NYC, no more room


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
New York City will start issuing flyers at the southern border warning that the sanctuary city does not have room to house or support any more migrants, Democrat Mayor Eric Adams said on Wednesday.

The mayor said that there is “no more room” for asylum seekers and that migrants will be removed from the city shelter system after 60 days, Adams said during a press conference. More than 90,000 migrants have come to New York City since spring 2022, 54,800 of which are in city care.

Sanctuary City, in name only. Guess that $30 million from FEMA last month only lasted about 30 days.

NYC Mayor Issues Flyers Warning Migrants That City Has ‘No More Room’
Of course, that's a lie on the part of Mayor Adams.

The city still has huge swaths of land where tents and other temporary housing can be set up. In fact, this was a lot that President Trump had a temporary hospital built during the Coronavirus pandemic, when he thought everyone was on board to defeat it quickly.

Of course, that's a lie on the part of Mayor Adams.

The city still has huge swaths of land where tents and other temporary housing can be set up. In fact, this was a lot that President Trump had a temporary hospital built during the Coronavirus pandemic, when he thought everyone was on board to defeat it quickly.

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Plenty of room for tents, like those sanctuary cities on the west coast.
No doubt, if Biden coughed up another $30 million, Adams would find plenty of room.
New York City will start issuing flyers at the southern border warning that the sanctuary city does not have room to house or support any more migrants, Democrat Mayor Eric Adams said on Wednesday.

The mayor said that there is “no more room” for asylum seekers and that migrants will be removed from the city shelter system after 60 days, Adams said during a press conference. More than 90,000 migrants have come to New York City since spring 2022, 54,800 of which are in city care.

Sanctuary City, in name only. Guess that $30 million from FEMA last month only lasted about 30 days.

NYC Mayor Issues Flyers Warning Migrants That City Has ‘No More Room’
All cities would have to be sanctuary cities, not just liberal, Democrat-run cities. What I would do if I were in charge, I would deport all of these illegal immigrants and I would prosecute all of the capitalists who hire them, with a felony. I would then lift all of the economic sanctions that our government is imposing on Latin American countries, and I would stop meddling in their internal affairs. When President Bukele of El Salvador arrests all of the street terrorists/gang members who have held his country hostage for the last twenty years, I would support him in his efforts. I wouldn't"t demonize or try to stop him, as American and Western European media outlets are doing now:

The US government, along with "human rights" organizations are whining about Bukele, despite the fact that he saved El Salvador. He has a 91% approval rating in El Salvador. Salvadoreans love him. That's the way you reduce, if not eliminate illegal immigration from Latin America. You allow Latin American countries to develop and provide a better standard of living for their citizens.
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New York City will start issuing flyers at the southern border warning that the sanctuary city does not have room to house or support any more migrants, Democrat Mayor Eric Adams said on Wednesday.

The mayor said that there is “no more room” for asylum seekers and that migrants will be removed from the city shelter system after 60 days, Adams said during a press conference. More than 90,000 migrants have come to New York City since spring 2022, 54,800 of which are in city care.

Sanctuary City, in name only. Guess that $30 million from FEMA last month only lasted about 30 days.

NYC Mayor Issues Flyers Warning Migrants That City Has ‘No More Room’

Of course, that's a lie on the part of Mayor Adams.

The city still has huge swaths of land where tents and other temporary housing can be set up. In fact, this was a lot that President Trump had a temporary hospital built during the Coronavirus pandemic, when he thought everyone was on board to defeat it quickly.

View attachment 806415

President Trump was a little naive.
Probably his only actual flaw.
New York City will start issuing flyers at the southern border warning that the sanctuary city does not have room to house or support any more migrants, Democrat Mayor Eric Adams said on Wednesday.

The mayor said that there is “no more room” for asylum seekers and that migrants will be removed from the city shelter system after 60 days, Adams said during a press conference. More than 90,000 migrants have come to New York City since spring 2022, 54,800 of which are in city care.

Sanctuary City, in name only. Guess that $30 million from FEMA last month only lasted about 30 days.

NYC Mayor Issues Flyers Warning Migrants That City Has ‘No More Room’
How typically socialist. "We are proudly a sanctuary city and we will make some other cities bear the burden."
No more room in NYC for intelligent rational people that would be a major red flag that there is and has been a major problem at the Southern border for a long time. Sadly intelligent, rational and Congress don’t go together.
No doubt, if Biden coughed up another $30 million, Adams would find plenty of room.
Central Park is more than enough room

Time to transition it into little Mexico, that is, if democrats care about immigrants

If not, send them back to Texas I reckon.
New York City will start issuing flyers at the southern border warning that the sanctuary city does not have room to house or support any more migrants, Democrat Mayor Eric Adams said on Wednesday.

The mayor said that there is “no more room” for asylum seekers and that migrants will be removed from the city shelter system after 60 days, Adams said during a press conference. More than 90,000 migrants have come to New York City since spring 2022, 54,800 of which are in city care.

Sanctuary City, in name only. Guess that $30 million from FEMA last month only lasted about 30 days.

NYC Mayor Issues Flyers Warning Migrants That City Has ‘No More Room’
Is Adams officially cancelling the designation of NYC as a Sanctuary Coty? Does he have the legal authority to do that unilaterally?

Weill libtard Democraps in NYC now whine “what about our democracy?”

Correction: apparently, the NYC designation started with some mayoral executive order —

Later, the disgraceful NYC Mayor Kaiser Wilhelm (Bill DiBlasio) signed some laws.


In late 2014, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed two bills into law that significantly reduced the degree to which city officials would cooperate with federal immigration enforcement. Introductions 486-A and 487-A ended the city’s cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests, except in situations where an individual has been convicted of a violent crime. The bills also ended the presence of federal immigration officials at Rikers Island and all other city-run facilities. The city is home to more than 500,000 undocumented residents, according to recent estimates. It was included in a 2018 Justice Department letter demanding documentation about whether the city was violating U.S. Code 1373.
See: Where are New York’s sanctuary cities?
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New York City will start issuing flyers at the southern border warning that the sanctuary city does not have room to house or support any more migrants, Democrat Mayor Eric Adams said on Wednesday.

The mayor said that there is “no more room” for asylum seekers and that migrants will be removed from the city shelter system after 60 days, Adams said during a press conference. More than 90,000 migrants have come to New York City since spring 2022, 54,800 of which are in city care.

Sanctuary City, in name only. Guess that $30 million from FEMA last month only lasted about 30 days.

NYC Mayor Issues Flyers Warning Migrants That City Has ‘No More Room’
Ain’t that right Unkotare ?
I would think that Blue States like New York would prefer to take in the "undocumented workers" because letting Red States take care of them is cruel due to their systemic racism.

Do they want the children to all wind up in cages or something?

Again, Central Park in New York is HUGE!!

I can see Hispanic growing crops there and becoming self sufficient as they work the land.

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