Obama Birth Certificate: Why is this subject off-limits?

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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...
I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...

Yeah there have only been 8,254 threads on it. The censorship is strong with this board.

I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...

PM a mod and ask, that's the proper way to do it. Discussing mod actions in an open forum is a nono.

That's an interesting question. I see they have closed the most recent thread on the topic.
President Obama left the White House months ago, and conservatives are still worried about his birth certificate.

What do you idiots expect, a House committee to waste time and millions-of-dollars on an investigation to beat this dead horse?

Congressional Republicans, especially those in the Senate, must focus their attention on screwing twenty-five million Americans out of their health coverage and raising the cost of premiums for the rest of us, cut taxes for the top one percent, cut benefits to the tens-of-millions of Americans who rely on Social Security and Medicare, eliminate regulations that protect workers' safety and rights, and pass much more legislation to protect Wall Street's ability to screw over small investors.

They must do this, and more, and still convince a majority of voters they are acting only in the best interest of average citizens. And do all before the 2018 mid-term elections.
I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...
Imagine being this stupid and coming here to advertise it.
I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...

Nothing about it off limits to me! There are still a thousand unresolved issues with Obama and just because he is out of office now changes nothing. He was born a Kenyan, he admitted this himself, his wife said it, people from his town said it, he was never a legal president, should be jailed for his crimes, stripped of all benefits, and his record of birth given after much pressure (years?) was a total fake.
I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...

Nothing about it off limits to me! There are still a thousand unresolved issues with Obama and just because he is out of office now changes nothing. He was born a Kenyan, he admitted this himself, his wife said it, people from his town said it, he was never a legal president, should be jailed for his crimes, stripped of all benefits, and his record of birth given after much pressure (years?) was a total fake.

I completely agree with you AT LEAST in principle.

But, that said, it's too late to do anything about it.
Now that Trump has conceded that Obama was born in the US, you would think that Trump's cult followers would be reluctant to call their Leader an idiot for doing so.
I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...
It's because everyone knows that obama was born in Kenya, and that what he posted online as a scanned image of a hard copy original certificate of birth was an absolutely pathetic digital creatioin that has been proven a forgery by experts world wide. We also know his social security number was stolen by his grandmother that worked at a social security office, that belonged to man that was born in Connecticut in 1890, and we know his selective service card was tampered with as well. The problem is, if you really, REALLY go there and open that can of worms, you're going to find that virtually EVERYONE in Washington KNEW he was not constitutionally eligible to be president, but he was the GREAT SOCIAL EXPERIMENT. The FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT, the first MUSLIM president. It was going to prove to everyone here and the world that America was NOT a RACIST nation, which it did prove, and then also the rest of the world was going to love us. Well, their experiment backfired because he hated America as it was and what it stood for, and set out to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" it. But if they go back now with indisputable proof he was ineligible to be president, there will be so many people that knew and were complicit that you'd have to clean out the vast majority of Washington, and THAT will NEVER happen. So it will remain the dirty little scandal that they all know is true but everyone looked the other way.

Then one day, thirty years from now, there'll be a special on TV where some enterprising investigator has gone to Hawaii and found that there really isn't and never was an original hard copy certificate of birth for obama, and that his SS# was stolen, and that his selective card was tampered with. This will of course be in conjunction with the proof that we already have, that he was once Barry Soetoro, and there is no legal evidence that he ever changed his name back to Barack Obama, and that he attended college as a foreign student and got financial aid as such.

The triggered leftists when you mention this even know the truth, but admitting the truth for a leftist these days isn't something you should never expect. They are HEAVILY invested in defending the kenyan. They started out defending him, and it's too late for them to turn around now and ADMIT, they were WRONG. You will NEVER hear that. So they poo-poo this subject every time it comes up, frankly because they know it's true, and they're probably sick of having to defend such a blatant scandal.

That's the explanation.
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There are such things as conspiracy theories, and if USMB has decided to go along with the overwhelming consensus that Birtherism is a conspiracy theory,

why shouldn't Birther threads go in the Conspiracy forum? You're free to debate it there...
apparently the op did not see the min of 11 pages on subject .....do a search and then come back and tell us how no one is discussing it or allowed to.....i wished stupidity hurt
I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...

PM a mod and ask, that's the proper way to do it. Discussing mod actions in an open forum is a nono.


I have noticed that ANYTHING can be posted on this forum about Bush or Trump, including the legitimacy of their presidencies, but NOTHING is allowed to be posted about Obama's legitimacy. I will pretend to not know the reason for this so that the libtard moderators can explain it to me...

There are a ton of birther threads here so I don't know what needs explaining.
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