NY Mayor Bill de Blasio Upset Jews Are Protesting, BLM Riots He Was Apathetic

Especially since a lot of the Jews were carrying Trump signs.

Well, there's only one thing left to do. Round them all up, shut down the Diamond Center, andput 'em all in prison then off to the Gulags in New York State..... (sarc)

Especially since a lot of the Jews were carrying Trump signs.

Well, there's only one thing left to do. Round them all up, shut down the Diamond Center, andput 'em all in prison then off to the Gulags in New York State..... (sarc)

With a Star of David sown on their clothes!
Especially since a lot of the Jews were carrying Trump signs.

Jewish protestors in de Blasio's mind are "unacceptable and disgusting" and demands "consequences" but BLM and ANTIFA riots with untold amounts of theft, property destruction, personal injury and even death are OK. Got it.
Especially since a lot of the Jews were carrying Trump signs.

Jewish protestors in de Blasio's mind are "unacceptable and disgusting" and demands "consequences" but BLM and ANTIFA riots with untold amounts of theft, property destruction, personal injury and even death are OK. Got it.

This is a prime example of just how quick the Democrats will turn on their supporters and how self serving the Hasidim are. Historically the Hasidim block voted by order of their Rabbi for Democrats....because Democrats agreed to give them all the social program loopholes that allow them to steal from society legally. Well now that all that is written into law, the Hasidim don't NEED the Democrats anymore, they see President Trump supporting Israel and they are supporting him. So now the Democrats are turning on the Hasidim and hoping to replace their block vote with a Black vote.

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