Obama / Kerry 'Freudian' Slips?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
On the heels of Obama's humiliation for claiming the day before the Paris attacks that he had 'Contained', the White House was on the defense Wednesday morning for statements made by President Obama -- who labeled Friday's Paris massacre that left 129 dead a "setback" -- and Secretary of State John Kerry's claim that the terrorists who in January attacked Charlie Hebdo had a "rationale."

What 'set-back' was Obama referring to? A setback to the 'War on ISIS'? Ummm, NO! USUAL Democratic Party / Obama Jock-toter Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson ACTUALLY (and shockingly) nailed it and scolded Obama in a recent Op-Ed:

"Obama's tone in addressing the Paris atrocity was all wrong," he wrote. "At times he was patronizing, at other times he seemed annoyed and almost dismissive. The president said, essentially, that he had considered all the options and decided that even a large-scale terrorist attack in the heart of a major European capital was not enough to make him reconsider his policy."

The policy Robinson is talking about is NOT ONLY the 'incomplete' Obama policy of 'Containment' - it is also his policy / agenda of bringing in 100,000+ Syrian 'Refugees' to the U.S.

LINK: White House on defense over Kerry, Obama comments on terror threat
Kerry first used legitimate attack. He is scum.

And yes, they both showed their true colors to those that have been blind to them. They don't value the freedom this country has given them. They see the US and the western world as imperialist, yet you won't find either of them giving up their so called imperialistic country, to go live in one of these hell holes they support.
So now you are against isolationist policies?
No, I'm just against dumbmass Liberal Islamic Extremist Sympathizers who occasionally open their mouths and reveal exactly what they are thinking then scramble to contain the damage by trying to explain, 'What I REALLY meant to say is...."

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