Now on Disney+ 2 gay Dino dads

In a joint statement groomers said grooming wasn't that bad

That's the defense you're going with?
Also other professionals who point out there can be other explanations for the disparities including not comparing like circumstances.
We aren't the target audience though. A toddler/preschool in charge of the remote won't know the difference. Amazing how a kid in diapers is supposed to understand the LGBT agenda before he or she learns their ABC'S. 🙄
That's the paren't worry. Not yours.
Considering a few of you leftists on here have refused to say it I honestly didn't know
No one refuses to say it. What we refuse to agree with is that accepting homosexuality or diverse gender identities constitutes abuse. Largely because no medical institution actually supports that thinking. In fact most of them say trying to force gender diverse children to live as you want them to constitutes abuse.
Parents can put their children into parochial schools if they disagree with the public curriculum.
If they want tax vouchers to do so, then the churches have to be taxed.

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