Obama campaign advisers admit they lied


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Obama campaign adviser Stephanie Cutter told a reporter that she had no knowledge of Joe Soptic's claim that Romney gave his wife cancer and admitted that it was a violation of the election law to sanction the story. Now it seems that the Obama campaign admits they were involved in a conference call with Soptic and talked about the story. Where is the outrage factor in the mainstream media? If Romney workers were caught in this mess they would be fired or indicted or both. Maybe reporters are so used to being lied to by the administration that this incident seems insignificant.
what can they say, "we cant run on Obamas record" News flash Stimulus didnt work" they are hating Elizabeth Warren went the indian route? So whats left?

Reid aide divulges details on source of Romney tax claim -- then retracts

"This person is an investor in Bain Capital, a Republican also, and somebody ... who has been dealing with Romney's company for a long, long time and he has direct knowledge on this," Parra said.

Parra's statement comes after Romney, in an interview with Fox News, challenged Reid to identify his source.

However, after some media attention on Parra's radio interview, Parra issued a statement taking those remarks back.

"I do not know the party affiliation of the source, how long he invested with Bain, or his relationship to Romney beyond the fact that he was an investor with Bain Capital, as Senator Reid has previously stated," he said.

Read more: Reid aide divulges details on source of Romney tax claim -- then retracts | Fox News

Okaaaay.....Guess this doesn't pass the smell test. It smells like the shit it is.
Things are starting to blow up in their faces! Love it!
Boy are they looking STOOPID! Lol!

Yes they are, but the sad fact remains... The Media is not doing its job to report it.
BS- of course they don't know, it's a Citizens United superpac ad. Meanwhile, the whole Romney campaign is Pubcrappe and unsupported promises.

Like "Hope and Change."


Let me guess only 4 more years right?

I suppose in 2016 everything will be someone elses fault right?

Reid aide divulges details on source of Romney tax claim -- then retracts

"This person is an investor in Bain Capital, a Republican also, and somebody ... who has been dealing with Romney's company for a long, long time and he has direct knowledge on this," Parra said.

Parra's statement comes after Romney, in an interview with Fox News, challenged Reid to identify his source.

However, after some media attention on Parra's radio interview, Parra issued a statement taking those remarks back.

"I do not know the party affiliation of the source, how long he invested with Bain, or his relationship to Romney beyond the fact that he was an investor with Bain Capital, as Senator Reid has previously stated," he said.

Read more: Reid aide divulges details on source of Romney tax claim -- then retracts | Fox News

Okaaaay.....Guess this doesn't pass the smell test. It smells like the shit it is.

The voices in Harry's head has him and those around him confused as hell.
We are going to hear a lot of lies in the next few months from both sides. It is really sad that this is what our election process has become. It is our fault because we let it happen. It is much easier to tell the truth. It is too hard to keep track of the lies after a while.

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