Nuclear weapons for Taiwan?

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
If they ask for it, should the U.S. give or sell nuclear weapons to Taiwan in the hope it will deter mainland China from attacking it? No nation with nuclear weapons has ever been conquered.

Providing nuclear weapons to Taiwan may, in the long run, be cheaper than providing conventional weapons, which would have to be replenished if the island country were attacked.

Taiwan’s small size may make it easier to target its land-based nukes, although being a small nation has not deterred Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Taiwan could place nukes among several ships carrying seemingly identical missiles, even if only a handful have nuclear armaments.
If they ask for it, should the U.S. give or sell nuclear weapons to Taiwan in the hope it will deter mainland China from attacking it? No nation with nuclear weapons has ever been conquered.

Providing nuclear weapons to Taiwan may, in the long run, be cheaper than providing conventional weapons, which would have to be replenished if the island country were attacked.

Taiwan’s small size may make it easier to target its land-based nukes, although being a small nation has not deterred Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Taiwan could place nukes among several ships carrying seemingly identical missiles, even if only a handful have nuclear armaments.
I agree with this idea, especially if the US maintains an override system for all their nukes.
If they ask for it, should the U.S. give or sell nuclear weapons to Taiwan in the hope it will deter mainland China from attacking it? No nation with nuclear weapons has ever been conquered.

Providing nuclear weapons to Taiwan may, in the long run, be cheaper than providing conventional weapons, which would have to be replenished if the island country were attacked.

Taiwan’s small size may make it easier to target its land-based nukes, although being a small nation has not deterred Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Taiwan could place nukes among several ships carrying seemingly identical missiles, even if only a handful have nuclear armaments.
it could for a good deterrent, but it's also a deal best kept in complete secrecy, to prevent a Chinese overreaction upon them hearing the news.
it could for a good deterrent, but it's also a deal best kept in complete secrecy, to prevent a Chinese overreaction upon them hearing the news.

Until the weapons are delivered and operational. Sure. After that the secrecy would prevent the deterrent effect from taking effect.
If they ask for it, should the U.S. give or sell nuclear weapons to Taiwan in the hope it will deter mainland China from attacking it? No nation with nuclear weapons has ever been conquered.

Providing nuclear weapons to Taiwan may, in the long run, be cheaper than providing conventional weapons, which would have to be replenished if the island country were attacked.

Taiwan’s small size may make it easier to target its land-based nukes, although being a small nation has not deterred Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Taiwan could place nukes among several ships carrying seemingly identical missiles, even if only a handful have nuclear armaments.
China would probably invade before they arrived.
China is happy for the news . They probably aim all nukes toward you UK US
fucking France and head in, Nuke you control freaks immediately and lose 3-400-600,million K mart shoppers.Not a big deal. They have shit for the other 6-7 BILLION. GOOD TO GO. sO BE IT. Bezos and Walmart will be pissed.
China is happy for the news . They probably aim all nukes toward you UK US
fucking France and head in, Nuke you control freaks immediately and lose 3-400-600,million K mart shoppers.Not a big deal. They have shit for the other 6-7 BILLION. GOOD TO GO. sO BE IT. Bezos and Walmart will be pissed.

You do know that all of those you mentioned have Nukes too don’t you? And they would shoot back should China fire.
We.need fewer nations.with nukes, not more.

In a perfect world. Perhaps. But the world is far from perfect. Man is envious. He wants what he doesn’t have. China wants Taiwan. Russia wants Ukraine and most of Europe.

Russia invading Ukraine has demonstrated the advanced weapons of the West are very effective. They are down to using older tanks because the newer ones were destroyed. They dare not put the newest most advanced Russian Tanks on the Front. They can’t afford to lose them. The same is true of fighter bombers and helicopters.

Thirty million dollar airplanes are falling to half million dollar Surface to Air Missiles. That’s why the war has devolved to a slugging match of Artillery and trench warfare. They can’t afford to send the remaining equipment to the front.

Russia can do this while their agents and willing accomplices try and undermine public opinion to reduce or cut off supplies to Ukraine. Russia knows that Ukraine can’t invade them. And if NATO or others invade the Nuke option keeps them safe from real threat.

The same nuke threat keeps Russia losing tons of money every day. Russia could use Tactical Nukes to win the war. But they know that results in retaliation. And retaliation means all out nuclear war.

It is the nation state equivalent of everyone having a gun. If I pull my gun and start shooting everyone pulls theirs. I won’t get out unscathed.

It is called MAD. And it is. It is Logical Insanity. You don’t dare pull the trigger unless you are willing to die. The more people that have guns the better the chance that someone will pull the trigger. But at the same time the more people who have the guns the less likely anyone will threaten others. Unwilling to risk the everyone shooting scenario.

We realized it would be easy to take the gun away. So we created the idea of the nuclear triad. Bombers to attack the enemy. Land based missiles as our immediate response. Submarine based missiles to insure nobody could pull a Pearl Harbor and win on day one.

The Submarines use Doomsday tapes. If no contact is received from base for a few days. They launch automatically. They don’t know who is responsible for starting the war. They may not know where the missiles are targeted. They just know that Duty demands they fire.

The idea is just about the time the enemy starts to crawl out of the rubble the second strike slams in. Destroying anything that was missed. Killing the survivors of the first strike.

I personally think this is inevitable. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet.
Americans complain about "unsafe maneuvers" of the Chinese Navy next to a U.S. ship.

Think about it: on Russia's borders American military equipment is unsafely met by Russians, and on China's borders by the Chinese! Maybe the U.S. should stop sneaking around on other people's borders unsafely?
Americans complain about "unsafe maneuvers" of the Chinese Navy next to a U.S. ship.

Think about it: on Russia's borders American military equipment is unsafely met by Russians, and on China's borders by the Chinese! Maybe the U.S. should stop sneaking around on other people's borders unsafely?
i'd still rather have the US and their allies rule the international waters, than the Russians or Chinese.
call me an idealist, but i just DO NOT TRUST the Russians or Chinese to respect commercial and individual freedoms.

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