Turkish President Erdogan warns, 'Turkiye might enter Israel to help Palestinians'

well, i think Turkey needs an official warning from NATO..
what do you all think about it?

Turkey is a NATO member. Israel is not.
How can that be? Turkey is a NATO member and all members must come to its aid if attacked.
If attacked. If Turkey attacks someone else, they are on their own.
Having said that, this looks like bluster for internal political purposes.
You claimed Israel attacked non Arab Countries like Turkey as for the 67 war that was a strike BEFORE the Arabs attacked Israel.
Please just be honest, why do so many here resort to dishonesty so readily? I made no mention of Arab or non-Arab, you imagined that.

You said "Why would Israel attack Turkey if Turkey hadn't attacked them?" and so you've now answered your own question, Israel could make a PREEMPTIVE strike, it attacked Egypt when Egypt hadn't attacked Israel.
Please just be honest, why do so many here resort to dishonesty so readily? I made no mention of Arab or non-Arab, you imagined that.

You said "Why would Israel attack Turkey if Turkey hadn't attacked them?" and so you've now answered your own question, Israel could make a PREEMPTIVE strike, it attacked Egypt when Egypt hadn't attacked Israel.
Not even close to the same situation you retard.
Not even close to the same situation you retard.
More dishonesty, I never said 1967 was close to the "same situation". I said Israel has attacked other states BEFORE those states attacked Israel and I am correct. There are various way to react to this, 1. Admit you were wrong, or 2. Throw a temper tantrum, clearly with all your military training, option 2. was your go to.
More dishonesty, I never said 1967 was close to the "same situation". I said Israel has attacked other states BEFORE those states attacked Israel and I am correct. There are various way to react to this, 1. Admit you were wrong, or 2. Throw a temper tantrum.
LOL you are an idiot. Why would I agree your ridiculous conspiracy theory was right?
The US will defend Israel, so Turkey will face NATO as it comes to the Americans' aid.
You might be right, but I think at that stage the US would wake up and realize that Israel has become too much trouble, it would be better for the US to simply ditch Israel, not worth all the trouble, provides exactly zero to the people of the United States.
LOL go peddle your conspiracy elsewhere.

Source: Six Day War
Clearly, the article got it wrong. Egypt had already committed an act of war by moving war ships to block the Strait of Tiran through which Israel got 90% of its oil in those days, if Israel had let that stand, it would have destroyed the country, so if Egypt did not back down Israel would have no choice but to invade to end the blockade.
LBJ, who was US President at the time, sent three military missions to the area to determine what might happen if Israel did invade, and all three told him Israel would prevail. He tried to persuade Nasser to end the blockade, but Egypt was a Soviet client state at the time, and the Soviets assured Nasser the anti-aircraft defenses they had installed on the border would stop Israel from attacking, and the rest is history. The point being Egypt started the war by blocking the Strait of Tiran so while the Israeli response might have been shocking to many, it was in no sense preemptive.
Clearly, the article got it wrong. Egypt had already committed an act of war by moving war ships to block the Strait of Tiran through which Israel got 90% of its oil in those days, if Israel had let that stand, it would have destroyed the country, so if Egypt did not back down Israel would have no choice but to invade to end the blockade.
LBJ, who was US President at the time, sent three military missions to the area to determine what might happen if Israel did invade, and all three told him Israel would prevail. He tried to persuade Nasser to end the blockade, but Egypt was a Soviet client state at the time, and the Soviets assured Nasser the anti-aircraft defenses they had installed on the border would stop Israel from attacking, and the rest is history. The point being Egypt started the war by blocking the Strait of Tiran so while the Israeli response might have been shocking to many, it was in no sense preemptive.

It was Israel that chose to describe the blockade as an "act of war". Israel need only raise this in the UN and get a resolution to force Egypt to comply, that's typically how international disputes are resolved in the modern world. Nothing in the UN charter permits a military attack on a sovereign nation except in response to an armed attack, what Israel did with Egypt was against international law.

I do wish more people here would make the effort to read the UN Charter, it really would make some of these conversations easier.

Also note:

Later in life, General Rikhye sought to downplay the importance that Israel attached to keeping that waterway open, saying that Israel's accusation in 1967 of a blockade was "questionable" given that an Israeli-flagged ship had not passed through the straits in two years, and that "The U.A.R. [Egyptian] navy had searched a couple of ships after the establishment of the blockade and thereafter relaxed its implementation".

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