Oath keepers LOL

Locking up the criminal gang who wants to hold America hostage, is serving the people, and its time that the oath keepers spent 20 years in fort Leavenworth or adx Florence.
Well you have made it exceedingly clear that you have no clue as to what an "oath keeper" is, simply because there is no equivalent in your Godforsaken frozen tundra.
Well you have made it exceedingly clear that you have no clue as to what an "oath keeper" is, simply because there is no equivalent in your Godforsaken frozen tundra.
First of all I'm glad I don't live in the oven of texas lol..I like the cold weather.

And secondly, an "oath keeper" is a combination of two things...
It is in and of itself rhetoric, and the name of an extremist nutbag group, whose leader is arrested.
Don’t they? Last I checked it was the government who was to serve the people, not the other way around
Also your statement is incorrect.
You are obligated to follow the law, and jails are full of those who don't.
Absolutely no member of the government owes some cult or a gang of creeps any answers for fucking damn thing.

These gangs represent their own malarkey and not the American public and the malarkey of a violent cult has no representation, no right to representation, and if Acted on, is a criminal act.

Neither the President nor any member of the government represents the malarkey of a criminal enterprise, gang or cult or a combination of all three.

The president's Oath is to his constituents and/or his interpretation of his office.
Not to a cult / gang of creeps.

The "oath keeper" is the American public at the reelection voting day.

The idea that these assholes who call themselves "oath keepers" can just walk around causing trouble because they don't get their way which harms everybody else, and not get arrested..
Is offensive and I'm glad I don't have to deal with it anymore here in Canada.

I hope you feel better now that you've let it out.
The president's oath is to the US constitution dummy.... Not some angry left-wing mob....
And in 2021 he got so consumed with himself and the bullshit his attorneys were feeding him he broke that oath.

Stolen or not the constitutional process was being followed when the riot broke out and they tried to prevent the peaceful transition of power.
Whose ideas about the constitution, the oath keeper criminal extremist gang interpretation?

The idea that the constitution holds us to the 1950s and to the disenfranchisement of non whites and non males is bullshit as is the idea that the constitution can't be changed.

America isn't your hostage.
The only people promoting such an idea I've seen in the last forty years or so are democrats.

You're out of your damned mind.
First of all I'm glad I don't live in the oven of texas lol..I like the cold weather.

And secondly, an "oath keeper" is a combination of two things...
It is in and of itself rhetoric, and the name of an extremist nutbag group, whose leader is arrested.
He isn't/wasn't the leader of the Oath Keepers Organization.
First of all I'm glad I don't live in the oven of texas lol..I like the cold weather.

And secondly, an "oath keeper" is a combination of two things...
It is in and of itself rhetoric, and the name of an extremist nutbag group, whose leader is arrested.
I always found Texas to be hot but dry, so it didn't bother me much as I spent a little bit of time in the deserts of the Middle East.

You did not describe that combination of two things, proving once again you have no clue who and what they are.

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