Now People Are Identifying As Dogs and Wolves

Furries are just people having fun, no different than hitting an itty bitty ball around the field with an iron stick or acting in community plays.

Maybe- but I wouldn't want to meet one in some dark, deserted alley.
If someone identifies as a wolf, or a dog, and bites me, I will put them down.
Other than that I could give a shit what they do.

Identify as cauliflower if you want- bite me and I'm gonna choke ya like a chicken.
If someone identifies as a wolf, or a dog, and bites me, I will put them down.
Other than that I could give a shit what they do.
Just make sure they have a rabies vaccination and call animal control…;)
Maybe- but I wouldn't want to meet one in some dark, deserted alley.
Eh….a bit hard to find these scary.

I don't have a yard, I do have a fenced area around my home. It is patrolled by real dogs, big junkyard style dogs. Anything that crosses the fence is at risk of attack by them.
Real dogs? Not robot dogs? I hate robot dogs.

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