SFC Ollie
Still Marching
You are attempting to apply 21st century political philosophies to the 18th century. Founding fathers were decidedly Liberal for the 18th century. In the 18th century there was no UNITED STATES, there was only a confederation of states that were united. Due to the dispersion of States, lack of a communications or transportation system there was no way to execute a UNITED STATES with a strong federal government. By default, we needed a State-centric government. Each state also had strong loyalties to the states themselves.
This does not make them conservative. What makes the founding fathers the LIBERALs of THEIR DAY (not 2009) was the pushing of the rights of the individual over the rights of the state and the pushing of equal rights of all citizens (except for women, blacks and indians )
18th century conservatives were Torries and were loyal to the crown
Ah the liberals of their day, But by todays standards (we do live in today I believe) they are quite Conservative. Therefore the USA was founded by right wing conservatives.
conservatism is relative.
are you saying the government should be the same size it was then?
i think that reasonable persons have come far beyond assuming that the government should be some bare-bones contraption, and are willing and able to appreciate what our government has become over time as a part of what our country has become.
i dont know where you stand, but if youre proposing like ddave and crusader that the government should be limited to the founders government, i dont think thats what the founders had in mind with congress and all. they'dve attempted to make a more robust document with no persons in charge of expanding it via bills and acts at all, no?
I am a realist, I understand that as technology and the country grew, so would the Federal Government. There is so much more today. But I also say that the Federal Government is larger than it should be and larger than it needs to be. I also believe there are too many regulations telling us how to live our lives. Do you know there are regulations on how much water you should use to flush your toilet? I like to flush twice to see if I can get the shit back to Washington where it comes from.