Nuclear Power is the

(1) No American has ever been killed or even made sick as the result of release of radiation in a commercial electric power plant, or an accident on board a Navy nuclear vessel. Not one. Not at 3-mile Island or anyplace else.

(2) Nuclear plant workers have a lower incidence of cancer than the general population.

(3) The "problem" of storing spent nuclear fuel (often called, "nuclear waste") is entirely contrived. Spent fuel can be re-processed and re-used FOREVER. We (President Carter) made a conscious decision NOT to utilize this technology, even after a commercial plant was built and operating, because the technology can also be used to make weapons-grade uranium, and we didn't want OTHERS using it.

(4) (a) Natural gas is the biggest economic obstacle to expanding our nuclear generating capacity; (b) Regulatory excess is the biggest cost problem in the industry; and (c) public ignorance and paranoia after Fukushima is the biggest psychological obstacle.

(5) The Sierra Club was initially a strong proponent of commercial nuclear power, until ignorant tree huggers took over that organization. Pity.

(6) We have a perfect repository for spent nuclear fuel. It's called WIPP, and it's in New Mexico. The recent problems there are entirely the result of human stupidity, the details of which have not generally been made public.
Have we had even one nuclear plant that was built at the original cost estimate. However, solar and wind are both coming in under budget, and under the cost of natural gas now, and that is per kw delivered. And, when you consider all the costs, nuclear is damned expensive. If they can build the thorium reactors for a reasonable cost, then they have use. If not, we have better alternatives.
Have we had even one nuclear plant that was built at the original cost estimate. However, solar and wind are both coming in under budget, and under the cost of natural gas now, and that is per kw delivered. And, when you consider all the costs, nuclear is damned expensive. If they can build the thorium reactors for a reasonable cost, then they have use. If not, we have better alternatives.

If we can keep the politicians out of the process, then, yes, the thorium reactors will be much cheaper than current nuclear reactors and cheaper and more usable than either solar or wind power.

As a example, thorium reactors can be made to be transportable via roads. Need more power than available in one area, then just bring in what you need. These things can't blow up. They can't melt down. They only need to be checked about every six months or so. You could have one in your neighborhood they are so safe. Only government will make them expensive.
Have we had even one nuclear plant that was built at the original cost estimate. However, solar and wind are both coming in under budget, and under the cost of natural gas now, and that is per kw delivered. And, when you consider all the costs, nuclear is damned expensive. If they can build the thorium reactors for a reasonable cost, then they have use. If not, we have better alternatives.

If we can keep the politicians out of the process, then, yes, the thorium reactors will be much cheaper than current nuclear reactors and cheaper and more usable than either solar or wind power.

As a example, thorium reactors can be made to be transportable via roads. Need more power than available in one area, then just bring in what you need. These things can't blow up. They can't melt down. They only need to be checked about every six months or so. You could have one in your neighborhood they are so safe. Only government will make them expensive.
When I see them that small and portable, I will believe that. But, if they can do that, and make them affordable enough that small utilities can afford them, I will support them. But, at present, I do not see that, and I see very cheap, compared to other generators, wind and solar. And both are getting cheaper.

By keeping the politicians out of the process, I assume you are talking about government regulations. I have seen far too many disasters with the corporations were 'self regulating' to believe that is a viable process.
The myths about wind and solar are worse than the myths about global warming. Aside from a few pockets of geography where extremely abnormal conditions are the norm, neither wind nor solar have any potential for baseload generation. in 99% of the U.S. they are mere expensive novelties.

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