

Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Got your attention, didn't I?

But this is a serious question; is nudity wrong, and something we should be ashamed of?

When I was young, in the 1960's, nudity was no big deal. People ran around without clothes on a fairly regular basis.

I remember when my German Baptist grandparents bought land in Northern California, before the house was built while we were visiting, there were 20 people bathing in the creek, all naked. Men, women, children.

Nudity of children particularly was common. Kids swam naked all the time. In fact, until 12 or 13, no one thought anything of naked kids running around.

Somewhere along the line, attitudes changed and America became the prude of all prudes. This is strange, since it coincided with the rise of pornography - as if porn is okay, but nudity verboten. I can't help wonder if there is a connection, if the porn sullied the sight of a human body? Especially in regard to children, if the rise of porn sexualized what was never sexual in the past?

So, is the human body in and of itself "dirty?" Is the current obsession with stamping out nudity - especially among teens who text pictures of themselves to each other, a sign of societal sickness?

Sickness? Only if you consider a mass movement of people who are daily thumped over the head regarding safety as an illness. I think that is what it comes down to more than anything else. Naked woman may arouse men who may do something unsafe. SO pre-emptively we must keep them clothed. Same with children. Men get away with the no shirt thing more than anyone else, and i'd say parents are concerned about having to have those conversations with children about human anatomy that are so dreaded.

We were all born naked.
Got your attention, didn't I?

But this is a serious question; is nudity wrong, and something we should be ashamed of?

When I was young, in the 1960's, nudity was no big deal. People ran around without clothes on a fairly regular basis.

I remember when my German Baptist grandparents bought land in Northern California, before the house was built while we were visiting, there were 20 people bathing in the creek, all naked. Men, women, children.

Nudity of children particularly was common. Kids swam naked all the time. In fact, until 12 or 13, no one thought anything of naked kids running around.

Somewhere along the line, attitudes changed and America became the prude of all prudes. This is strange, since it coincided with the rise of pornography - as if porn is okay, but nudity verboten. I can't help wonder if there is a connection, if the porn sullied the sight of a human body? Especially in regard to children, if the rise of porn sexualized what was never sexual in the past?

So, is the human body in and of itself "dirty?" Is the current obsession with stamping out nudity - especially among teens who text pictures of themselves to each other, a sign of societal sickness?


the rise in pron in my opinion did not so much have to do with people covering up but more.... but the ease of access to pron. Bata and VHS, cheep porn that you did not have to go to some sleazy theater to see.... but could watch in the privacy of your own home..was the reason for the boom.

The Internet and home made porn...another reason for the increase.

as for children... there may be a rise in that becasue the perves cant get their sick rocks off for free anymore.... parents are covering their children and protecting them.... their eyes have opened to the danger.

People felt safer before, even if in fact they weren't safer. Now, people are afraid. They don't allow children to swim naked out of fear. They cover themselves more because of the same fear.

It's a tad irrational, but with the rise of 24 hour news networks and streaming alerts on your smartphone, you can hear about horrific things happening all over the world 24/7.
Sickness? Only if you consider a mass movement of people who are daily thumped over the head regarding safety as an illness. I think that is what it comes down to more than anything else. Naked woman may arouse men who may do something unsafe. SO pre-emptively we must keep them clothed. Same with children. Men get away with the no shirt thing more than anyone else, and i'd say parents are concerned about having to have those conversations with children about human anatomy that are so dreaded.

We were all born naked.

Good points. But I wonder if we aren't exasperating problems? Children especially are curious; when I was a child, we all knew what the other sex's parts look like, I wonder if our attitudes might actually drive perversion by making a big deal out of what shouldn't be?
Maybe 1% of the population looks good naked.

The rest of us should probably keep it covered up.

Perhaps, but from a societal standpoint, we seem to be hung up on nudity in a way we never were in the past. Europe doesn't have the same prudish hangups - just America.

Try the Victorian Era if you want to see hang ups on human nature and how it was wrong to discuss your own daughters under wear.
Try the Victorian Era if you want to see hang ups on human nature and how it was wrong to discuss your own daughters under wear.

That's where we have gone.

This is driven by a recent story of a 18 year old who had naked pictures of his 15 year old girl friend on his phone. Of course he was arrested and is being prosecuted for child porn.
If I couldn't live naked in Florida, I wouldn't live in Florida.

Fortunately I found an accommodating community. Me and all my neighbors are naked all the time, weather permitting.
Try the Victorian Era if you want to see hang ups on human nature and how it was wrong to discuss your own daughters under wear.

That's where we have gone.

This is driven by a recent story of a 18 year old who had naked pictures of his 15 year old girl friend on his phone. Of course he was arrested and is being prosecuted for child porn.

It's all connected to this gerrymandered, over influenced by fundamentalist prudes world we find ourselves in.
Sickness? Only if you consider a mass movement of people who are daily thumped over the head regarding safety as an illness. I think that is what it comes down to more than anything else. Naked woman may arouse men who may do something unsafe. SO pre-emptively we must keep them clothed. Same with children. Men get away with the no shirt thing more than anyone else, and i'd say parents are concerned about having to have those conversations with children about human anatomy that are so dreaded.

We were all born naked.

Good points. But I wonder if we aren't exasperating problems? Children especially are curious; when I was a child, we all knew what the other sex's parts look like, I wonder if our attitudes might actually drive perversion by making a big deal out of what shouldn't be?

Ding! Ding! Ding! - Hold your calls, we have a winner!

This is one of the first societal hang-ups a Monkeys eyes are opened up to when he / she gives social nudity an honest try.
The trick is to understand that, while sex is best done naked, nudity and sex are actually mutually exclusive.

The community I live in has guests. If a guest of either gender alludes to sex in public they are escorted out promptly. Same goes for residents, but the paperwork is more intense.

There are communities out there where sex is the goal and naked people are common, but you'll find many swingers are not nudists and most nudists are not swingers.
America has the strangest culture on the planet IMO. Uber-hypocritical and overly judgmental.
On one hand, people would freak out and call Child Services if someone had their toddler naked in their front yard swimming pool - but think nothing of these child beauty contest that parade girls around in full make up and skimpy outfits at 5 & 6 years old. How freaking crazy is that?
Back to the inflated influence of fundamentalists thru Republican Gerrymandering.

Can't have it both ways.

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