NYC Libraries Fixated At Stage One


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. If, at first glance, you find this a swell idea.....glance again.

"NYC public libraries to end late fees altogether, waive open fines

... all late fees and replacement fees owed to the New York Public Library, Queens Public Library and Brooklyn Public Library will be waived.
The new policy will “unblock” about 400,000 city residents who owe more than $15 in fines, officials said. About half of those people live in “high-need communities,” officials from the city and all three libraries said in a joint statement. Thirty percent of them are under 17 years old.

“For those who can afford the fines, they are barely an incentive. For those who can’t afford the fines — disproportionately low-income New Yorkers — they become a real barrier to access that we can no longer accept,” he said.


BTW.....that's Brooklyn central library.....and that's real gold around the entrance.

2. On the one hand, I love the fact that lots of people are reading books, using the library....especially those in “high-need communities,” .....I believe that reading will ease them away from voting Democrat.

The saying 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions' › meanings › the-road-to-h...

The expression is often attributed to the Cistercian abbot Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 – 1153).

3. Absolving the pittance charged as late fees....pennies....certainly doesn't re-enforce a sense of personal responsibility.
And, if my guess is correct, more books will never be returned without the reminder of the fines.
And there are lots of folks who don't forget to return books who will be punished by this new 'woke' system.

4. A reminder, from economics:
Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One
Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear

5. Amazon review:

Sowell takes the key political issues and challenges the reader to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) political impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) economic impact. He reminds the reader that politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear. He lays out the Stage One benefits of each political issue and then predicts the long term consequences that politicians don't address. Price controls on drugs and health care may have an immediate benefit, but the consumer will pay years later as health care quality decreases and new drug research declines. Reducing the price does not reduce the cost. Does raising the minimum wage really help entry level workers? What happens in the long term when communities raise taxes on businesses? Is free health care really free, or better?
We need to look beyond Stage One and separate politics from economics on the hot election year issues.

If you don't agree with me......take a look at the library president's name:

NYPL President Anthony Marx.


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Price controls on drugs and health care may have an immediate benefit, but the consumer will pay years later as health care quality decreases and new drug research declines.
The current situation in which Americans pay for research is just fine with the rest of the world, even though most Americans aren't happy with it.
America's law enforcement is turning a blind eye toward Americans smuggling Canadian pharmaceuticals into their country.
And Canadian law enforcement are most likely instructed to do the same. Americans are good for sales!

You should be more concerned with current quality and less concerned about it becoming even worse!!
The current situation in which Americans pay for research is just fine with the rest of the world, even though most Americans aren't happy with it.
America's law enforcement is turning a blind eye toward Americans smuggling Canadian pharmaceuticals into their country.
And Canadian law enforcement are most likely instructed to do the same. Americans are good for sales!

You should be more concerned with current quality and less concerned about it becoming even worse!!

We support Canada in so very many ways. is America's largest national park.
We support Canada in so very many ways.
Not just Canada, Americans support lower costs of paharmceuticals world wide! is America's largest national park.
Not nearly as much anymore but it's not because Canada has closed the border on account of Covid. America is keeping it closed until October, just like I told you yesterday.

I'm not complaining. We keep infected Americans out and America gets the blame!
Not just Canada, Americans support lower costs of paharmceuticals world wide!

Not nearly as much anymore but it's not because Canada has closed the border on account of Covid. America is keeping it closed until October, just like I told you yesterday.

I'm not complaining. We keep infected Americans out and America gets the blame!

We not only support Canada, we allow really sick Canadians in for treatment your backward country doesn't provide

And, we do so on a timely manner.

. And this, from the Daily Signal, today….

“Canadian Medicare, our northern neighbor’s universal health care system, generally receives rave reviews from proponents of nationalized or socialized health care, but the Fraser Institute found that more than 63,000 Canadians left their country to have surgery in 2016.

As Americans contemplate overturning our health system in favor of one similar to Canada’s, we must ask why so many leave.” American Health Care Treats Canadians Who Cannot Wait

The Canadian system consistently ranks low or lowest across numerous metrics in the Commonwealth Fund’s extensive survey on health care. With regards to specialists and surgeries, the United States ranked best or nearly best."
American Health Care Treats Canadians Who Cannot Wait

"...most people see surgeons only after a referral by either their primary care physician in America, or their general practitioner in Canada. In the United States, 70% of patients are able to be seen by specialists less than four weeks after a referral. In Canada, less than 40% were seen inside of four weeks.

