Obama Former Nat Sec adviser slams Obama: Syria red line a ‘colossal mistake’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former Nat Sec adviser slams Obama: Syria red line a ‘colossal mistake’

"Retired Gen. Jim Jones, the first of former President Barack Obama’s national security advisers, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the last president’s decision to draw a “red line” in Syria was a colossal mistake.”

Ya Think?!

Jones declared, "...the Obama administration’s failure to enforce the Syrian red line caused a “loss of confidence” in “a very important part of the world.”
Former Nat Sec adviser slams Obama: Syria red line a ‘colossal mistake’

"Retired Gen. Jim Jones, the first of former President Barack Obama’s national security advisers, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the last president’s decision to draw a “red line” in Syria was a colossal mistake.”

Ya Think?!

Jones declared, "...the Obama administration’s failure to enforce the Syrian red line caused a “loss of confidence” in “a very important part of the world.”
/---- Jim Jones must be a racist. No other possible explanation for criticizing he sacred one..
Obama is a dunce, but not going into war in Syria was smart. The use of chemical weapons there was not done by Assad. It was a false flag in an effort to get America into another useless war, to benefit the 1%.
I still don't understand how this could ever happen.
Obama may be moving toward something resembling a doctrine. One of his advisers described the president’s actions in Libya as “leading from behind.”
The Obama doctrine: Leading from behind

One could, I guess, make a case that Obama's doctrine of 'leading from behind' is different than the old 'Speak Softly And carry A big Stick' in that his doctrine is that of a 'counter-puncher', waiting for the 1st move / punch to be thrown then reacting...except that he sucked at it.

I would argue that his doctrine was one more of 'treason' than anything else, having financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and / or even illegally gone to war to aid the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Palestinians, Iran, and Mexican Drug Cartels.
Obama didn't make EVERY right decision? Oh no, say it isn't so. :rolleyes:

Yes, "redline" move was a mistake, but you look at the shit other presidents got into and it really becomes just nibble-around-the-edges grade stuff from historic perspective.
Obama was a colossal mistake...
During the election of 2008 Liberals ands the All-In Media were able co convince Americans that Obama's admitted tutoring by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, his studying of Socialist Saul Alynski, his mentoring by racist, hate-spewing, anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, his friendships with criminal Tony Rezco and un-repentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and the influence his anti-Colonialist America-hating father had had no impact on his life or his qualifications to be President.

The past, past experiences, and those who have made significant impacts on our lives make us who we are...and as we saw too late, it all very much mattered.
Former Nat Sec adviser slams Obama: Syria red line a ‘colossal mistake’

"Retired Gen. Jim Jones, the first of former President Barack Obama’s national security advisers, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the last president’s decision to draw a “red line” in Syria was a colossal mistake.”

Ya Think?!

Jones declared, "...the Obama administration’s failure to enforce the Syrian red line caused a “loss of confidence” in “a very important part of the world.”

Colossal? How many Americans have died in Syria?
I would argue that his doctrine was one more of 'treason' than anything else, having financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and / or even illegally gone to war to aid the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Palestinians, Iran, and Mexican Drug Cartels.

You are a wakado retard if you think saying lunatic nonsense like this does anything but clear you of any credibility.
Former Nat Sec adviser slams Obama: Syria red line a ‘colossal mistake’

"Retired Gen. Jim Jones, the first of former President Barack Obama’s national security advisers, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the last president’s decision to draw a “red line” in Syria was a colossal mistake.”

Ya Think?!

Jones declared, "...the Obama administration’s failure to enforce the Syrian red line caused a “loss of confidence” in “a very important part of the world.”

Colossal? How many Americans have died in Syria?

Seriously, at least leave some vocabulary for Iraq.
Obama didn't make EVERY right decision? Oh no, say it isn't so. :rolleyes:

Yes, "redline" move was a mistake, but you look at the shit other presidents got into and it really becomes just nibble-around-the-edges grade stuff from historic perspective.

