NY Principal Pulls Patriotic Song, Wants to Avoid Offending Other Cultures

A quick update on the Principal. She's a Jehovah Witness and they don't believe in any allegiance to any nation except to Jehovah's.

Her apparent reasoning for the ban on the song is "The lyrics, she says could ‘offend other cultures’ and are ‘too grown-up’ for five-year-olds.

Controversially, Hawkins is allowing alternatives including ‘Baby’ by Justin Bieber, with flirty lyrics such as: ‘Are we an item? Girl, quit playing.’"

She's getting a lot of hate mail over this. Daily Mail link pretty informative. From the article:

It is not the first time that Hawkins, a Jehovas Witness, has tried to stamp down on the school's patriotic rituals.

A few years ago she tried to end the tradition of students reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing ‘America the Beautiful’.

Staff objected and she was forced to back down but it has been noted that she does not herself recite the pledge because of her religious beliefs.

She has in the past been called a tyrant and bully by staffers and was reprimanded in 2010 by the Department of Education after complaints arose that she had called the school racist.

‘I’m black. Your previous principal was white and Jewish. More of us are coming,’ she is alleged to have said.

Read more: 'You are a filthy, dirty, ugly subhuman gorilla': The shocking hate mail sent to New York principal who banned God Bless the USA from kindergarten graduation | Mail Online

I already knew that but thanx anyway :thup: and they say black people can't be racist i'd call that white/jewish comment racist

Who is "they", and when did "they" say that?

They always means the Majority
First it was "You can't wear an American flag T-shirt today because it's Cinco de Mayo and you might offend Mexicans" in California and now it's "You can't sing that song because it will offend everybody else" in New York.

Both liberal states...interesting pattern.
The pattern is growing very fast in this nation, and their are those who think they are right and others in opposition of those whom think they are right, whom think they are wrong, so it will ultimately come down to the majority in the end of who finally wins the war of words, and those who won't win the war of words as far as the war stands right now.

Lets just hope that it stays a war of words, and is all settled by becoming Americans who will live as united in America finally, and that this continuing gap that is growing doesn't become wider and wider as found in this current war of words, in which this nation is having first, where as afterwards the actions will always end up coming later down the line.
Can't say Merry Christmas anymore.
Can't say God Bless America.
Can't wear a shirt with the American Flag on it...

But you sure can burn it and stomp it into the ground...

WTF is happening here....?
NY Principal Pulls Patriotic Song, Wants to Avoid Offending Other Cultures

By Paul Scicchitano
Last Updated: 11:30 AM, June 10, 2012


A Coney Island principal refused to let students sing "God Bless the USA" at a school ceremony -- but Justin Bieber's "Baby" was suitable.

A controversial Coney Island principal has pulled the plug on patriotism.

Her refusal to let students sing “God Bless the USA” at their graduation has sparked fireworks at a school filled with proud immigrants.

Read More:
It's a complete abuse of power on her part, where as once she aquirred this power, she figures she can do with it what she wants, no matter what problems she creates from her antics or singular beliefs on a subject that can affect so many.

It is pure arrogance and possibly agenda driven, where as there may be more involved than just her in the situation.
Can't say Merry Christmas anymore.
Can't say God Bless America.
Can't wear a shirt with the American Flag on it...

But you sure can burn it and stomp it into the ground...

WTF is happening here....?

What's happening? Political Correctness and retarded Liberalism is what's happening.
A quick update on the Principal. She's a Jehovah Witness and they don't believe in any allegiance to any nation except to Jehovah's.

Her apparent reasoning for the ban on the song is "The lyrics, she says could ‘offend other cultures’ and are ‘too grown-up’ for five-year-olds.

Controversially, Hawkins is allowing alternatives including ‘Baby’ by Justin Bieber, with flirty lyrics such as: ‘Are we an item? Girl, quit playing.’"

She's getting a lot of hate mail over this. Daily Mail link pretty informative. From the article:

It is not the first time that Hawkins, a Jehovas Witness, has tried to stamp down on the school's patriotic rituals.

A few years ago she tried to end the tradition of students reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing ‘America the Beautiful’.

Staff objected and she was forced to back down but it has been noted that she does not herself recite the pledge because of her religious beliefs.

She has in the past been called a tyrant and bully by staffers and was reprimanded in 2010 by the Department of Education after complaints arose that she had called the school racist.

‘I’m black. Your previous principal was white and Jewish. More of us are coming,’ she is alleged to have said.

Read more: 'You are a filthy, dirty, ugly subhuman gorilla': The shocking hate mail sent to New York principal who banned God Bless the USA from kindergarten graduation | Mail Online

problem solved play :This Land Is Your Land" is one of the United States' most famous folk songs. Its lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie in 1940 based on an existing melody, in critical response to Irving Berlin's "God Bless America", which Guthrie considered unrealistic and complacent. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxiMrvDbq3s]Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land - YouTube[/ame]

it's genuinely patriotic and not melodramatic like proud to be an American.
and it keeps church and state separate.
A few teachers, principals, local school boards, state school boards try to run their classes, their schools, their districts, and their states according to their beliefs, so this is an ongoing game. The fun part is that it gets so many people riled up.
Can't say Merry Christmas anymore.
Can't say God Bless America.
Can't wear a shirt with the American Flag on it...

But you sure can burn it and stomp it into the ground...

WTF is happening here....?

