Obama eligibility challenge distributed by Chief Justice Roberts for conference befor


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Obama eligibility challenge distributed by Chief Justice Roberts for conference before Supreme Court​

By: George Spelvin

A news release from Attorney Orly Taitz reveals Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has distributed for a February 15th conference of the Court, Taitz’s Obama eligibility challenge of Noonan et al v Bowen. (5) The conference of the Court is intended to decide the merits of Ms. Taitz’s challenge to Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President. The filed action will present evidence of the following:

1. Barack Obama used a last name not legally his

2. Obama permitted the use of a forged Selective Service application

3. Obama permitted the use of forged long form and short form birth certificates

4. Obama used a Connecticut social security number which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNUS (4)​

Approximately 1 1/2 million INVALID California voter Registration forms are also featured in the...

“Obama’s ‘Forgerygate’ is 100 times bigger than Watergate,” says the attorney. She calls out high ranking officials, US Attorneys, Attorney’s General and judges who allowed a “citizen of Indonesia and possibly still a citizen of Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama; aka Barack (Barry) Soebarkah; aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro to usurp the United States Presidency through the use of forged IDs and a stolen Social Security number!”


Read more:
Obama eligibility challenge distributed by Chief Justice Roberts for conference before Supreme Court « Coach is Right


An Obama supporter who is a collections agent stumbled upon Michell Obama’s name and one click after another leads to Harrison J. Bounel using the same SS number as the PRESIDENT 042-68-4425, 6 different property id numbers for 5046 S Greenwood home that two other people are listed as owners. Real Estate fraud, 58 different address’s across the country and more.
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I started a thread on this subject a couple days ago but the more the better. People need to realize there is overwhelming evidence that obozo is NOT who he says he is. Mind you, everyone expects the SC will refuse orly's request without even looking at the evidence but that just supports the birther claim that we are not getting a fair hearing.
obama is not human, how else do you explain how he was able to go back in time, alter two hawaiin newspapers so they would herald his divine birth and then, actually go back further in time and be born via a human mother.
I hope the SC doesn't just throw everything out without really looking into it. NOT because I'm so sure he's lying, because i'm not sure. But i would like to see it really cleared up this time....I want to know for sure that we have a president that isn't a fraud and that he really didn't fool all those people that voted for him. I do lean toward the lying part though, because there's just toooooo many problems with his past. And he doesn't help any by just ignoring requests for the truth. I've always said i would like to see his college admission papers to see if he actually did enroll as a foreign student to get aid. It's a simple thing to do, it's simple to prove, but will he? Just too many questions!!
obama is not human, how else do you explain how he was able to go back in time, alter two hawaiin newspapers so they would herald his divine birth and then, actually go back further in time and be born via a human mother.


And suddenly it all begins to make sense....
i knew it, obama is really just an empty suit ex california governor
After all, it's ok to violate the privacy of gun owners in this nation. Why should it be any different for King Obama?
After all, it's ok to violate the privacy of gun owners in this nation. Why should it be any different for King Obama?
A complete background check should be conducted on Barry.

Do the burther idiots really believe that several thousand "complete background checks" have NOT been done on President Obama?

If no, what the hell have all the froot loops been doing???

Rhetorical question: WTF have these burther twerps been doing with all that money? Start counting the billions that have been spent in keeping this silly crap going:

Taitz' donors

Where is that evidence/proof/information that both Trump and Arpaip said they found and "would soon make public"?

This board ought to make a permanent conspiracy/burther fairy tale forum just for the nutters.
I hope the SC doesn't just throw everything out without really looking into it. NOT because I'm so sure he's lying, because i'm not sure. But i would like to see it really cleared up this time....I want to know for sure that we have a president that isn't a fraud and that he really didn't fool all those people that voted for him. I do lean toward the lying part though, because there's just toooooo many problems with his past. And he doesn't help any by just ignoring requests for the truth. I've always said i would like to see his college admission papers to see if he actually did enroll as a foreign student to get aid. It's a simple thing to do, it's simple to prove, but will he? Just too many questions!!

I worry about you. You really seem to me to be a very nice person.

A suggestion:

Imagine that there is a switch on the wall. This switch is a "right/wrong" switch. Currently, it is set on wrong. You have the ability to flip that switch. Instead of trusting the words of the nutters here, Drudge and FOX....you can choose to trust people like me....who have never.....and will never.....intentionally mislead you.

Flip the switch. Being on the right side of issues is much more satisfying.
I'm pretty sure they mean to arrest her on the spot and be rid of her once and for all. They probably drew straws to see which justice had to deal with this cockroach of a woman... and Roberts got the short one...

It's a trap!!
I hope the SC doesn't just throw everything out without really looking into it. NOT because I'm so sure he's lying, because i'm not sure. But i would like to see it really cleared up this time....I want to know for sure that we have a president that isn't a fraud and that he really didn't fool all those people that voted for him. I do lean toward the lying part though, because there's just toooooo many problems with his past. And he doesn't help any by just ignoring requests for the truth. I've always said i would like to see his college admission papers to see if he actually did enroll as a foreign student to get aid. It's a simple thing to do, it's simple to prove, but will he? Just too many questions!!

I worry about you. You really seem to me to be a very nice person.

A suggestion:

Imagine that there is a switch on the wall. This switch is a "right/wrong" switch. Currently, it is set on wrong. You have the ability to flip that switch. Instead of trusting the words of the nutters here, Drudge and FOX....you can choose to trust people like me....who have never.....and will never.....intentionally mislead you.

Flip the switch. Being on the right side of issues is much more satisfying.

Ha ha! That was good.....trust you......Lol!

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