NY Bans Fracking .... AND 54,000 Jobs


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
WASHINGTON – New York state's controversial fracking ban is poised to take effect in the coming days, amid criticism from pro-drilling advocates that the state is giving up tens of thousands of jobs.

The push to ban fracking – the process of injecting a combination of water, sand and chemicals into rock deposits underground to release natural gas -- is the culmination of nearly seven years of advocacy spanning two governors and three environmental conservation commissioners. Though New York has had a fracking moratorium for years, current Gov. Andrew Cuomo rejected efforts to lift it and, instead, changed it to an all-out ban in December.

But critics charge Cuomo’s decision risks up to 54,000 fracking-related New York jobs -- jobs that don't exist now since fracking is not allowed, but could have been generated with the approval of various projects in the future.

"Right now I'm watching an amazing contradiction between what New York state has done in regards to banning natural gas development in New York state and the state's own admission that it will lose 54,000 jobs in relation to the ban,” Rep. Tom Reed, R-N.Y., told The Evening Tribune. “When you have a federal policy that says you can do it safely and responsibly, I think we should be able to do it at the state level at the same time.”

He appeared to be referring to a state report released earlier this month citing estimates that drilling in the Marcellus and Utica Shales could generate between roughly 14,000 and 54,000 "direct and indirect jobs."

That report, the final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS), laid the groundwork for the state’s promised ban of large-scale hydraulic fracturing -- or fracking, for short -- taking effect.

The report basically echoed the findings of a state Department of Health analysis that detailed adverse health and environmental effects from exposure to the process of hydraulic fracturing. The thorny topic has drawn in more than 260,000 public comments – an unprecedented amount for a state issue.
New York stacked the deck on this one.

A friend of mine works for an advocacy group representing people who'd like a job in the oil and gas fracking business.

He's received death threats. The FBI and the CIA are covering his ass.

Need anymore be said?
It looks like the people of New York would rather have an unpolluted environment instead of temporary jobs that would mostly go to out-of-staters.
It looks like the people of New York would rather have an unpolluted environment instead of temporary jobs that would mostly go to out-of-staters.

It looks like you're just pure conjecture without any evidence.
Upstate and western New York should secede and form their own state. All of these economically hostile laws as well as the numerous onslaughts against people's rights by the state government are being carried out by New York City and the surrounding metro areas where people have vastly different views and needs from the people in the rest of the state. That small geographic area is controlling the entire state and ruining the livelihoods of people outside the city. The Rust Belt portion of New York could thrive again if it were out from under the thumb of NYC leftists.
It looks like the people of New York would rather have an unpolluted environment instead of temporary jobs that would mostly go to out-of-staters.

It looks like you're just pure conjecture without any evidence.

You are right. I have no evidence. Maybe the people of NY do want their well water to burst into flame while those drillers from Oklahoma and Texas get most of the jobs.
It looks like the people of New York would rather have an unpolluted environment instead of temporary jobs that would mostly go to out-of-staters.

Obviously, you aren't aware of the lack of environmental impact of fracking, huh? Or else, you wouldn't have made such an uninformed statement.
It looks like the people of New York would rather have an unpolluted environment instead of temporary jobs that would mostly go to out-of-staters.

It looks like you're just pure conjecture without any evidence.

You are right. I have no evidence. Maybe the people of NY do want their well water to burst into flame while those drillers from Oklahoma and Texas get most of the jobs.

Proof, please?????? I thought not ....
Right now even if they lifted it there probably wouldnt be much action prices being what they are.
You guys are too weird.

I googled "Pollution caused by fracking" and there are pages of articles.

I think I'd believe someone who's well is polluted before I'd believe an industry cheer leader.
But that's just me.
You guys are too weird.

I googled "Pollution caused by fracking" and there are pages of articles.

I think I'd believe someone who's well is polluted before I'd believe an industry cheer leader.
But that's just me.
THAT is your lack of understanding of science and technology, and your gullibility for all things emotional and irrational. :slap:
THAT is your lack of understanding of science and technology, and your gullibility for all things emotional and irrational. :slap:

Is my lack of understanding due my tendency to believe the people who have suffered due to fracking caused water pollution or my tendency to disbelieve industry front groups who are paid to dispute that damage is being done?

I don't think following the money is irrational or emotional.
New York is simply a stare in transition.

Poised on the cusp of declaring itself a "people's republic".

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