Obama Hits Below The Belt


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
If you're a Democrat you know you messed up when even HuffPo calls you on it. :redface:
Jon Ward
[email protected]

WASHINGTON -- The Obama campaign's bin Laden ad, which has stirred a fierce debate, looks to some like a hit below the belt, using a questionable premise to make a political argument that Democrats can be just as tough in dealing with the nation's enemies as Republicans.

Critics, including Huffington Post Media Group Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington, have said President Barack Obama is inappropriately politicizing a grave matter of national security.

However, two days after Romney made the comments in 2007 that were reported by Reuters, he expanded on his answer during a debate in Iowa hosted by ABC News. His answer to ABC's George Stephanopoulos -– "We keep our options quiet" -– indicated that the objection to Obama's comments about Pakistan was not something that would constrain him from acting, but rather a choice of how to conduct diplomacy.

"It’s wrong for a person running for the president of the United States to get on TV and say, 'We’re going to go into your country unilaterally.' Of course, America always maintains our option to do whatever we think is in the best interests of America. But we don’t go out and say, 'Ladies and gentlemen of Germany, if ever there was a problem in your country, we didn’t think you were doing the right thing, we reserve the right to come in and get them out.'
"We don’t say those things. We keep our options quiet. We do not go out and say to a nation which is working with us, where we have collaborated and they are our friend and we’re trying to support Musharraf and strengthen him and his nation, that instead that we intend to go in there and potentially bring out a unilateral attack.
In Chicago politics, there is no belt. It's just power, thats all.
If you're a Democrat you know you messed up when even HuffPo calls you on it. :redface:
Jon Ward
[email protected]

WASHINGTON -- The Obama campaign's bin Laden ad, which has stirred a fierce debate, looks to some like a hit below the belt, using a questionable premise to make a political argument that Democrats can be just as tough in dealing with the nation's enemies as Republicans.

Critics, including Huffington Post Media Group Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington, have said President Barack Obama is inappropriately politicizing a grave matter of national security.


Yawn. Like Republicans never did that?

Come on, Bush ran entirely on his war leadership record in 2004, and it was his right to do so.

I guess Arianna is being consistant in that she thought it was wrong then, too.
The dirtiest campaigner ever. Expect a lot more of the same from Barry

Given the crap that Romney pulled on Gingrich, Santorum and Perry, I don't think he has a lot of room to complain.

Frankly, if I were running against the Weird Robot, I'd be a lot more vicious.
I wonder if the Marxist bastard Obama will agree with Mitt to take only the available federal campaign funds and then back out like he did with McCain. Oh wait! He's already amassed millions of dollars...what does he need with the federal government?
I wonder if the Marxist bastard Obama will agree with Mitt to take only the available federal campaign funds and then back out like he did with McCain. Oh wait! He's already amassed millions of dollars...what does he need with the federal government?

Scary to you isn't it? A POTUS with tons of money and an attitude. A Rethug nightmare in the making.
High Holy Bishop Theocrat Willard Mitt Romney used his holy powers to dissolve the jobs of the many..while making the holy few..very rich. High Holy Bishop Theocrat Willard Mitt Romney pondered why so much money was being used to capture or kill one of the worst terrorists this country has ever known..and said he wouldn't have bothered.

Now High Holy Bishop Theocrat Willard Mitt Romney is a changin' his homily saying "Why of course I would..even Jimmy Carter would.."

High Holy Bishop Theocrat Willard Mitt Romney is perfection in his flip floppery.
If you're a Democrat you know you messed up when even HuffPo calls you on it. :redface:
Jon Ward
[email protected]

WASHINGTON -- The Obama campaign's bin Laden ad, which has stirred a fierce debate, looks to some like a hit below the belt, using a questionable premise to make a political argument that Democrats can be just as tough in dealing with the nation's enemies as Republicans.

Critics, including Huffington Post Media Group Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington, have said President Barack Obama is inappropriately politicizing a grave matter of national security.

However, two days after Romney made the comments in 2007 that were reported by Reuters, he expanded on his answer during a debate in Iowa hosted by ABC News. His answer to ABC's George Stephanopoulos -– "We keep our options quiet" -– indicated that the objection to Obama's comments about Pakistan was not something that would constrain him from acting, but rather a choice of how to conduct diplomacy.

