime.

....By the time the 1,175 voters in the precinct had all cast their ballots, it was almost four in the morning, and many had had to wait for up to 11 hours. In the spirit of democratic carnival, pizzas and canned drinks and guitarists were on hand to improve the shining moment. TV crews showed up, and the young Americans all acted as if they had been cast by Frank Capra: cheerful and good-humored, letting older voters get to the front, catching up on laptop essays, many voting for the first time and all convinced that a long and cold wait was a small price to pay. Typical was Pippa White, who said that "even after eight hours and 15 minutes I still had energy. It lets you know how worth it this is." Heartwarming, until you think about it.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Alleging widespread "irregularities" on Election Day, a group of Democrats in Congress objected Thursday to the counting of Ohio's 20 electoral votes, delaying the official certification of the 2004 presidential election results.

The move was not designed to overturn the re-election of President Bush, said Ohio Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and California Sen. Barbara Boxer, who filed the objection.

The objecting Democrats, most of whom are House members, said they wanted to draw attention to the need for aggressive election reform in the wake of what they said were widespread voter problems.

If Bush had lost Ohio in 2004 then Kerry would have become President. There were story-after-story in the most liberal media about all sort of shenanigans. Back then the switch from mechanical to electronic voting machines had taken place, however these new machines didn't use paper ballots and auditing wasn't as comprehensive as it is today. Here's the tip of the iceberg of the situation back in 2004 Ohio:

In 2003, Ohio businessman Walden “Wally” O’Dell, promised in a fund raising letter to wealthy GOP supporters that he would deliver Ohio’s electoral votes to Bush. O’Dell ran Diebold, which owned and operated the bulk of Ohio’s electronic voting machines. Diebold also controlled the software that would count the votes that decided the 2004 presidential election.

O’Dell had visited the president’s ranchette – a converted pig farm – in Crawford, Texas, and was a “Bush Ranger” responsible for delivering more than $100,000 to the Bush/Cheney/Rove campaign for a second term. O’Dell hosted at least one Bush fundraiser with an admission price of $1,000 per guest. Except for the Columbus Free Press, no national or Ohio media found this conflict of interest worth noting.

The polls opened at 6:30 a.m. There were only two voting machines (push-button direct-recording electronic systems) for the entire town of 2,200 (with students). The mayor, Kirk Emmert, had called the Board of Elections 10 days earlier, saying that the number of registered voters would require more than that. (He knew, as did many others, that hundreds of students had asked to register in Ohio because it was a critical "swing" state.) The mayor's request was denied. Indeed, instead of there being extra capacity on Election Day, one of the only two machines chose to break down before lunchtime.

....By the time the 1,175 voters in the precinct had all cast their ballots, it was almost four in the morning, and many had had to wait for up to 11 hours. In the spirit of democratic carnival, pizzas and canned drinks and guitarists were on hand to improve the shining moment. TV crews showed up, and the young Americans all acted as if they had been cast by Frank Capra: cheerful and good-humored, letting older voters get to the front, catching up on laptop essays, many voting for the first time and all convinced that a long and cold wait was a small price to pay. Typical was Pippa White, who said that "even after eight hours and 15 minutes I still had energy. It lets you know how worth it this is." Heartwarming, until you think about it.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Alleging widespread "irregularities" on Election Day, a group of Democrats in Congress objected Thursday to the counting of Ohio's 20 electoral votes, delaying the official certification of the 2004 presidential election results.

The move was not designed to overturn the re-election of President Bush, said Ohio Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and California Sen. Barbara Boxer, who filed the objection.

The objecting Democrats, most of whom are House members, said they wanted to draw attention to the need for aggressive election reform in the wake of what they said were widespread voter problems.

So through all of this, do you still support computer voting in federal elections? The only country in the Western World that does so.
So through all of this, do you still support computer voting in federal elections? The only country in the Western World that does so.

I'm not sure what you mean by computer voting. I'll take it to mean Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Systems which I would not support.

Types of Voting Equipment

My voting experience started with Mechanical Lever Voting Systems, later progressing to Punch Card Voting Systems.
For a while now it has been Optical Scanners of paper ballots, which of all methods I like the best.

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