Diamond Member
- Jul 15, 2014
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The Caanites were idolaters (Pagans). While Islam is also based on idolatry and paganism - Mohammad wasn't born until 570 A.D. and Islam didn't exist prior to him. So there you have it! The Arabs have no claim to Israel. NONE.On the contrary. One of the greatest PR mistakes (of the past) the Israelis ever made was not confronting this type of propaganda boldly before the world and exposing the lie of the long lost Palestinian. There is no such thing as a Palestinian. They should never have permitted the Arabs to get away with that preposterous lie without confronting it for what it was. PROPAGANDA!No, but the Israelis have given us an example worth following - they have been 1st responders for catastrophic events around the world... Super Storm Sandy - Israel was there, Tsunami - Israel is there again, Haiti - Israeli's there again with top medical teams. Just follow their lead and do the same.Were not Israelis.
No, but the Israelis have given us an example worth following - they have been 1st responders for catastrophic events around the world... Super Storm Sandy - Israel was there, Tsunami - Israel is there again, Haiti - Israeli's there again with top medical teams. Just follow their lead and do the same.Were not Israelis.
What little bit they do they make sure the world knows, and its very little, unless it benefits them. Why not do the same in their neighborhood, you know the West Bank and Gaza? I am glad I'm not an Israelite.
They are not Palestinians, they are Arabs that adopted the term in order to give the appearance of having some claim to the land of Israel. They have no claim whatsoever and should have been booted out long ago. Thank you, Penelope, for being a perfect example of the blatant ingratitude and rudeness that has been displayed ad nauseum towards the nation of Israel. It's time to knock off the poor me-victim act.
I believe Israel has gone above and beyond what any other nation would be willing to do for their "enemies." They have been putting up with this nonsense since 1947-48. The Europeans were only just invaded recently and already their Muslim guests are trying to take over the house and evict the rightful tenants. Wherever Muslims go they seem to believe they have the right to claim the land as theirs. Israel is no exception to the rule. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran but when the Jews finally return and the land begins to flourish .............? HERE COME THE LONG LOST PALESTINIANS!
Just unbelievable. Ask the Europeans how they feel about the Islamic invaders telling them that their Europe no longer belongs to them. They will tell you in no uncertain terms that the UN's multicultural experiment has been nothing short of a disaster.
What the nations of Europe should do is depart from the EU and the UN in that order. The UN is nothing more than a front organization for globalists who are determined to bury Israel and the West with the shovel of Islam.
Enough already.... it's time to fight back.
The Palestinians have been there for years , centuries, most likely the real Canaanites, Jews and Christians of ancient days, the day of Jesus and before. Zionist are not jews.
Those Palestinians are Christian , Jews as well as Muslims. They are probably the Canaanites, who never left the area and became jews, Christians and or Muslims. You know since the Jews think God gave them Israel , the land of Canaan, how come so many lived in the Ukraine area, Russia, and do not tell me Rome made them leave, because rome didn't. No exodus, nothing historical about anyone or thing in the OT.