"It’s wrong for a person running for the president of the United States to get on TV and say, 'We’re going to go into your country unilaterally.' Of course, America always maintains our option to do whatever we think is in the best interests of America. But we don’t go out and say, 'Ladies and gentlemen of Germany, if ever there was a problem in your country, we didn’t think you were doing the right thing, we reserve the right to come in and get them out.'
"We don’t say those things. We keep our options quiet. We do not go out and say to a nation which is working with us, where we have collaborated and they are our friend and we’re trying to support Musharraf and strengthen him and his nation, that instead that we intend to go in there and potentially bring out a unilateral attac

That..right there..

Was the Bush Doctrine.
I wonder if the Marxist bastard Obama will agree with Mitt to take only the available federal campaign funds and then back out like he did with McCain. Oh wait! He's already amassed millions of dollars...what does he need with the federal government?

The federal campaign system broke down a long time ago.

To his credit, Obama gets his money from millions of small donors who believe in him, rather than Mitt getting his money from a few rich douchebags who hope happy days will be here again where they can go back to cheating working folks.
I wonder if the Marxist bastard Obama will agree with Mitt to take only the available federal campaign funds and then back out like he did with McCain. Oh wait! He's already amassed millions of dollars...what does he need with the federal government?

The federal campaign system broke down a long time ago.

To his credit, Obama gets his money from millions of small donors who believe in him, rather than Mitt getting his money from a few rich douchebags who hope happy days will be here again where they can go back to cheating working folks.

Thou shall not speakth against High Holy Bishop Theocrat Willard Mitt Romney. The Lord has pre-ordained his winning the election..so you too can have your own planet stocked with blonde chicks ready to service you.
Whadaya expect when you're dealing with a community agitator? It all the moron knows. They'll be plenty more to come as he's oblivious to how people perceive his actions.
I wonder if the Marxist bastard Obama will agree with Mitt to take only the available federal campaign funds and then back out like he did with McCain. Oh wait! He's already amassed millions of dollars...what does he need with the federal government?

The federal campaign system broke down a long time ago.

To his credit, Obama gets his money from millions of small donors who believe in him, rather than Mitt getting his money from a few rich douchebags who hope happy days will be here again where they can go back to cheating working folks.

Thou shall not speakth against High Holy Bishop Theocrat Willard Mitt Romney. The Lord has pre-ordained his winning the election..so you too can have your own planet stocked with blonde chicks ready to service you.

Sorry, man, I'm into Asian chicks...
I wonder if the Marxist bastard Obama will agree with Mitt to take only the available federal campaign funds and then back out like he did with McCain. Oh wait! He's already amassed millions of dollars...what does he need with the federal government?

The federal campaign system broke down a long time ago.

To his credit, Obama gets his money from millions of small donors who believe in him, rather than Mitt getting his money from a few rich douchebags who hope happy days will be here again where they can go back to cheating working folks.

:lol: These type of fund raisers happen all over the country give me a break idiot

Obama was in town to try to close the contribution gap he has against likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney in Michigan. The Ilitch event reportedly cost between $10,000 and $40,000 to attend. Obama also appeared at a Democratic Party fundraiser at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn late Wednesday afternoon

Obama Impresses at Ilitch Fundraiser in Bingham Farms - Birmingham, MI Patch
The federal campaign system broke down a long time ago.

To his credit, Obama gets his money from millions of small donors who believe in him, rather than Mitt getting his money from a few rich douchebags who hope happy days will be here again where they can go back to cheating working folks.

Thou shall not speakth against High Holy Bishop Theocrat Willard Mitt Romney. The Lord has pre-ordained his winning the election..so you too can have your own planet stocked with blonde chicks ready to service you.

Sorry, man, I'm into Asian chicks...

Wrong planet.

I wonder if the Marxist bastard Obama will agree with Mitt to take only the available federal campaign funds and then back out like he did with McCain. Oh wait! He's already amassed millions of dollars...what does he need with the federal government?

The federal campaign system broke down a long time ago.

To his credit, Obama gets his money from millions of small donors who believe in him, rather than Mitt getting his money from a few rich douchebags who hope happy days will be here again where they can go back to cheating working folks.

