Obama by the Numbers


VIP Member
Oct 24, 2013
President Obama Job Approval

RCP Average 11/6 - 11/19 -- 40.3 55.3 -15.0

CBS News 11/15 - 11/18 1010 A 37 57 -20
Gallup 11/17 - 11/19 1500 A 40 53 -13
Rasmussen Reports 11/17 - 11/19 1500 LV 43 56 -13
The Economist/YouGov 11/16 - 11/18 649 RV 42 56 -14
ABC News/Wash Post 11/14 - 11/17 RV 41 56 -15
FOX News 11/10 - 11/12 1006 RV 40 55 -15
Quinnipiac 11/6 - 11/11 2545 RV 39 54 -15

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Obama has fallen by 9 point in the span of less then a month and it is on a steady decline would like to add Obama personal favorability rating is under water for the first time evey by 52 to 46 according to the last ABC WaPo poll

Generic Congressional Vote

Polling Data

RCP Average 10/27 - 11/17 -- 41.2 40.2 Democrats +1.0

Rasmussen Reports 11/11 - 11/17 3500 LV 39 40 Republicans +1
FOX News 11/10 - 11/12 1006 RV 40 43 Republicans +3
Quinnipiac 11/6 - 11/11 2545 RV 39 39 Tie
PPP (D) 10/29 - 10/31 649 RV 44 38 Democrats +6
GWU/Battleground 10/27 - 10/31 1000 LV 44 41 Democrats +3

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Generic Congressional Vote

Republicans have completely erased the 9 point lead that democrats did have after the shut down and has pulled ahead in the two most recent polls. the shut down is done and over with the damage has already accrued and been erased. it will not damage the republicans again. so it will be a non issue come 2014, but Obama care will be because it will be continuing to happen. the 2014 elections will be happening about the same time the employer offered plans will start being cancelled. estimates of 90 million could see lose of their employer offered insurance. if the polls have dropped this much for Obama and the dems over 5 million losing coverage just imagine the numbers after 90 million losing coverage

Public Approval of Health Care Law

Polling Data

RCP Average 10/27 - 11/18 -- 39.0 56.2 Against/Oppose +17.2

CBS News 11/15 - 11/18 1010 A 31 61 Against/Oppose +30
Rasmussen Reports* 11/15 - 11/16 1000 LV 38 58 Against/Oppose +20
ABC News/Wash Post 11/14 - 11/17 RV 43 55 Against/Oppose +12
Gallup 11/7 - 11/10 1039 A 40 55 Against/Oppose +15
Quinnipiac 11/6 - 11/11 2545 RV 39 55 Against/Oppose +16
GWU/Battleground 10/27 - 10/31 1000 LV 43 53 Against/Oppose +10

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

and Obama care is as unpopular as ever and has always been and losing ground by the day
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