NYT anti Trump bias eposed in project veritas sting video


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Breaking: NYT Anti-Trump Bias Exposed in Project Veritas Sting Video
The latest installment of Project Veritas’ American Pravda series has captured stunning video exposing the New York Times as an establishment propaganda outlet hell-bent on derailing Trump.


The democratic mental cases always get off on denying live footage of truth because why their Gov. parents named Obama and Clinton will tell them it's fake just like the bs with plannedparenthood the losers will always make sure their sheep think it's all fake.

New York Times Editor Admits to Targeting Trump Brands to Get Him to Resign - Big League Politics

From a much different source Oh no. while you all still can't figure out why you Hate Trump, and you believe the BS LIES fed to you about Trump. Which goes to show why msm can so easily manipulate you Trump haters they know you jackasses will believe whatever they tell you as long as it shits on Trump.

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