After being advised that they need a procedure done, only about 35% of Canadians had their surgery within a month, whereas in the United States, 61% did. After four months, about 97% of Americans were able to have their surgery, whereas Canada struggled to achieve 80%.

America is significantly outperforming Canada in surgery wait times even as it’s likely that tens of thousands of Canadians come here to use the American system."
American Health Care Treats Canadians Who Cannot Wait

Healthcare on the order of the USPostal Service.....

. “This has been a consistent trend since at least 2014, when an estimated 52,513 Canadians left for their medical care. In 2015, the number went down slightly to 45,619. 2016 exceeded the 2015 number with an estimated 63,459 patients seeking care elsewhere.

Moreover, both countries have had comparable rates of private health insurance coverage for the past 20 years, roughly 60-70%. But the Canadian private insurance market is entirely supplemental—it covers co-payments for services not covered or not entirely covered by the provincial insurance.

Primary coverage, which is the predominant form of insurance in America, is all but illegal in Canada, and would be under “Medicare for All” as well.

In the United States, government insurance covers gaps left by the private market. Private insurance is the norm and Medicare and Medicaid provide a health insurance safety net for elderly or low-income Americans.”
American Health Care Treats Canadians Who Cannot Wait

Say thank you.
Not just Canada, Americans support lower costs of paharmceuticals world wide!

Not nearly as much anymore but it's not because Canada has closed the border on account of Covid. America is keeping it closed until October, just like I told you yesterday.

I'm not complaining. We keep infected Americans out and America gets the blame!
You are getting ready to kill Christians up there. I am typing like you. Western freedom.. you gotta love it.

Seems to me that the public library should become a thing of the past and they could just post all books on line for people to read and just have a few librarians somewhere in the country who are just computer experts running the whole shebang. No more late fees because its all online for free, no having to pay for lots of brick and mortar buildings because its all online, pay out salaries for employees go almost to nil.

What more can one ask?

Want a real book to handle and read? Try Ebay.

Maybe the old libraries can be repurposed as homeless shelters.


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Seems to me that the public library should become a thing of the past and they could just post all books on line for people to read and just have a few librarians somewhere in the country who are just computer experts running the whole shebang. No more late fees because its all online for free, no having to pay for lots of brick and mortar buildings because its all online, pay out salaries for employees go almost to nil.

What more can one ask?

Want a real book to handle and read? Try Ebay.

Maybe the old libraries can be repurposed as homeless shelters.



Well....a lot are.
And I read a great many books on Scribd and kindle....but, I kinda like holding a real book.

BTW....NY has five boroughs, each with their own library system.
There are dozens of libraries in each borough. If I want a book, they will forward it to my chosen library from any other branch.

It's great.
Americans have become medical tourists, more than others going to America for health care.

A few wealthy Canadians go to America if they choose not to wait in Canada.

And now Alaska's death panel has had to decide who gets a hospital bed and who dies!
Americans have become medical tourists, more than others going to America for health care.

A few wealthy Canadians go to America if they choose not to wait in Canada.

And now Alaska's death panel has had to decide who gets a hospital bed and who dies!

Death is the central theme of all Leftists:

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.


My side recognizes the sanctity of human life.
Well....a lot are.
And I read a great many books on Scribd and kindle....but, I kinda like holding a real book.

BTW....NY has five boroughs, each with their own library system.
There are dozens of libraries in each borough. If I want a book, they will forward it to my chosen library from any other branch.

It's great.


What I've seen around here is a bunch of bureaucratic nonsense. They refurbished and expanded the oldish new library and spent millions of dollars doing so so it would be handicapped accessible. The number of books remained the same because they only wanted the bookcases four feet high and six feet wide for the isles. Hire a damn monkey to get it for them if they can't get to the book themselves. Saves space by the millions of dollars and you can pack the books in. Then maybe they'd have something that I'd like to read on hand. So what if it hasn't been read in five years? They now have two whole shelves full of science fiction in the current library where the old library from my youth, which is now a museum, had three or four book cases full of science fiction. Along with at least three to four times the number of books they currently carry now in the whole library. Right now I have enough science fiction on hand in my house that it would take six bookcases to display them properly instead of packing them on a shelve two deep. Then there's my research books that would take up another two bookcases, because I don't trust the internet to give me the facts about a subject. Along with at least three bookcases full of mysteries and romances for the wife...


