Obama 'lobbying against American jobs' with Keystone calls


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama is against real American energy jobs..

House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) and other Republicans are sharply criticizing President Obama for personally lobbying Democratic senators to oppose a Senate amendment to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

“By personally lobbying against the Keystone pipeline, it means the president of the United States is lobbying for sending North American energy to China and lobbying against American jobs,” the Speaker told reporters Thursday.

A White House aide confirmed that Obama has made calls to Democratic senators urging that they oppose the Keystone amendment, which is being offered on the Senate transportation bill.

Republicans have seized on the debate over the oil pipeline from Canada to hammer Obama on energy. They say construction of the pipeline will create up to 20,000 American jobs.

Boehner said he was particularly disappointed in the news because Obama had indicated to him in a meeting last week that he wanted to work with the GOP on an “all-of-the-above” energy agenda.

“Now if we’re going to have bipartisan action on energy, the Keystone pipeline is an obvious place to start,” Boehner said. “The White House owes the American people an explanation.”

The White House blasted the Keystone amendment to a Senate highway bill, which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) predicted would fail.

"The president believes that it is wrong to play politics with a pipeline project whose route has yet to be proposed," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday when asked about Obama's phone calls. He noted that an alternative route for Keystone through an ecologically sensitive area of Nebraska has not yet been determined.

Boehner: Obama 'lobbying against American jobs' with Keystone calls - TheHill.com
Obama is against real American energy jobs..

House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) and other Republicans are sharply criticizing President Obama for personally lobbying Democratic senators to oppose a Senate amendment to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

“By personally lobbying against the Keystone pipeline, it means the president of the United States is lobbying for sending North American energy to China and lobbying against American jobs,” the Speaker told reporters Thursday.

A White House aide confirmed that Obama has made calls to Democratic senators urging that they oppose the Keystone amendment, which is being offered on the Senate transportation bill.

Republicans have seized on the debate over the oil pipeline from Canada to hammer Obama on energy. They say construction of the pipeline will create up to 20,000 American jobs.

Boehner said he was particularly disappointed in the news because Obama had indicated to him in a meeting last week that he wanted to work with the GOP on an “all-of-the-above” energy agenda.

“Now if we’re going to have bipartisan action on energy, the Keystone pipeline is an obvious place to start,” Boehner said. “The White House owes the American people an explanation.”

The White House blasted the Keystone amendment to a Senate highway bill, which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) predicted would fail.

"The president believes that it is wrong to play politics with a pipeline project whose route has yet to be proposed," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday when asked about Obama's phone calls. He noted that an alternative route for Keystone through an ecologically sensitive area of Nebraska has not yet been determined.

Boehner: Obama 'lobbying against American jobs' with Keystone calls - TheHill.com

Obama assumes the position.............................

Not really sure why the Dems still lay down for Obama he could give a shit about them

Keystone oil pipeline bill fails in Senate

(Reuters) -
By Roberta Rampton and Jeff Mason

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democrats on Thursday defeated a Republican proposal to take quick action on the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline, in a vote that will give Republicans more ammunition to criticize President Barack Obama's energy policies on the campaign trail.

TransCanada's $7 billion project has been supported by some Democrats in the past, but Obama took the unusual step of calling some senators personally and asking them to vote against the proposal, drawing immediate fire from Republican leaders.

The measure needed 60 votes to pass, but fell four short.

Obama put the project on hold earlier this year pending further environmental review. Republicans argue the pipeline, which would ship oil from Canada and northern U.S. states to Texas, would create jobs and improve energy security at a time of surging gasoline prices. The project will take more than two years to build after winning all approvals.

By proposing the amendment, Republicans sought to wrest the approval process from Obama's control. They have also used the proposal to highlight his decision ahead of November presidential and congressional elections, linking his delaying of the pipeline project to rising gasoline prices.

