Obama finally gets a tough interview


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Obama pressed on failures at Univision forum - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

From Univision of all places,
“I think that I’ve learned some lessons over the last four years and the most important lesson I’ve learned is that you can’t change Washington from the inside,” Obama said, appearing to admit his inability to fully deliver on one of the driving themes of his 2008 campaign. “You can only change it from the outside. That’s how I got elected. And that’s how the big accomplishments like health care got done.”

So why run for President then? OBama is a dumbass
Chances are those questions will be a lot tougher than the ones he'll get during the presidential debates.

"Mr. President, isn't golf fun?"
His mantra will be:

"I did not make a promise that we would get everything done, 100 percent when I was elected as president.”

Read more: Obama pressed on failures at Univision forum - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

But he did promise that he would change the way things were done in Washington, today he admitted that he failed even that. How many failures does he himself have to point out before the Maobama-bot-zombies start to wake up? The ass hole makes me want to puke!!
His mantra will be:

"I did not make a promise that we would get everything done, 100 percent when I was elected as president.”

Read more: Obama pressed on failures at Univision forum - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

But he did promise that he would change the way things were done in Washington, today he admitted that he failed even that. How many failures does he himself have to point out before the Maobama-bot-zombies start to wake up? The ass hole makes me want to puke!!

No kidding, he passed stimulus, health care, and dood-frank, all of which suck and noone wants, other than that Reid has locked himself in the bathroom and wont allow a vote on anything, oh but he does have the time to make attacks on Romney.
Maybe they aren't afraid of being called racists.:eusa_whistle:

it could be, but we have to get over that crap, racism is now a tool for the left the term itself was killed by the left for this exact reason.
Obama slammed on Fast and Furious on Univision [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

he blames Fast and Furious on Arizona!!

What a fucking liar!!
has he ever accepted responsibility for any screw ups at all?

He admitted he didn't talk enough.

yep he's so smart, we're just not smart enough to see how well he's done.....and liberals buy this.....tends to say these academics arent as smart as they are supposed to be. Overrated clap clap

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