NY Times: "Ms Landrieu Won In Jefferson Parish. . . .


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Alaska seems destined to have an Independent Governor, not too happy with the White House. In Louisiana, however, in at least one Parish, the tables were turned! NY Times looked at some state returns, precinct by precinct, and noted that, "Ms. Landrieu won in Jefferson Parish, which Mitt Romney won by 18 points in 2012."


Already noted in the House race, the more things changed, the more things more or less stayed the same. The old House had a few solid TeaPee Party district delegates, now maybe that clout is a whole lot less.

States like Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa will have Republican incumbents up for Senate in 2016. Senator Murkowski, Alaska, has had trouble with Republicans, in Alaska, before. Anyone has to wonder if these people will follow along Speaker Boehner, and vote 50 or more times to Repeal and Replace ObamaCare(?). Anyone notes that likely Senator McConnell was already willing and on board(?)!

Democrats are now doing apologies for calling everybody stupid last week(?). Democrats like me are maybe waiting for the Deed To The Farm, and the New Ford Pick-up, sent to me from the Koch Brothers(?). Here in Los Angeles, I plan to call my farm, "Mid-Wilshire District," with two pooper scoopers in every pot, and a bicycle rack in every public lot garage(?)! Hard to really get all that overboard with all that Republican Agenda, history. Lincoln had Promised, "40 acres and a mule," and now everyone wants to compare the Congress to the Herbert Hoover era(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes, thinking themselves liberal, maybe say USA: "Past all that(?)!" Send even little girls to schools with funny names, like: "Sidwell Friends," and not to D. C. schools(?)!)
Boy oh boy, are we being hit by the propaganda from the NYslimes now that Democrats lost power. that shows who can be lead around by the nose and needs not to think for themselves.
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So the democrats scored a huge victory because Mary won a "parish" that a republican had won in a general election...
Is that the point of this...

Let's see how Mary fares in a few weeks.
Get back to us then OK?
Jefferson Parish is the Number Two largest population grouping in the State. Contrary to GOP Punditry, the Obola crisis did not emerge there. Even the real ebola threat is now over, just today, including all people in the USA! Nigeria has nothing on the USA, after all--not that Chris Christie, seems to believe that(?)! The Party of Lincoln. . .Yeow!

So the Koch Brothers can take you people off their list--when they're sending out the fresh farm deeds for the votes in the General Election(?). People like me are more difficult to persuade. Even on Venice Beach, in CA, for example--the City disinfected the beach walk the Friday morning before the elections, likely noting that the dogs would be allowed again, the very next day. Priorities are everywhere, in America!

You people don't know how to hold out for the big pieces(?)! Even our dogs on the coast, have more sense than that. . . .or something(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Parts of Venice Beach, CA, now Tsunami Zone, Even! County parks bulldozers out on beach: "We Are Prepared!")
The urban West Coast is easily as solidly Blue as is Jefferson Parish. In California, like elsewhere, an urban-rural split was evident. The full mix of diversity-based precinct results, v. white solid precincts, would need an overlay of census districts. The West Coast is easily moving forward on a planet which is more diverse of race and ethnicity. The GOP districts appear to be less than diverse, of ethnic differences. Some analysts seem to suggest that they are white old guys only, which may overstate the matter. Easily Jefferson Parish intends to move forward. Last we saw, in Los Angeles, Bobby Jindal, in Louisiana, had chosen to bypass army Corps of Engineers, in the Gulf Spill matter. He set himself to carrying, rocks to the shore, instead(?).

Even in Los Angeles, we have bulldozers(?). We do know that the beach dogs have go. . . .well(?)! Probably in Louisiana, they could find some rocks on their own, however(?)!

Moses had famously screwed up the concept of a deity, in Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Israel was to be set to the reputation of gouging anyone not Jewish. Jewish Karl Marx, of the Communist Manifesto fame, would note that "Religion is the opiate, of the people!" Too Late, however: The Nazi's came to ascendency at any rate, and even blamed the whole thing, even on the Slavs. There probably were homosexuals, also, but the count is obscure. . .somehow. With all the apparent disparaging references of the past, admittedly, likely liberals do not read too many of the original texts. Anyone winning a Nobel Prize, likely lacks depth, of matters involving humanity.

Actually, Mark Twain is a famous author.

Opiates I myself don't do. Religious folk there are, and there is enough of it around, for those who feel the need do do that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matter not what many White Eyes think or do, in California! On Lands of Many Nations, "Bring Money!" remains the brand!"
I used to live in Jefferson Parish and it has a huge minority there so it doesn't surprise me she won that parish at all .. This doesnt mean she will win the run off
The NY Times is noting that the Parish was generally pro-Mitt Romney in 2012. It is noted that after all the Big Storms events, all over, that low-income and generally minority households dispersed to everywhere, all over. It is not clear that Romney, himself, wants to be thought some nature of modern day Moses(?)!

That aside, I should also note that I myself have never been to Louisiana, so without any concept of that version of a Promised Land! Garden of Eden is even sometimes suggested as being somewhere along the Northwest Persian Gulf coast, in the Middle East. Out of there would have come inhabitants, with no prior need of farming. So some, maybe, noticed that barley seeds spread around, would grow and could be used for food. Anyone with the barley could loan three bags, and expect four back at the end of the year--to get farming civilization started. That would soon become six measures of silver, at the end of the year, in return for the use of five. In Code of Hammurabi, even the welfare state got started. Unable to pay bills, the father could sell the wife and kids into slavery--a three year period--as payment for outstanding debts. There was basis for keeping people, clothed, and housed, and fed. Opiates are previously noted, about dad(?). . .well. . .who could then pray all day long, and nighttime too!

Even at the time, there was nothing wrong that.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes come to lands near to Florida, early on, from Spain! Even then, unable to keep Mitts away! Many now try to keep Mitts, off of USA(?)!)
I used to live in Jefferson Parish and it has a huge minority there so it doesn't surprise me she won that parish at all .. This doesnt mean she will win the run off

Wow minorities voting Democrat.
Has that ever happened before, is this something we need to keep an eye on...:rolleyes-41:
The actual results in Jefferson Parish
Landrieu (D) 44.71%
Cassidy (R) 39.42
Maness (R) 13.44
(D) total 44.71%
(R) total 52.82%
looks to me like a race between just Cassidy against Landrieu should easily take it.
The actual results in Jefferson Parish
Landrieu (D) 44.71%
Cassidy (R) 39.42
Maness (R) 13.44
(D) total 44.71%
(R) total 52.82%
looks to me like a race between just Cassidy against Landrieu should easily take it.

Landrieu is toast.. trust me.
Never underestimate the ability of a Landrieu to steal an election.

With Edwin Edwards in a runoff, his district's black will turn out en masse, and might carry Mary along in a close one.
All Prayer In The Schools, aside(?). . .excepting in maybe really liberal--or really hyper-conservative--schools full of kids. . .the Census Bureau seems to find Jefferson Parish to be about two thirds white, like the rest of Louisiana.

Jefferson Parish QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

There is more likely a pro-Landrieu tradition, more evident, which may surface, and which is why NY Times made a note of it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(New Testament of White Eyes shows little Jew from Nazareth--maybe 5'1'' or 5'2" and very Semitic--telling stories of usury, (Matt 25:14-30), and of inverse usury, (Matt 20:1-16). Council of Jerusalem, AD 50, then noted that Moses not path to message of New Testament, at any rate. Republicans Took Inverse Usury away, regardless, after winning in 2010--the Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit, was taken away! White Eyes of funny books, need better doses. . . Of Great Spirits of Lands of Many Nations! Maybe not run Mormon, instead, again!)

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