Obama: ‘I hugged and kissed’ medical staff treating an Ebola patient...


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
...— and ‘felt perfectly safe doing so’

President Obama Wednesday that the dangers of a widespread Ebola outbreak in the United States are "extraordinarily low," pointing to his own contact with medical personnel treating a patient infected with the virus.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with cabinet secretaries and other top federal officials, Obama said Ebola is being "taken very seriously at the highest levels of government," but stressed that the risk of infection for the average American remains very low.

Obama said he had been in close contact with nurses at Emory University hospital who cared for two American Ebola patients.

"I shook hands with, hugged and kissed not the doctors, but a couple of the nurses at Emory, because of the valiant work that they did in treating one of the patients. They followed the protocols, they knew what they were doing, and I felt perfectly safe doing so," he said.

The president stressed that Ebola is not spread as the flu is, by way of sneezes or coughs. The virus is only spread by direct contact with the bodily fluids of someone who was infected and is exhibiting symptoms of the virus, which include a fever and vomiting.

Obama 8216 I hugged and kissed 8217 medical staff treating an Ebola patient 8212 and 8216 felt perfectly safe doing so 8217 - The Washington Post

I don’t even know if he is incredibly brave or outstandingly… dumb? Considering the fact that two nurses got infected… Plus, what’s about this smart idea:
“The president stressed that Ebola is not spread as the flu is, by way of sneezes or coughs. The virus is only spread by direct contact with the bodily fluids of someone who was infected and is exhibiting symptoms of the virus, which include a fever and vomiting.”
Am I missing something or there’s no liquid coming out when sneeze or cough?
Do you think we’ll have to elect another president a bit earlier than we expected?
Maybe he's not paralyzed with fear like some here.

You know, there's obviously a difference between not being paralyzed with fear and being reasonable...
Contacting the personnel is a risky thing to do. And he is the president of the country, so putting his own life at risk is not a smart or responsible thing to do...
Maybe he's not paralyzed with fear like some here.

You know, there's obviously a difference between not being paralyzed with fear and being reasonable...
Contacting the personnel is a risky thing to do. And he is the president of the country, so putting his own life at risk is not a smart or responsible thing to do...
Looks like some don't care if he gets Ebola :dunno:
Maybe he's not paralyzed with fear like some here.

You know, there's obviously a difference between not being paralyzed with fear and being reasonable...
Contacting the personnel is a risky thing to do. And he is the president of the country, so putting his own life at risk is not a smart or responsible thing to do...
Right....and he seems to see the difference. I would say, from posts here, that many don't.
Hopefully he doesn't get Ebola, as that is a bit risky to be sure. We will only know in 21 or so days time though, so reporters are sure to run some story when those days are up.
Maybe he's not paralyzed with fear like some here.

You know, there's obviously a difference between not being paralyzed with fear and being reasonable...
Contacting the personnel is a risky thing to do. And he is the president of the country, so putting his own life at risk is not a smart or responsible thing to do...
Looks like some don't care if he gets Ebola :dunno:

Guess it depends on how bad you want to save the country.

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