Now THIS is change I can believe in Worldwide

Obama Tightens Ethics, Lobbying Rules, Freezes Pay of Staff

By Roger Runningen

Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama said he’s freezing the pay of senior White House staff and imposing new restrictions on interactions between administration officials and lobbyists.

Obama also said he would issue an order that makes it easier for the public to get government documents.

“We are here as public servants, and public service is a privilege,” Obama said, addressing his White House staff and Cabinet on his first full day in office. “It’s not about advancing yourself or your corporate clients.”

The president said that when top White House aides leave government, they are barred from lobbying “for as long as I am president, and there will be a ban on gifts by lobbyists to anyone serving in the administration.”

Regarding the pay freeze, Obama said he is acting because “families are tightening their belts and so should Washington.”

Gannett Imposes Week Without Pay, USA Today Freezes Wages
USA Today also declared a one-year freeze on wages effective Feb. 1.
It's such a great idea, all the private sector companies should freeze wages to. Worldwide

Obama Tightens Ethics, Lobbying Rules, Freezes Pay of Staff


You must be the most gullible person around....

freezing the pay of White House Staffers...making 100k a year....

In simple english ...Obama is freezing the pay of blue collar workers at the WH...his freekin' servants and cooks and maids, etc.....

and you morons eat it up like the lapdogs you are....:cuckoo:
Gannett Imposes Week Without Pay, USA Today Freezes Wages
It's such a great idea, all the private sector companies should freeze wages to.

We already did.

Now comes the hard part, reducing the payroll. Hopefully if everyone gives a little it will prevent a couple people from being let go all together.

Raise my taxes and there will be no discussion, more than a couple will be terminated.

What Obama signed off today was pretty basic and safe stuff, a good way for him to stand up and say I'm getting right into see, I told ya I would.

And that's fine, very understandable.

We will fix things by putting people to work in the private sector. Government generated employment is fine, but, it is only a weak patch. American's need to do what they once did best, stand on their own feet and achieve. We need leadership which will help us foster those values.

I don't give a damn if that leadership comes from Mickey Mouse, so long as it happens. Weight us down and we will fail as a nation.
I think it's a good start. I don't see any reason to be down on him for trying to do good things. I don't think that's the right attitude at all.

Your right Amanda, he took a few positive steps which were very safe to take, not stepping on any real toes, but, showing that he is being productive from day one.

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