"At a moment when millions are out of work, gas prices are sky-rocketing and the Middle East is in turmoil, we've got a president who's up making phone calls trying to block a pipeline here at home. It's unbelievable," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Obama has supported construction of the southern leg of the pipeline, and his administration will assess a new route around an environmentally sensitive area of Nebraska once it has been identified, White House spokesman Clark Stevens said.

"Once again, Republicans are trying to play politics with a pipeline project whose route has yet to be proposed," Stevens said.

The Keystone amendment was among 30 measures - many of them energy-related - being voted on as the Senate pushes in coming days to renew funding for highways and other infrastructure projects, slated to run out at the end of March.

Earlier, the Senate also defeated proposals to expand the area available for offshore oil drilling and extend the time for manufacturers to phase in new pollution regulations set by the Environmental Protection Agency for industrial boilers

KRWG: Keystone oil pipeline bill fails in Senate (2012-03-08)
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Obama is against real American energy jobs..

House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) and other Republicans are sharply criticizing President Obama for personally lobbying Democratic senators to oppose a Senate amendment to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

“By personally lobbying against the Keystone pipeline, it means the president of the United States is lobbying for sending North American energy to China and lobbying against American jobs,” the Speaker told reporters Thursday.

A White House aide confirmed that Obama has made calls to Democratic senators urging that they oppose the Keystone amendment, which is being offered on the Senate transportation bill.

Republicans have seized on the debate over the oil pipeline from Canada to hammer Obama on energy. They say construction of the pipeline will create up to 20,000 American jobs.

Boehner said he was particularly disappointed in the news because Obama had indicated to him in a meeting last week that he wanted to work with the GOP on an “all-of-the-above” energy agenda.

“Now if we’re going to have bipartisan action on energy, the Keystone pipeline is an obvious place to start,” Boehner said. “The White House owes the American people an explanation.”

The White House blasted the Keystone amendment to a Senate highway bill, which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) predicted would fail.

"The president believes that it is wrong to play politics with a pipeline project whose route has yet to be proposed," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday when asked about Obama's phone calls. He noted that an alternative route for Keystone through an ecologically sensitive area of Nebraska has not yet been determined.

Boehner: Obama 'lobbying against American jobs' with Keystone calls - TheHill.com

So a few weeks ago Obama and his press monkey lied...
Obama is against real American energy jobs..

House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) and other Republicans are sharply criticizing President Obama for personally lobbying Democratic senators to oppose a Senate amendment to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

“By personally lobbying against the Keystone pipeline, it means the president of the United States is lobbying for sending North American energy to China and lobbying against American jobs,” the Speaker told reporters Thursday.

A White House aide confirmed that Obama has made calls to Democratic senators urging that they oppose the Keystone amendment, which is being offered on the Senate transportation bill.

Republicans have seized on the debate over the oil pipeline from Canada to hammer Obama on energy. They say construction of the pipeline will create up to 20,000 American jobs.

Boehner said he was particularly disappointed in the news because Obama had indicated to him in a meeting last week that he wanted to work with the GOP on an “all-of-the-above” energy agenda.

“Now if we’re going to have bipartisan action on energy, the Keystone pipeline is an obvious place to start,” Boehner said. “The White House owes the American people an explanation.”

The White House blasted the Keystone amendment to a Senate highway bill, which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) predicted would fail.

"The president believes that it is wrong to play politics with a pipeline project whose route has yet to be proposed," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday when asked about Obama's phone calls. He noted that an alternative route for Keystone through an ecologically sensitive area of Nebraska has not yet been determined.

Boehner: Obama 'lobbying against American jobs' with Keystone calls - TheHill.com

Obama assumes the position.............................


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAegSd6pu10]Obama bowed to Saudi King - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is against real American energy jobs..

House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) and other Republicans are sharply criticizing President Obama for personally lobbying Democratic senators to oppose a Senate amendment to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

“By personally lobbying against the Keystone pipeline, it means the president of the United States is lobbying for sending North American energy to China and lobbying against American jobs,” the Speaker told reporters Thursday.