Obama goes to $35,000 per plate fund raisers, sponsored by giddy liberal Hollywood actors that have no sense of smallness. And you think George Soros is not pumping Obama's ass full of dollars? Get fuckin' serious!
Obama can't run on his record. His keystone legislation, ObamaCare, is going to be shot down by the Supreme Court. He will look like the fool he is. He's desperate. He'll try to pull any rabbit he can out of the hat to keep his sheep in the pasture. He will be the only President there has ever been that signed a bill into law that was known to be unConstitutional before he signed it.
I wonder if the Marxist bastard Obama will agree with Mitt to take only the available federal campaign funds and then back out like he did with McCain. Oh wait! He's already amassed millions of dollars...what does he need with the federal government?

The federal campaign system broke down a long time ago.

To his credit, Obama gets his money from millions of small donors who believe in him, rather than Mitt getting his money from a few rich douchebags who hope happy days will be here again where they can go back to cheating working folks.

Obama loves the rich when they give him money, even if they are crooks

Obama's Tainted Bundler


Under Corzine, MF Global lost well over $1 billion, and I don't mean in the profit/loss sense. I mean it was physically misplaced and Corzine cannot account for where it went. The Justice Department is investigating, and news media accounts suggest a criminal prosecution is likely. Somewhat better late than never, Gensler recused himself after MF Global went bankrupt.

So, why the trip down memory lane? Because the Obama campaign just announced that Corzine is still on the list of top-tier bundlers for the Obama re-election campaign. Corzine has raised more than half a million dollars for Obama.

Obama is constantly denouncing "millionaires and billionaires" for playing by their own rules. It's true that the campaign told one reporter in February that it wouldn't take more money from Corzine himself, but it's been happy to let the man solicit donations for Obama

Obama's Tainted Bundler - Jonah Goldberg - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 2
Obama can't run on his record. His keystone legislation, ObamaCare, is going to be shot down by the Supreme Court. He will look like the fool he is. He's desperate. He'll try to pull any rabbit he can out of the hat to keep his sheep in the pasture. He will be the only President there has ever been that signed a bill into law that was known to be unConstitutional before he signed it.

So very true. Obama has shown that he will stoop to any level rather than bring attention to his dismal record. His 800 Billion dollar stimulus failed to stimulate and has been shown to be a vehicle to pay back his campaign donors with taxpayer dollars. The Obama Justice department has shown itself to be uninterested in justice opting instead to try to push a political agenda by selling guns to drug dealers. His EPA is more interested in crucifying companies than protecting the environment. GSA seems to have decided to follow the Whitehouse lead of Party Hardy Dudes because the taxpayers are buying. Gas prices are nearly 2.00 per gallon higher than they were when Obama took office and even the secret service can't be counted on anymore. So yeah, let's pull Romney's words out of context and hope to make people look at that.
If you're a Democrat you know you messed up when even HuffPo calls you on it. :redface:
Jon Ward
[email protected]

WASHINGTON -- The Obama campaign's bin Laden ad, which has stirred a fierce debate, looks to some like a hit below the belt, using a questionable premise to make a political argument that Democrats can be just as tough in dealing with the nation's enemies as Republicans.

Critics, including Huffington Post Media Group Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington, have said President Barack Obama is inappropriately politicizing a grave matter of national security.

However, two days after Romney made the comments in 2007 that were reported by Reuters, he expanded on his answer during a debate in Iowa hosted by ABC News. His answer to ABC's George Stephanopoulos -– "We keep our options quiet" -– indicated that the objection to Obama's comments about Pakistan was not something that would constrain him from acting, but rather a choice of how to conduct diplomacy.

"It’s wrong for a person running for the president of the United States to get on TV and say, 'We’re going to go into your country unilaterally.' Of course, America always maintains our option to do whatever we think is in the best interests of America. But we don’t go out and say, 'Ladies and gentlemen of Germany, if ever there was a problem in your country, we didn’t think you were doing the right thing, we reserve the right to come in and get them out.'
"We don’t say those things. We keep our options quiet. We do not go out and say to a nation which is working with us, where we have collaborated and they are our friend and we’re trying to support Musharraf and strengthen him and his nation, that instead that we intend to go in there and potentially bring out a unilateral attac

That..right there..

Was the Bush Doctrine.
And in what way has it been reversed by the Boiking?....Oh, not at all.

Like the shit economy, he owns it now.

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