The 'Red Line' was not just an isolated 'FUBAR' moment - the ripples of that F-Up are still being felt today. It was the 1st domino to fall that led to a whole connected series of tumbling dominos: the un-opposed Iraq invasion by ISIS, running weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS, the war in Libya, - Al Qaeda taking over, Benghazi, War in Syria, the rise of ISIS, the Paris bombing, etc... His failure / F-Up in Syria is going to be felt for YEARS!
I would argue that his doctrine was one more of 'treason' than anything else, having financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and / or even illegally gone to war to aid the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Palestinians, Iran, and Mexican Drug Cartels.

You are a wakado retard if you think saying lunatic nonsense like this does anything but clear you of any credibility.
Dear Anontoo, the reality is in the recording, the reports, the history already been recorded. There is no doubt that Obama's foreign Policy / Doctrine history CONSISTES of having financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and / or even illegally gone to war to aid the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Palestinians, Iran, and Mexican Drug Cartels. None of that is disputable.

Damn the 'INTENT', on which Liberals demand to be judged rather than the 'RESULTS'. Obama's 'intent' - what he MEANT to do is irrelevant as we now face the repercussions of the actions he took. I am sorry if you do not like the reality, want to deny the reality, but it is what it is.
I would argue that his doctrine was one more of 'treason' than anything else, having financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and / or even illegally gone to war to aid the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Palestinians, Iran, and Mexican Drug Cartels.

You are a wakado retard if you think saying lunatic nonsense like this does anything but clear you of any credibility.
Dear Anontoo, the reality is in the recording, the reports, the history already been recorded. There is no doubt that Obama's foreign Policy / Doctrine history CONSISTES of having financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and / or even illegally gone to war to aid the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Palestinians, Iran, and Mexican Drug Cartels. None of that is disputable.

Damn the 'INTENT', on which Liberals demand to be judged rather than the 'RESULTS'. Obama's 'intent' - what he MEANT to do is irrelevant as we now face the repercussions of the actions he took. I am sorry if you do not like the reality, want to deny the reality, but it is what it is.

Reality: Obama took out Osama bin Laden and was bombing the shit out of ISIS for years.

But you say it was all cover for some hidden intent you know of because you have a super secret entry to his mind a-la Being John Malkovich.

You need to go take some meds and lay off politics for a while, what you are currently doing is definitely not healthy.
Colossal? How many Americans have died in Syria?

Wrong question, genius!

WHY the F* are we in Syria....UN-Constitutionally?!

We should have NEVER gone into Syria, ESPECIALLY without Congressional Authority to do so!

Way to go, Barry!

Without support from the Public, Congress, the Brits, or the UN, for airstrikes in Syria, had he gone ahead with the attack, the RWNJ's would be whining just as much.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Reality: Obama took out Osama bin Laden and was bombing the shit out of ISIS for years.

You need to go take some meds and lay off politics for a while, what you are currently doing is definitely not healthy.

Obama allowed ISIS to drive mile-long convoys across empty desert, when we could have wiped them out, and into Iraq, to begin taking over territory our military had already liberated at great cost.

Hillary and Barry worked with an International Arms Dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeda - terrorist murderers who slaughtered 3,000 Americans + 4 - and ISIS, who slaughtered THOUSANDS...using weapons provided by the Obama administration.

Hillary and Barry financed, supplied, armed, trained, and protected the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Palestinian Authority, and even Mexican Drug Cartels (who killed over 500 people - to include 4 Americans - with the weapons provided by the Obama administration).

Obama did not allow Coalition Forces to strike ISIS Black Market Oil Facilities, which funded 50% of all ISIS terrorist activities...such as the terrorist attack on Paris. (Obama helped FACILITATE the attack on Paris!)
-- AFTER the Paris attack the French & Russians said 'F* THIS' and launched an attack against the facilities
-- BEFORE the attack, Obama WARNED ISIS the attack was coming!
Has Trump asked Congress for authorization?
Not yet - he is too busy fighting off Liberals attempts to overthrow the newly elected govt AND defeat the Obstructionists to get his cabinet finalized. But don't try to distract from the fact that Syria is ONE of Obama's UN-Constitutional wars!

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