Who's stopping you from doing any of those things?
At one time these things in which he speaks, were allowed in every facet, nook and cranny or corner of America, but slowly these things are eroding away (and/or) are being challenged more and more these days, where as you cannot act upon (or) you are not allowed to say or do many of these things within certain areas of society now, and that is why he stated what he has stated I feel, but you knew this already didn't you ? You were just hoping that he wouldn't have an answer for you or a good comeback, and you figured that also didn't you ? Hec this very case is representitive of what he is saying in respect to. Just observing is all...
problem solved play :This Land Is Your Land" is one of the United States' most famous folk songs. Its lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie in 1940 based on an existing melody, in critical response to Irving Berlin's "God Bless America", which Guthrie considered unrealistic and complacent. Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land - YouTube

it's genuinely patriotic and not melodramatic like proud to be an American.
and it keeps church and state separate.
So you would dictate this for us, because this is what a dictator does...
Can't say Merry Christmas anymore.
Can't say God Bless America.
Can't wear a shirt with the American Flag on it...

But you sure can burn it and stomp it into the ground...

WTF is happening here....?

Who's stopping you from doing any of those things?
At one time these things in which he speaks, were allowed in every facet, nook and cranny or corner of America, but slowly these things are eroding away (and/or) are being challenged more and more these days, where as you cannot act upon (or) you are not allowed to say or do many of these things within certain areas of society now, and that is why he stated what he has stated I feel, but you knew this already didn't you ? You were just hoping that he wouldn't have an answer for you or a good comeback, and you figured that also didn't you ? Hec this very case is representitive of what he is saying in respect to. Just observing is all...

What "areas of society" are any of those things not allowed?
Much as I agree with some of your sentiments on this issue, that last line kills it for me. Tradition isn't automatically something to be treasured and respected. People doing the same thing for a long time doesn't make that thing right or wrong. . . that thing has to stand on its own merits. Traditions that are stupid should be nixed, period. Traditions that are helpful should be kept, period.

Just thot I'd weigh in on a minor point. Kinda my M.O. when I'm around ;)

Some traditions that negatively affect people should be changed yes, like segregation for example but this is just someone wearing a T-shirt with an American Flag on it to say or seeing a song to say im proud to be American, i mean its not as if they were going around wearing shirts saying i hate Mexico or i hate Africa or singing about the same things.

FYI you can wear a shirt like this and never be bothered


but if you wear a shirt like this your liable to offend someone in your own country so your not allowed to wear it


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NY Principal Pulls Patriotic Song, Wants to Avoid Offending Other Cultures

By Paul Scicchitano
Last Updated: 11:30 AM, June 10, 2012


A Coney Island principal refused to let students sing "God Bless the USA" at a school ceremony -- but Justin Bieber's "Baby" was suitable.

A controversial Coney Island principal has pulled the plug on patriotism.

Her refusal to let students sing “God Bless the USA” at their graduation has sparked fireworks at a school filled with proud immigrants.

Read More:

This is why we just need to abolish public education and privatize. They're just secularizing kids and indoctrinating them with revisionist history, falsities, and pc bs.
problem solved play :This Land Is Your Land" is one of the United States' most famous folk songs. Its lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie in 1940 based on an existing melody, in critical response to Irving Berlin's "God Bless America", which Guthrie considered unrealistic and complacent. Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land - YouTube

it's genuinely patriotic and not melodramatic like proud to be an American.
and it keeps church and state separate.

By your definition of separation of church and state, the founding fathers were unconstitutional. References to God or a higher people were at the root of the Constitution. The avoidance of a theocracy was also part of it. Hacks like yourself f'ing twist that reality. Shame on you for trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
Who's stopping you from doing any of those things?
At one time these things in which he speaks, were allowed in every facet, nook and cranny or corner of America, but slowly these things are eroding away (and/or) are being challenged more and more these days, where as you cannot act upon (or) you are not allowed to say or do many of these things within certain areas of society now, and that is why he stated what he has stated I feel, but you knew this already didn't you ? You were just hoping that he wouldn't have an answer for you or a good comeback, and you figured that also didn't you ? Hec this very case is representitive of what he is saying in respect to. Just observing is all...

What "areas of society" are any of those things not allowed?

at one point we said the Lord's prayer at the beginning of the school day. It's now illegal.

christmas party is now holiday party.

employees are reprimanded for saying merr christmas instead of happy holidays.

I could go on, but clearly you have had blinders on.
problem solved play :This Land Is Your Land" is one of the United States' most famous folk songs. Its lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie in 1940 based on an existing melody, in critical response to Irving Berlin's "God Bless America", which Guthrie considered unrealistic and complacent. Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land - YouTube

it's genuinely patriotic and not melodramatic like proud to be an American.
and it keeps church and state separate.
So you would dictate this for us, because this is what a dictator does...
dense much? it's called a suggestion.
problem solved play :This Land Is Your Land" is one of the United States' most famous folk songs. Its lyrics were written by Woody Guthrie in 1940 based on an existing melody, in critical response to Irving Berlin's "God Bless America", which Guthrie considered unrealistic and complacent. Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land - YouTube

it's genuinely patriotic and not melodramatic like proud to be an American.
and it keeps church and state separate.

By your definition of separation of church and state, the founding fathers were unconstitutional. References to God or a higher people were at the root of the Constitution. The avoidance of a theocracy was also part of it. Hacks like yourself f'ing twist that reality. Shame on you for trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
there is only one reference to a god the Constitution..and it is: "the seventeenth day of september in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven"
if one suggestion is enough to pull the wool over your eyes, then you have more problems then mis interpreting the Constitution.

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