A White House aide confirmed that Obama has made calls to Democratic senators urging that they oppose the Keystone amendment, which is being offered on the Senate transportation bill.

Republicans have seized on the debate over the oil pipeline from Canada to hammer Obama on energy. They say construction of the pipeline will create up to 20,000 American jobs.

Boehner said he was particularly disappointed in the news because Obama had indicated to him in a meeting last week that he wanted to work with the GOP on an “all-of-the-above” energy agenda.

“Now if we’re going to have bipartisan action on energy, the Keystone pipeline is an obvious place to start,” Boehner said. “The White House owes the American people an explanation.”

The White House blasted the Keystone amendment to a Senate highway bill, which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) predicted would fail.

"The president believes that it is wrong to play politics with a pipeline project whose route has yet to be proposed," White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday when asked about Obama's phone calls. He noted that an alternative route for Keystone through an ecologically sensitive area of Nebraska has not yet been determined.

Boehner: Obama 'lobbying against American jobs' with Keystone calls - TheHill.com

How many jobs are we talking about?

Who lobbied to put this project on hold?
What's amazing is that Keystone III from Cushing, OK to the Gulf is going forward. He can't stop that.

But he's continuing to block the rest of it. Very bizarre in the sense that this is a real lose, lose for the WH in an election year.

With gas prices running so high, this absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. And they know it's already been rerouted away from the aquifer that has thousands of miles of pipeline across it already.

They've got to be completely wee wee'd up in the WH.

Sheesh. Makes no political sense at all.
What's amazing is that Keystone III from Cushing, OK to the Gulf is going forward. He can't stop that.

But he's continuing to block the rest of it. Very bizarre in the sense that this is a real lose, lose for the WH in an election year.

With gas prices running so high, this absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. And they know it's already been rerouted away from the aquifer that has thousands of miles of pipeline across it already.

They've got to be completely wee wee'd up in the WH.

Sheesh. Makes no political sense at all.
Sure it does. he knows he's going to lose. He's trying to do as much damage as he can in the interim.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oaq2fHiOOY]Bush Was Blamed For Gas Prices By The Left, But Obama Gets A Pass, Hypocrisy? Yes! - YouTube[/ame]
the vote in the senate went down 56-42, as they knew it would.11 dems crossed over but the 60 vote threshold meant the reps need all theirs plus 13 more....another sham. But thats the way the game is played.

if anyone can find a roll call of the vote can you post it, I have not found it yet...
How is it that just 3 years ago, Obama approved and the State Department sanctioned the Alberta Clipper pipeline? They bragged on it as a job-creating secure source of oil.

Read for yourself from the Department of State website:

What it is...

...a crude oil pipeline from Hardisty, Alberta, Canada, to Superior, Wisconsin. Construction in the United States will consist of two components that would have independent utility: the Alberta Clipper Pipeline and the Southern Lights Diluent Pipeline (view project map, 93 kb). The 36-inch Alberta Clipper Pipeline will carry up to 450,000 barrels of crude oil a day from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in Canada to refineries in the U.S. In the U.S., the Alberta Clipper Pipeline will extend 326 miles from the U.S.-Canadian border near Neche, North Dakota across northern Minnesota to an Enbridge terminal in Superior, Wisconsin. The Southern Lights Diluent Project will consist of a new 20-inch pipeline extending 191 miles from Superior, Wisconsin to an Enbridge terminal in Clearbrook, Minnesota.

What they said...

The Department found that the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Approval of the permit sends a positive economic signal, in a difficult economic period, about the future reliability and availability of a portion of United States’ energy imports, and in the immediate term, this shovel-ready project will provide construction jobs for workers in the United States.


Obama is a self-serving moron who has no business holding the office of President.
And hats off to Baucus for voting in favor of it. I was in his office this past Monday. Didn't get to see the man, but evidently his legislative aide takes very good notes. :thup:

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