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What I've seen around here is a bunch of bureaucratic nonsense. They refurbished to oldish new library and spent millions of dollars doing so so it would be handicapped accessible. The number of books remained the same because they only wanted the bookcases four feet high and six feet wide for the isles. Hire a damn monkey to get it for them if they can't get to the book themselves. Saves space by the millions of dollars and you can pack the books in. Then maybe they'd have something that I'd like to read on hand. So what if it hasn't been read in five years? They now have two whole shelves full of science fiction in the current library where the old library from my youth, which is now a museum, had three or four book cases full of science fiction. Along with at least three to four times the number of books they currently carry now in the whole library. Right now I have enough science fiction on hand in my house that it would take six bookcases to display them properly instead of packing them on a shelve two deep. Then there's my research books that would take up another two bookcases, because I don't trust the internet to give me the facts about a subject. Along with at least three bookcases full of mysteries and romances for the wife...




I see we're lucky, here in the Big Apple.....

But know who's really lucky???? goes: NYC is made up of five boroughs. Each has a library system....and I can attest to how wonderful the Brooklyn one is.
Each borough has a President of the Library.
Guess how much, in taxpayer dollars, each Library President makes.

Go ahead- guess.

1. "Queens Library President and CEO Thomas Galante speaks during a rally at Queens Central Library to support adequate funding to save library services and jobs. While the library has lost almost 130 jobs over the past five years, Galante brought in $391,594 last year.

2. ...Galante [spent] $140,000 last year to renovate his offices....Galante managed this after eliminating nearly 130 library jobs through layoffs and attrition over the past five years.

a. ....- A 250-square-foot rooftop deck adjacent to Galantes office for use as his private smoking area. Built with teak tile, furnished with wrought-iron furniture, and surrounded by two dozen evergreens that shield it from onlookers, the decks tab alone was more than $27,000.

b.....- Two new executive conference rooms, one of which looks more like a private lounge area, featuring sparkling wood floors, a half-dozen leather sofas and chairs, a stylish drop ceiling, and a giant flat-screen television. Cost: more than $110,000.

c. On top of his hefty salary, the library throws in a car. And not just some plain vanilla Ford Taurus or Chevy Volt out of the citys fleet. No, Galante gets the wheels of his choice, for both personal and work use.
His employment contract does set a car expense ceiling, currently $37,000, ... a sleek 2011 Nissan 370Z sports car. Plus he gets to replace it every three years.

3. ...Galantes eye-popping salary last year of $391,594 an increase of $12,000 from the previous year....more than the mayor ($225,000), the schools chancellor ($220,000) or the MTA chairman ($350,000)

4. .... the Queens, Brooklyn and New York Public Library systems are technically private nonprofit groups, even though their funds come almost exclusively from the city budget. This murky status allows them to quietly shell out huge executive salaries.

5. Linda Johnson, head of the Brooklyn Public Library, made $250,000 last year.

6. Paul LeClerc, the former head of the New York Public Library, made $711,114 in 2011, the most recent year available,...

7. employees, havent seen a raise in four years. His clerks and custodians get top pay of $39,000; his senior librarians, $55,000."
Queens Library president gets $390G salary, luxe office makeover while shedding 130 jobs - NY Daily News address the suckers who not only pay for this...but support the Liberal/Progressive/DeathPanelDemocrats.....and, by extension, socialist administrations....this is what you endorse.

Every totalist regime convinces suckers that they will produce the proverbial 'worker's paradise'.....

But every one rewards their apparatchiks and steals from you to do it.

Thank goodness we got a glimpse into the racket from the Daily News.

(I posted this seven years ago. Who knows how much the make now.)

The head librarian here makes way too much, and she probably has her own office now, they also bought the library their own brand new car after the modifications.

What the hell does a library out in the boonies need a car for? My understanding is the book exchange is handled by mail.

All in a.... city that supposedly has a population of around ten thousand that's barely grown in fifty years according to the census.


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The head librarian here makes way too much, and she probably has her own office now, they also bought the library their own brand new car after the modifications.

What the hell does a library out in the boonies need a car for? My understanding is the book exchange is handled by mail.



Did I mention one of my fav quotes?

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.​ › quotes › 7572-i-have-alw...

Jorge Luis Borges — 'I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.'
Not just Canada, Americans support lower costs of paharmceuticals world wide!

Not nearly as much anymore but it's not because Canada has closed the border on account of Covid. America is keeping it closed until October, just like I told you yesterday.

I'm not complaining. We keep infected Americans out and America gets the blame!

Closing borders is racist.

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